Shouts about...

Grimm 2011

Grimm is become really uninteresting and repetitive, its hard to keep pace with something so boring every week :/ Good stuff in an episode only comes in bits and pieces.

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Well, I finished it. I wanted to like this show So. BAD. I love fantasy shows. I can tolerate police procedurals so long as the ensemble is good. And it wasn't entirely awful. I did finish all six seasons after all. But something just never clicked here.The cast never really gels, although there are a few true standouts (Monroe, Rosalee, Renard, Wu. God I love Wu and his much needed "we all know this is ridiculous" wisecracks.). The writing feels really lazy half the time. Characters make dumb decisions constantly to force the plot to some awful place that it really doesn't need to go. And then in season four, they basically reboot in a failed attempt to get somewhere more interesting than monster of the week. sigh It's just a trainwreck of a show. But worth the watch for fantasy buffs, And Sasha Roiz fans. Dzam, that man needs his own show.

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One of the BEST series I have seen. And I have seen a lot! Fully recommended. This is one of those shows that every character reacts to every situation like any of us in their place would do. There is very little to argue here once you understand the plot.

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  • Story 4/5
  • Characters 4/5

  • Depth 3/5

  • Cast 4/5

  • Artistry 3/5

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it started off strong but then got bad

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Finished it all in about a month. Don't think I've ever done that before. Was a great show and wish it was picked up by a new network to either keep going or if the cast wants to move on intro a next generation with their kids

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This show had its ups and downs but it was one of the very few shows that I never tired of watching and always looked forward to weekly. It may have jumped the shark a while ago but that didn't bother me; it was always entertaining week to week. Just a great cast and a great concept. Stinks that it's run its course since it ain't easy finding good sci-fi/fantasy. Guess they'll replace it with another standard cop show or Chicago SVU something.

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the 4th season destroyed this series to me

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Loved the start of the show and wanted to keep going. Not enough to keep me hooked thought currently waitlisted until I have nothing better to watch T_T

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Shout by Deleted


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Watching the series for the 3rd time. Great show except for the very poor acting by Bitsie Tulloch.

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A great show which was a blend of Fantasy with reality, creatures that could in exist in this reality brought to life in the right show. Grimm was a show I always looked forward to, and I wasn't expected the series to end but it did end on a high note. They really did the story justice, bringing it to a climax, with a great end. You never know what to expect from the next monster, from season to season they grew together battling the forces of evil and protecting people. Nick Burkhardt was the perfect Grimm with the right set of people around him, and I really loved all the characters that developed over the years into the tight knit group. What a twist of an ending! Bravo!

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What a series finale, I didn't even know the show was going to end but it did end with a very high note. I'm seriously going to miss Grimm, it got the right combination of Fantasy and Reality, lets hope for a sequel.

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I just wanted to say, Fuck NBC for not renewing Grimm.

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I have been watching this so for so long and I'm utterly sad that it has found it's ending. I loved the adventures Nick and his friend had and feel like I have become one of the people in Nick his group of friends which I think you can basically call his family. I saw this show grow and become better, I saw how the animations became more real, how the storyline "grew up" as well as all the characters, and I will miss it. I truly will. I haven't seen one boring episode of Grimm, and that says something.

I don't like the thought of no new Grimm episodes, but I have enjoyed this show to the fullest.

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Shout by Deleted

This season finale is what the show needed to reborn. This season had turned to be more about "the wesen of the week" that really follow the original concept of the serie. I hope they change in the next season, because the serie used to be really good. Although, the idea of "bringing back Juliette" doesn't convince me at all. I hope she and Nick won't end up together after everything she had done (like Juliette and Eve), but I guess is up to the writers :/

And Diana...? yeah, that girl is the devil. Definitely.

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Shout by Deleted


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If you like Supernatural or even something like Charmed then you'll probably like this. Of course the later seasons aren't as good as the first few. But it's like that with most series.

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Nice, monsters, detective, magic, culture, 9/10

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very mediocre show... i did not find myself rooting for any character. nick /adalind/juliette storyline was one of the dumbest... like after the kids were born adalind went all soft and lost all her hexenbiest juice.. wish she was the badass hexenbiest till the end... some standalone episodes were quite nice to watch though

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Watched during initial run on TV - was gra* great upto Season 3 then went downhill from Nick/Adalind storyline. Dragged myself through S4 but never made it through the rest. Caught the Finale and was extremely disappointed whith what had happend to storuy and characters that I initially enjoyed watchinh. Watch but expect to be dissar* dissatisfied with end results.

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Shout by pvquinta


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Shout by Deleted

I felt in love with Nick since the firts episode. even though I stop watching at the end of the season 1 because I couldn't stand his girlfriend.Bah. I was all about Nick and Adalind, so when I learn the new storyline I was back on track. Gosh.It was so exciting!!!

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Loved every second of it

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So boring only shitty faces

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Whoa this show was almost good as supernatural.Only 6 seasons why?!?

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Shout by Deleted

I was late getting into Grimm as not generally my genre. After much persuasion i gave in and watched all seasons over a few months.. Total convert and cannot believe another platform hasn't picked it up.. Nick and Monroe had a lot more to do.. BRING IT BACK!!

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Shout by Deleted

I love this show! Too bad it ends at Season 6. : (

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Shout by yknomeh

I'm gonna miss this TV Show ;-P

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Shout by Deleted

Next season only at October's end ?? But I want to see the final showdown ! Never been so angry about villains till now

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Shout by Deleted

great show ,juleit was a bad actor for a juliet,robot witch, much better.

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One of my favorite shows with so much crap coming out!

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Shout by Victor

I would say that Juliette's turning-into-a-witch thing is the only interesting thing happened in the whole season. The rest is just repetitive stuff.

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I like the show a lot. However, this season is really irritating with the Juliette as a hexenbieste story line because she's incredibly selfish, mean, and pretty much acting like a spoiled brat. While I understand it's part of what she's become now, it's really been dragging out to the point of annoyance and becoming dull. They really need to finish it up already.

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Awesome series, hope they continue this series for like 10 or 20 seasons!

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awesome program, been desperately binge watching this to catch-up

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Awesome Show, keep it coming with seasons

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Fantastic show!

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I have an idea about how Adalind removed Nick's powers. Being a Grimm means being able to see the truth of who someone really is. Well, Adalind twice deceived Nick. He failed to see her for who she truly was when she appeared as Juliette, and again when he slept with her. Perhaps all she has done is used that failure to suppress Nick's ability to see the truth...?

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Shout by Deleted


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I would never have tought that Grimm would become my favorite show at the end of its third season. The quality of the show is constantly raising and is at the moment the only show I'm waiting for the next episode and still being amazed.

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Shout by Deleted

love it! #nuffsaid

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Shout by Deleted

I love this show.!

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Shout by rapunzalia

It's true that it can get repetitive after a while but I have to admit that I am still hooked. Certain characters are getting more interesting and I thought the show improved by the episode. Definitely sticking around for the third season.

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Shout by Deleted

Surprisingly enjoyable

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Shout by Deleted

Great show

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Shout by Deleted

Ok show, but CGI is awful.

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Shout by redbanker

Come on people, it's Buffy and it's finding its feet.

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At first is a little slow, but then is really good

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Shout by Deleted

i just love this

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Shout by Deleted

boring. it's always the same

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Shout by artito

Well ... the first episodes was really predictable and not so great, but the last two -8th & 9th was really interesting. I think that the've made some improvements. I can't say that is my favorite show, but I like it so far.

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@stryjewski i second that

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That fact that this show, with it's horrible writing and predictability, is considered one of the best new shows this season is just sad.

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I watched the 1st 2 episodes and I must say that so far the show looks pretty promissing.

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Shout by Deleted

So havent seen this yet. What do u all think?

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