This show's adamancy to keep things present-day, something that really shouldn't be as rare as it is in film + tv, really made this show age well (ironically? or perhaps not; i think there's a debate to be had about that) and be just as relevant today.
I loved the debate scene, it has at least two subtle zoom-ins that frankly blew my mind - one of the things this show has lost is its technical flair due to the directors nearly all being TV directors compared to season 1 which were nearly all film directors but sometimes there's subtle beats that blow my mind just as much as the early days.
Oh and Robin Wright as Claire is just astonishing.

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I feel like Frank seem to be too stupid when he yelled at Jackie which was not like him at all . I know he can pretend to be humble whenever it is needed.

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Shout by Deleted

that hospital scene and the end scared the shit out of me

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They lose a lot of time of secondary plots that do not interest me

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Even when I like Francis, he crossed a line. And Jackie did what she had to do, so good for her. The whole Claire and Francis thing is awful, because I've always loved their relationship because they seem to get along, but actually, now it seems more painful. I know Frank is not ready to not have Claire by his side but if that happens, it's all his fault.

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Man, they really make it hard for me to still root for Team Underwood.

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I would also rather watch "Contagion" than a Presidential debate.

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The debate was ruthless, and I think I liked what Jackie did at the end.

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