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Heartbreak High

Season 7 1998 - 1999

  • 1998-08-08T07:30:00Z on Network Ten
  • 44m
  • 1d 5h 20m (40 episodes)
  • Australia
  • English
  • Drama
A group of students at an inner-city high school in Sydney deal with the many obstacles life throws at them including love, racism, broken homes, homelessness and drug addiction.

40 episodes

Season Premiere


7x01 Episode 171

Season Premiere

7x01 Episode 171

  • 1998-08-08T07:30:00Z44m

Jet, the new girl, arrives in town. She's feisty and quick-witted and inevitably attracts the attention of Drazic. Jet plays hard to get, but the attraction is clearly mutual. She picks Draz up for an impromptu date and he is impressed with her set of wheels — he's even more impressed when she lets him take the car for a spin. But when Draz sees the cops crawling all over the car the following day, he is shocked to learn that it was stolen. He confronts Jet and she reveals her background — she's just finished a sentence in a juvenile detention centre. Draz's anger dissolves as his infatuation with this new bad girl grows.
After all the trouble school has given him lately, Kurt has decided it's time to try life on the outside. He has his heart set on a career in the armed forces. Ox has the same idea, but his weight problem has him worried but Kurt offers to help him train for the physical test. Kurt's optimism is infectious and Ox's confidence builds the more he trains. Both pass the physical and Ox is ecstatic when the army recruitment officer informs him he's been accepted. But Kurt's hopes are shattered. The army has learnt of his recent assault of a teacher, and his application has been rejected. Kurt is devastated, but his resolve not to go back to school is stronger than ever.
Hartley needs a school captain, and who better for the job than Sarah Livingstone? With a campaign manager like Ryan, it's gotta be Lee Delaine. And as far as the class is concerned, his policies are far more attractive than the conservative old ones Sarah is dishing out. When the election results are tied, Nat is confused — there's an odd number of students in the class, which means someone hasn't voted. Ryan concedes it was him, and tentatively hands in the deciding vote.


7x02 Episode 172

7x02 Episode 172

  • 1998-08-15T07:30:00Z44m

A graffiti artist is on the loose in the school and Di is not impressed. Only Draz knows the true identity of the culprit and he's in full support of her artistic expression.
It looks like Kurt will be joining the ranks of the unemployed when his search for a job proves much harder than he'd anticipated. But when all seems lost, he secures a job at the local supermarket — hunting down lost and missing trolleys.
When Nat gives a talk on careers, Sarah expresses her desire to be a high school teacher. She cops the inevitable goading from her classmates but it doesn't stop her from accepting Nat's offer to take over the class, eventually discovering that just being herself is the key to successful teaching.


7x03 Episode 173

7x03 Episode 173

  • 1998-08-22T07:30:00Z44m

In an attempt to boost the Shark Pool's takings and help pay off his debts, D'espo invests in a foosball table and plays host to a mini World Cup. D'espo's venture brings in the customers but when the Shark Pool is vandalised, Drazic has to decide whether or not to turn in the culprit.
When Kurt returns to school he finds himself the victim of an unlikely bully. Lee is out for blood — determined to fight the battle his father refused to when he let Kurt off the hook for assaulting him. Lee realises he has taken things too far when he badgers Kurt until he is forced to agree to fight him.
Concerned her relationship with Ryan is purely physical, Sarah revives her love of ice skating and hopes Ryan will want to share it. But Ryan's skating prowess leaves a lot to be desired and it's obvious to both of them that it's really not his thing. With Ryan out of the picture, Sarah has an opportunity to meet someone who shares her interests.


7x04 Episode 174

7x04 Episode 174

  • 1998-08-29T07:30:00Z44m

Anita is worried about Drazic's involvement with Jet but love is blind and Draz is smitten. Jet resents Anita's interference and warns her to stay away from Draz. Barnett has had it with Jet's disruptive influence as well and warns her that she's on her last chance — get her act together or she's done at Hartley.
D'espo's financial problems are getting him down. If he can't raise five hundred bucks in a few days to pacify the bank, he's history. So when he makes a mistake on an order, and three hundred pies arrive at the canteen, he's ropeable. How's he going to shift three hundred meat pies? Ryan comes up with a plan — a pie-eating competition. However, to make the venture pay off, D'espo has to step up to the plate.
Sarah finds herself fighting Jarrod's charm when she agrees to partner him in a skating competition. Practice sees them spending a lot of time together and while Sarah is momentarily swept away by the romanticism of it all, her conscience ultimately sees her stick by Ryan.


7x05 Episode 175

7x05 Episode 175

  • 1998-09-05T07:30:00Z44m

Barnett warns the boys against the dangers of slam-dunking but her warning goes unheeded and Draz ends up injured. But is Draz suffering a legitimate injury, or is he just stringing everyone along? While Ryan waits on Drazic hand and foot, Barnett is the first to call Draz's bluff by launching an official investigation.
When Lee can't get tickets to see his guitar-toting idol, Tommy Emmanuel, in concert, he recruits Dennis to help him find a way to meet the man himself.


7x06 Episode 176

7x06 Episode 176

  • 1998-09-12T07:30:00Z44m

Patriotism has come to Hartley Heights — but not everyone salutes to the Australian flag, somebody keeps stealing it and Barnett appoints Dennis and Kurt to nab the culprit.
Lee wants to be a biker to get the babes. He thinks he's a bit of a hell raiser in his leather jacket but as Draz points out — the image is incomplete without a motorbike.


7x07 Episode 177

7x07 Episode 177

  • 1998-09-19T07:30:00Z44m

Lee once again finds himself an outsider, and the rejection is starting to get to him. If he can prove his masculinity, the boys' club will have to accept him — but Kurt, Dennis and the guys aren't easily persuaded.
Ryan finds himself stuck with opera tickets he had purchased when he and Sarah were still together.


7x08 Episode 178

7x08 Episode 178

  • 1998-09-26T07:30:00Z44m

Thania has her eye on Kurt and when he asks her about her mothers yoga lessons, she takes the opportunity to try to get to know him a bit better.
Seems there are a few spiders on the loose at Hartley and while most of the students are happy to co-exist, Lee takes it upon himself to make the school a safe place once again.


7x09 Episode 179

7x09 Episode 179

  • 1998-10-03T07:30:00Z44m

Dennis takes a close look at his love life and realises he doesn't have one. He hones his eye on spunky chicklet, Spike, but she's not interested — Dennis isn't really her type. So in the quest to be her 'type', Dennis decides to change his image.


7x10 Episode 180

7x10 Episode 180

  • 1998-10-10T07:30:00Z44m

Ryan tries out for the combined highschool cricket team but is put off his game when a team member sledges him. He is mortified to have missed selection and resolves to toughen up. His efforts come at the expense of his friends' feelings but when Nat gives him a taste of his own medicine, Ryan, armed with some compromising information, sets out to take his teacher down.


7x11 Episode 181

7x11 Episode 181

  • 1998-10-17T07:30:00Z44m

End of year Muck Up is upon us and it threatens to be the Muck Up to end all. Di warns the kids not to take it too far and bans Draz from participating. But while he's not allowed to get his hands dirty, it doesn't mean he can't be Head Organiser of the great event!


7x12 Episode 182

7x12 Episode 182

  • 1998-10-24T07:30:00Z44m

Kurt, Ryan and Draz scoff at all the swotters freaking out and cramming for the exams. They decide to make a pact — no study, no stress, no way. Barnett points out that cramming can improve results but the boys are resolved — it's time for some serious leisure.


7x13 Episode 183

7x13 Episode 183

  • 1998-10-31T07:00:00Z44m

Draz has cultivated a very bad habit and his timing couldn't be worse. He can't seem to stop himself from sleeping in and gets off to a poor start in the exams.
Dennis' attempts to humiliate Sarah publicly about her inability to handle pre-exam nerves hit the spot but he pulls his head in when Sarah tells him the real reason she's sick.


7x14 Episode 184

7x14 Episode 184

  • 1998-11-07T07:00:00Z44m

Ryan has lined up a classy venue for the end of year formal but his plans fall through and he finds himself on D'espo's doorstep, begging for ideas. D'espo takes over the reigns and assures Ryan he'll organise the formal to end all formals.


7x15 Episode 185

7x15 Episode 185

  • 1998-11-14T07:00:00Z44m

Kurt, Draz, and Dennis are bored and broke. In searching for a way to make money, Kurt suggests they start up their own lawn-mowing business. Only one problem — no mower.


7x16 Episode 186

7x16 Episode 186

  • 1998-11-21T07:00:00Z44m

Ryan gets a job at a cricket pavillion and meets a legend.Kurt and Thania get together.Dennis fails his exams, so does Anita and Drazic. Kurt leaves to go to Townsville and Ryan leaves to go on tour with the legends of cricket.The crew all say goodbye to each other and Di Barnett tells them she is leaving to teach another school and Draz jumps for joy, but later says goodbye.


7x17 Episode 187

7x17 Episode 187

  • 1998-11-28T07:00:00Z44m

Now that Drazic is out in the real world, he wants to increase his income but is not pleased when D'espo refuses to reward him with more hours and a pay rise. Draz finds himself hitting the sidewalk in search for a better job and just when it looks like there's no hope of Draz ever finding a job, Undercurrent reporter Katherine Baker turns up with a film crew wanting to follow Draz's search for employment. When Draz's story goes to air, D'espo is vilified while Drazic is painted as the struggling hero of hard times causing the job offers start flowing in.


7x18 Episode 188

7x18 Episode 188

  • 1998-12-05T07:00:00Z44m

Thanks to Undercurrent reporter Katherine Baker, Draz has lined up an interview for a job at a classy hotel. Draz's future in the hospitality industry looks set and he buys Anita a present to mark his future wealth and success. The Undercurrent crew continue to film his progress and are present at the interview when Draz is told he's landed the job. But things take a turn when the manager asks Draz to take his eyebrow ring out for the job.


7x19 Episode 189

7x19 Episode 189

  • 1998-12-12T07:00:00Z44m

Zac's old man, Owen, is working him pretty hard at his stone masonry workshop. As far as Owen is concerned, keeping the family business afloat is more important than going to school. Lee enlists Zac to help him operate his four-track recording machine — he could use someone who's good with sound. Zac gives Lee a hand after school but gets a blast from Owen when he gets back late to the workshop. Zac lies to his father, telling him he was late because got a detention for turning up late to school. Owen visits Carson the following day to discuss whether or not to pull his son out of school — after all, why waste the time when there's a secure job waiting for Zac at the stone masonry?
Draz is doing it tough in the financial department but he's too proud to accept money from Anita. Life gets worse when the cops pull him up on the street and make him their number one suspect for a bag-snatch that happened in the area.


7x20 Episode 190

7x20 Episode 190

  • 1998-12-19T07:00:00Z44m

Zac's trying his hardest to give the stone masonry a go but his heart's not in it. When he can't take it anymore, Zac tells his father he's going back to school. Owen begs him to stay but when Zac refuses, Owen gives him an ultimatum — if Zac won't work for the business, then Owen won't support him.
A police liaison officer has been appointed to the school in an attempt to forge stronger links between the police service and the students.


7x21 Episode 191

7x21 Episode 191

  • 1998-12-26T07:00:00Z44m

Anita breaks up with Drazic and goes out with Todd Gillespie. Draz smashes up the classroom.


7x22 Episode 192

7x22 Episode 192

  • 1999-01-02T07:00:00Z44m

Despo opens a new cafe in the school grounds called La Dolce Vita.Dennis starts dating fat girl Sophie.


7x23 Episode 193

7x23 Episode 193

  • 1999-01-09T07:00:00Z44m

Thania gives Drazic a pet piggy to cheer him up.Zac and Gem kiss behind lees back.


7x24 Episode 194

7x24 Episode 194

  • 1999-01-16T07:00:00Z44m

A new student who is deaf gets a hard time from the students.Lee askes Zac to leave the Delaines.Marc accuses Draz of staeling from the poor and draz says he is the poor.


7x25 Episode 195

7x25 Episode 195

  • 1999-01-23T07:00:00Z44m

Clare Grant,an exchange student from London,starts at heartly.Zac moves into the shed with draz and thania.Marc has a crush on miss Kasis.


7x26 Episode 196

7x26 Episode 196

  • 1999-01-30T07:00:00Z44m

Marc and jackie get close.


7x27 Episode 197

7x27 Episode 197

  • 1999-02-06T07:00:00Z44m

Marc's interest in Jackie has grown and he's starting to look at her as more than just his teacher. He uses their private tutorials to try to get to know Jackie on a more personal level.
Gem and Zac are working on another song and Draz is tempted to wear ear plugs around the shed so he doesn't have to listen to it anymore. But the recording takes a back seat when Gem joins an acappella group at the school and starts taking singing lessons.


7x28 Episode 198

7x28 Episode 198

  • 1999-02-13T07:00:00Z44m

Jill Delaine stars work as the new school secretary.Marc and thania fall out but make up whan they have to look for two old heartly students as a project.


7x29 Episode 199

7x29 Episode 199

  • 1999-02-20T07:00:00Z44m

Lee is bullied by his friends and soon he is on the school roof... Draz has a party to celebrate the end of his probation.


7x30 Episode 200

7x30 Episode 200

  • 1999-02-27T07:00:00Z44m

Drazics dad turns up and does not get a good welacome from his son.A new student arrives and is dressed as a goth.


7x31 Episode 201

7x31 Episode 201

  • 1999-03-06T07:00:00Z44m

Drazic and his Dad make up after Draz helps him at the garage however tragedy strikes when Dragon collapses and dies.


7x32 Episode 202

7x32 Episode 202

  • 1999-03-13T07:00:00Z44m

Drazic confronts his father when the rent money for the shack disappears. His father's frank admission only confirms Drazic's belief that he doesn't want his father in his life. When Dragon lands in hospital after Drazic hits him, Drazic makes a startling discovery — his father is dying from cancer. Given the little time he has left, Thania encourages Drazic to patch things up with his father.


7x33 Episode 203

7x33 Episode 203

  • 1999-03-20T07:00:00Z44m

Drazic is trying to deal with his father's death when Anita comes back to town hoping to help him through the ordeal.
Thania circulates a petition in hopes of combating government cuts to public education. Her fellow students don't share her enthusiasm and the Minister won't even see her prompting Thania to take her protest to the school roof. Thania's growing movement attracts the attention of the media and puts Carson in a difficult position.


7x34 Episode 204

7x34 Episode 204

  • 1999-03-27T07:00:00Z44m

Draz has inherited his father's auto repair business and is stoked when he learns it could sell for a hundred grand. Drazic's excitement at the idea of a quick sale is quickly tempered when he finds himself the target of a slimy real estate agent and a volatile loan shark.
Tess wants to go to the Effigy concert but Tim puts his foot down — those concerts are dangerous and attract the wrong crowd! Dennis has a word to Tess's father on her behalf and convinces Tim to allow Tess to go to the concert. He agrees but on one condition — that she goes with Dennis who has promised to look after her.


7x35 Episode 205

7x35 Episode 205

  • 1999-04-03T07:30:00Z44m

Anita returns to Hartley Heights but finds herself struggling to catch up in her classes. Draz is determined to fill his dad's shoes in the running of the business and spends every spare moment he has working to get everything done. Adding to his troubles, he discovers a homeless kid hanging around the garage. Anita makes an effort to get to know the boy but Drazic is unsympathetic despite their similar background.


7x36 Episode 206

7x36 Episode 206

  • 1999-04-10T07:30:00Z44m

Marc and Drazic are suspicious when they notice a guy taking photographs of them from the school gates. The man is searching for a model for an ad campaign and both guys want the job but there can only be one winner... or perhaps even less than that.


7x37 Episode 207

7x37 Episode 207

  • 1999-04-17T07:30:00Z44m

Carson is appalled when half the class fails to hand in its assignments because watching television took priority over doing the homework. When Carson suggests the kids are addicted to TV, Anita challenges the Dennis and Draz to take a bet on who can go the longest without watching television. Anita is confident she can cruise to an easy victory but the temptation of her favourite soap opera proves too great... much to the delight of the guys who must face their own weaknesses.


7x38 Episode 208

7x38 Episode 208

  • 1999-04-24T07:30:00Z44m

Gemma decides to split Marc and Thania up when their seemingly perfect relationship continues to grate on her nerves. Gem starts a rumour that Miss Kassis is involved with one of her students and guides Thania towards making the conclusion that Marc is that student. Marc denies anything ever happened between them but Thania isn't able to accept his explanation and ends their relationship.


7x39 Episode 209

7x39 Episode 209

  • 1999-05-01T07:30:00Z44m

Gem lies about marc assaualting her in the cupboard.Draz is arrested by Gillespie but thinks its a set up


7x40 Episode 210 (Show finale)

7x40 Episode 210 (Show finale)

  • 1999-05-08T07:30:00Z44m

Drazic is put under pressure to take the rap for the stolen car parts.Anita asks Gillespie to do her a favour and help Drazic.Draz decides to tell the police the truth and is put in the clear.After realising what Anita means to him he asks her to marry him and he accepts.They invite the whole school,even the princple Alan Carson!!
