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Hell Girl: Season 2

Hell Girl: Two Mirrors 2006 - 2007

  • 2006-10-06T15:00:00Z on BS11
  • 25m
  • 10h 50m (26 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Drama, Mystery, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Anime
A supernatural system allows people to take revenge by having other people sent to Hell via the services of a mysterious entity and her assistants who implement this system. Revenge, injustice, hatred, and the nature of human emotions are common themes throughout the series.

26 episodes

Season Premiere


2x01 (27) The girl in the dark

Season Premiere

2x01 (27) The girl in the dark

  • 2006-10-06T15:00:00Z25m

Onda Maki is being bullied in class, but she doesn't know who is bullying her. She spends every night typing her classmates' names into the Hotline to Hell engine, but always erases it. Her science teacher Kamishiro tries to help her, but Onda always refuses.Eventually, she finds out that Kamishiro is the one who has been bullying her and sends her to Hell. Onda has a new friend, and as they are working after school on a project, Onda discovers that her friend had been helping Kamishiro bully her.


2x02 (28) Transient

2x02 (28) Transient

  • 2006-10-13T15:00:00Z25m

Yayoi's sister, Sumire is missing. She is constantly hearing the sound of bubbles from underwater. She after a while begins to realize her sister is dead. But because she doesn't know the identity of the killer, she can't get onto the website to get her sister's revenge. She blames herself for Sumire's death because Sumire vanished on a day Yayoi didn't walk with her. Yayoi falls into a fountain and has a vision of what happened to her sister. Sumire was kidnapped, raped, killed, and dumped in a lake, which explains the bubbles. Yayoi knows the identity of the killer and sends him to Hell for Sumire.


2x03 (29) Beloved Kei-chan

2x03 (29) Beloved Kei-chan

  • 2006-10-20T15:00:00Z25m

A girl named Tae-pon is obsessively protective of her neighbor, Kei-chan. She refuses to admit her love for Kei-chan because she thinks their relationship would change and then they would drift apart. She knows his girlfriend is a two-timer, but refuses to tell him because she's "protecting" him. Kei-chan enters her room through her window, admits he knows his girlfriend is cheating on him, and then sleeps with Tae-pon when she comforts him. She becomes afraid that their relationship is now in danger of changing and refuses to open her window when Kei says he loves her. She opens her window to see if he's still there, causing him to lose his balance and fall to his death. The next day, Tae-pon sends his ex-girlfriend to Hell for causing Kei-chan to be distraught enough to alter his relationship with Tae-pon and for calling him pathetic. Tae-pon moves to a new area and her new window neighbor looks almost exactly like Kei-chan...


2x04 (30) Secret

2x04 (30) Secret

  • 2006-10-27T15:00:00Z25m

Yagisawa's wife, Chinami, is in the hospital, fighting an illness. He'll do anything for money to help her. He enters the site to get revenge on Hhouki, the man who tricked him into killing a man for money. Hhouki wanders into the hospital and tells Chinami that her husband killed a man, causing her to go into a coma due to her distress. He eventually send Hhouki hell (for refusing to help his wife and blackmailing him). When he returns to the hospital to tell his wife that everything is okay, she no longer remembers him. Kikuri is seen wandering around the hospital and having a strange effect on Chinami. In this episode, she leaves the mortal world with Ai and officially becomes part of the group.


2x05 (31) Rampage in Hell

2x05 (31) Rampage in Hell

  • 2006-11-03T15:00:00Z25m

Yamada Leon, is constantly bullying Oi-chan. So Oi-chan sought a contract with Ai but he changed his mind after learning about the consequences. Leon falls in love with a high school girl named Miyahara Izumi. He plans to confess his love for her and leave the gang he is in. However, Leon's gang leader refuses to let him leave the gang. After Leon overhears Oi-chan talking about the Hell Girl, he made Oi-chan show him the Hotline to Hell. Leon's gang leader tries to kidnap Izumi to stop Leon from confessing to her. However, as he kidnaps Izumi, Leon sends him to hell. After continuing to bully Oi-chan, Leon steals his wallet and plans to finally confess to Izumi once again. While he's speeding down the street, he crashes and goes almost immediately to Hell.

Hosono Souta is a boy who always sits in the infirmary. Because of this, his classmates make fun of him. He falls in love with a classmate, Nitta Kiwako, because she was the only one who did not make fun of him. He dislikes her current boyfriend. Hosono attempts to access the Hotline to Hell, but Ai rejects him. While Hosono is stalking Kiwako at a bowling alley, he overhears her boyfriend suggesting to his friend, Sawazaki, that he will "lend" Kiwako to him so that Sawazaki can finally lose his virginity. Ai appears to Hosono that night, but while he begs her to save Kiwako, he refuses to sell his soul in exchange for revenge. Kiwako later tells Hosono that she accessed the Hotline to Hell and has sent her horrible boyfriend to Hell. Hosono is shocked that she would agree to go to Hell for that and turns down Ai's help once and for all. At the end of the episode it is shown that Hosono purchases a blade, and plans to kill Sawazaki.


2x07 (33) Bonds

2x07 (33) Bonds

  • 2006-11-17T15:00:00Z25m

Ougi Emi’s family has changed ever since her brother, Ougi Tatsuya, died in a motorcycle accident. Her mother is ignoring the family to get the city to take the blame for her son's death. Tatsuya was everything for his mother and Emi tries to help her mother get over it, but her mother continues to be unconcerned for the well-being of her daughter. Emi learns that her brother had one of Ai's dolls but hadn't used it yet, now it belongs to Emi. One day her family becomes dysfunctional and she sends her mother to hell. After that, she realizes that she's better off without her mother.

Baba Shouko is a teacher everyone dislikes because she frequently scolds students and is very strict. A fake Hotline to Hell was created by somebody and it is circulated among students who were just scolded by Baba sensei. Tracing was carried out and they concluded that a student named Ikami Waka created and circulated the fake Hotline to Hell. However, Ikami claims that she did not do it. On the same night, another teacher named Kuriyama Mami calls Ikami and tells her that it was Baba who made the fake Hotline to Hell, blames her for it and told Ikami to come to school. Mami-sensei waits in school for Ikami to come and tried to convince Ikami to access the real Hotline to Hell to send Baba to hell. To her surprise, the one who turned up is Ai. Mami and Ai already knew each other from their pasts. The truth is Mami was the one who created the fake Hotline to Hell and blamed the students for it. It was all because Baba scolded Mami when she was young and she blames Baba for all her problems. Baba comes and types in Mami's name into the real Hotline to Hell, as a punishment for an attempt to use her students as sacrifices. Baba agrees to go to hell as she blamed herself for coaching a teacher like Mami.

Suzaki Maho hates her brother, Suzaki Miki, for chasing away her boyfriends. Maho believes that because he is a model, he feels that he is prettier than she is. The pair has no parents thus they only have each other. Maho discovers that Miki dresses up as a woman and steals her boyfriends away. He later confesses his love to his Maho. When Maho can no longer take the pressure, she ends up sending him to Hell.

Hone Onna meets a director named Negoro Tetsuro. He wants Hone Onna to be the protagonist (Sone Anna) in his film. He is obsessed about writing screen plays. He has a wife and two lovers but seems uninterested in all of them. Eventually Tetsuro’s wife, one of his lovers (Kumiko-chan) and Hone Onna become good friends. Then they decided to go to the hot springs. But being clumsy and foolish, Tetsuro bumps into a stranger’s car and a few hours later, spills coffee on him. That man, named Gyouta Hauhiroku, sends Tetsuro to hell. In the end, Hone Onna erases herself from Kumiko and Tetsuro's wife's memories. This episode depicts the flash-backs of Hone Onna.

Amagi Shizuko adopts a stray cat and names it Muru. She just moved in and has not introduced herself to her neighbors yet. Whenever she tries to no one is at home. Ren often comes to visit her. A few days after adopting the cat, she begins to receive mysterious prank calls. Items that she did not order were delivered to her house. She also receives threatening letters, warning her to throw out the cat. Amagi does not know what to do as she does not have enough money to move out yet. She hires a private investigation agency and they discovers that it is her neighbor named Tachibana Kyouko making prank calls and sending threats. She sends a letter to Tachibana apologising about the cat and told her that she will move out with the cat as soon as possible. That being done, she hears bangs and crashes from next door. The next day, she gets home and discovers that her apartment door is wide open and Muru is gone. She frantically attempts to search for the cat and found a plastic bag filled with meat outside. Thinking that it is Muru, she pulls the string on Ai's doll to send Tachibana to hell. Later in the episode, it is revealed that the cat belonged to Tachibana and she was upset that Amagi adopted the cat. Amagi hears distant cat meows and discovers Muru thus the bag of meat was nothing but another prank.


2x12 (38) The Black Track

2x12 (38) The Black Track

  • 2006-12-22T15:00:00Z25m

A new road needs to be built to stop the traffic accidents in the area but it is blocked by a house. The house is occupied by an old man who refuses to move. The brother of one of the victims of the road wants vengeance and picks up Wannyudou as he wanted to hitch a ride. They discuss about the incident. The brother then makes Wannyoudou get out of the vehicle and plans to kill the houseowner himself. After Wannyoudou gets out and the brother drives away, Ai and Wannyoudou show up in the truck. Just before he can pull the string, Ren's eye appears and says that his request was cancelled. The houseowner just passed away. He did not believe it and speeds up down the road to try to kill the old man. He nearly got into the same accident as his brother. They enter the house and see Sone with Kikuri and the dead houseowner. Sone hands the brother the houseowner's will. The old man had left the plot of land to the family of the guy who got into the fatal accident. During this episode, Wannyoudou's past is explained.


2x13 (39) The Quiet Lakeside

2x13 (39) The Quiet Lakeside

  • 2007-01-05T15:00:00Z25m

Mysterious deaths have been happening all over a town. Men with no apparent connections to one another have been found dead, stabbed with a bamboo skewer, with their hands in the "peace" symbol. Eventually, the owner of a restaurant is discovered by Ichimoku Ren to be the culprit. His wife and son were killed and his daughter put into a coma when a drunk driver crashed into their house. As the news crews filmed the report of the incident, drunken men danced in the background with their hands in the "peace" sign. The owner had only recently decided to kill them, as he learned he has terminal lung cancer and will most likely not live to see his daughter live. Too weak to kill the last one, who has seen his face and filed a police report, he uses the Hotline to Hell. Ai reveals that the penalty of sending someone to Hell does not cover other sin, such as murder. The man is willingly taken to the hospital by the police, however in a twist, Kikuri has awakened his daughter. The price he must pay for the murders is that he will spend the rest of his life in jail, unable to be with his daughter and because of this, he breaks down.


2x14 (40) The Tragedy of V

2x14 (40) The Tragedy of V

  • 2007-01-12T15:00:00Z25m

A washed up writer decides to take revenge on a producer friend of his who became famous. During his attempted revenge the producer's wife is killed and their son is framed. The son contacts Hell Girl but decides not to go through with it. Shortly after this the producer is killed by the writer, but before the writer can kill the son a woman whose child he killed sends him to hell. This show is significant because it introduces character Takuma Kurebayashi, whom Ai empathizes with.


2x15 (41) For This Country

2x15 (41) For This Country

  • 2007-01-19T15:00:00Z25m

A young woman and her father have devoted themselves to the cause of a political candidate running for office. While they complain about how the current government is making everyone poorer and Japan worse, the mother works herself sick running their factory. While the daughter goes to see her and misses an important rally, her drunken, angry father causes a scene. Insisting it was her fault, the local campaign manager and her father hire two men to attack her in an alley the current government said they would improve, but failed to. While she's being attacked, Wanyuudo saves her. Returning to the headquarters, she discovers her father went along with the plan. She runs home to send him to Hell, but it turns out her mother (who'd been putting up with years of abuse) already has a contract on him and finally pulls the string on her doll.

A girl named Ran tries to send a man who betrayed her to hell, but meest a geisha woman who said she'll help her get revenge. Ran disguised herself and seduced the man. The woman steals all the man's money and he finally commited suicide. Ran eventually finds out that the woman has been using her and is attacked. She managed to send the woman to Hell before she finally dies (after being attacked by that woman).


2x17 (43) Gaze of Silence

2x17 (43) Gaze of Silence

  • 2007-02-02T15:00:00Z25m

A girl named Nene, contacted the Hell Girl to send her mother to Hell, because she thinks her mother, Honami, kills her father; although the truth is, Honami sends her husband to Hell because he was abusing them (Honami and Nene) eleven years ago. Honami then finds out that Nene is trying to send her to hell, but then kills herself so that Nene doesn't need to go to Hell too. Also where Ren's past is revealed showing that he was once a sword.

A girl comes home from work one day to find her mother, who went away when she was still young, has returned. Not only that, but her father wants her to have to pamper her mother every day, causing problems for the girl. She uses the Hell Hotline to get try to get rid of her mother, and tries to do so eventually, but finds that she cannot, because her father used the Hell Hotline and therefore got the straw doll she had. She rushes over to where her father is taking her mother for a walk, but finds her father has already sent her mother to Hell. He father tells her the truth: she is not the daughter of the woman she thought was her mother. After discovering his wife was infertile, her father had a her with another woman. This caused his wife to get angry, and eventually she got involved in a car accident to try and kill herself. The girl then remembers that her mother did accept her once, but knows it is too late.

The story of how Wannyuudo came to join up with Ai while modern day humans who run a hot springs run into the same trouble their ancestors deal with the same problem 400 years earlier.

A girl named Mari is in an abusive relationship with her former friend (who happens to be identical to her), Juri. Juri contacted The Hotline to Hell because she and Mari had a close relationship that was ruined in her eyes when Mari briefly considered having an upperclassman as her tennis double instead of Juri. Juri has been forcing Mari to do exactly what she says, otherwise she'll pull the string. Ichimoku Ren becomes involved when trying to get more background on Mari and figuring out why Juri hasn't pulled the string yet. Juri gives Mari an album of pictures of them together. After going to get Juri's lunch, Mari runs into Ren and hugs him when he comforts her. Juri, having followed Mari in order to tell her she's decided to forgive her, is angry that Mari could be close to anyone else and runs off to pull the string. Mari tells her they'll always be together, but at that moment Juri is hit by a car and fatally injured. Mari pulls the string on the doll so that they'll be together in Hell and, shortly after she's taken, Juri arrives in Hell. Somehow, Mari has taken the album with her.


2x21 (47) Soft Paper Balloon

2x21 (47) Soft Paper Balloon

  • 2007-03-02T15:00:00Z25m

A young woman is trying to get her ex-boyfriend to get back together with her for the sake of her and the child she's carrying. She has the straw doll in case he refuses, but she is obsessively pursuing a reunion. Her story is intersected with Hone Onna's story. Originally, Hone Onna was a young woman named Tsuyu who was sold into prostitution to cover the debts of her lover. Tsuyu used to make paper ball balloons to sell. After a few years, Tsuyu is joined by a younger prostitute named Kion. Kion feels inferior to Tsuyu and ultimately betrays her, resulting in the violent death that transforms Tsuyu into Hone Onna. Back in the present day, the young lady sends her ex to hell, then attempts to jump off a bridge. Hone Onna realizes the spirit of Kion, who was wounded by her lover after she revealed her pregnancy and then jumped off a bridge, has been possessing women and forcing them to kill themselves by jumping off bridges. Kion tells Hone Onna it was nice to see her again, then vanishes, still on her path of vengeance. Hone Onna asked Ai to please pick Kion up someday, as Ai saved her from an eternity of sorrow and anger.


2x22 (48) Longing

2x22 (48) Longing

  • 2007-03-09T15:00:00Z25m

After the recent tragedies that have occurred in his family, Takuma is suspected of having murdered his mother and gravely wounded his father, but has not been arrested due to the lack of evidence. The townspeople continue to suspect him, and call him the "devil's child". As Takuma tries to piece his life back together, he meets a young girl, Seri, who happened to live near him before her house was torn down to make way for a train station that never materialized. Having been emotionally attached to the house, she intends to have her revenge against at least one of the persons who had ordered her house's destruction in the first place.


2x23 (49) Distrust

2x23 (49) Distrust

  • 2007-03-16T15:00:00Z25m

Mr. Kimiko insults Mr. Narito's singing during a community choir practice. Mr. Narito becomes so enraged by this petty insult that he sends Mr. Kimiko to Hell, and blames Takuma for Mr. Kimiko's disappearance. To keep up the ruse, Mr. Narito sets up a vigil outside Takuma's house with other neighbours.


2x24 (50) Chain

2x24 (50) Chain

  • 2007-03-23T15:00:00Z25m

People are disappearing one after the other in the town of Lovely Hills - Mr. Mariyama is sent to Hell by his daughter who hates him for scolding her. A woman named Akiko sends her husband to Hell because she regrets marrying him. Then Akiko's friend sends her to Hell, because she's always hated Akiko, and so forth. All of the disappearances are blamed on Takuma. While the disappearances are happening, Detective Meshiai goes to the library and finds the book written by Shibata Hajime about Hell Girl.


2x25 (51) Wandering

2x25 (51) Wandering

  • 2007-03-30T15:00:00Z25m

Mr. Tsuyuki and Mr. and Mrs. Hasue, among others, have formed a mob. Mr. Tsuyuki convinces the others that they must kill Takuma. Hotaru looks for her brother, who is nowhere to be found, but she finds the book about Hell Girl, and runs away with Takuma.

Season Finale


2x26 (52) Indigo Dye

Season Finale

2x26 (52) Indigo Dye

  • 2007-04-06T15:00:00Z25m

After the death of her brother, a grief-stricken Hotaru sends Takuma to Hell, promising to follow him so he won't be alone. She insists to Ai that everything will stop when Takuma dies. Ai begins to ferry Takuma to Hell, but stops when he asks her to take him back. They both return to the mortal world, with Ai reverting to her human self. She has no memory of her time as Hell Girl and doesn't remember her assistants at all. Kikuri reveals herself to be a host body for the Lord of Hell, who is punishing Ai for failing to perform her duty. Ai is now mortal. Takuma finds Hotaru's body washed up on the shore of a lake, tells Ai he no longer has any patience, and runs to his house to burn it down. He is confronted by the mob as he does so and is almost killed until Ai intervines, calming the mob and leading Takuma away from the burning house. The man who send Hotaru's brother to Hell snaps and begins beating Ai over the head so he won't go to Hell. The rest of the mob joins in. Ai's assistants are unable to prevent her death, but see Ai smiling calmly at them. Takuma tells the mob to stop hurting Ai and she dies holding his hand saying "It's over." Her body turns into sakura petals and floats away. The Lord of Hell releases the souls of her parents (presumably to Heaven). A narration reveals that Takuma's pursuers have fled Lovely Hills and that the town itself has become dilapidated. All charges against Takuma have been dropped, Takuma's father is shown to have woken up, and his friend, Hotaru Meshiai, is miraculously alive and in the hospital. At the end of the episode, a young girl is seen receiving a text message from Hell Girl (which is probably Kikuri) saying that her request has been accepted.
