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It's a Sin: Season 1

1x04 Episode 4

Another outstanding performance from the cast, no one individual needs singling out the main protagonists were all excellent.

Perhaps more than episode three a mixture of humour, pathos and darkness, and so much darkness at that.

This was RTD at his best. We laughed, we cried and boy did we cry, we cling onto to some hope.

I often binge series but this one deserves to be watched as it would have been back in the day, week by week. So I've only watched it as it was broadcast.

If the final episode is anything like this I'd invest in some Kleenex (and not for that you naughty boy).

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My heart aches. I feek like I've been punched in the gut

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god this is a hard watch. not one episode i haven't cried

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