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iZombie: Season 5

5x04 Dot Zom

The show lost most of its charm in season two, but thankfully got it back in season three. Now we're in the final season and the charm is mostly gone again. It's still an interesting show, but very different; it has put itself on a course that has led to the current us vs. them focus that's really sucking the fun out of things, and it's disappointing.

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Yay... more annoying Liv. I will be so happy for the show to end so the writers can't duck things up even more in another season.

Precogs was good reference. I wasn't expecting that from Clive.

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Did they even solve the cyanide poison in the last episode? Pretty sure it just ended with the suspect dying from poison. Ok then.

The procedural cases have certainly taken a backseat and have become a bit half-assed. At least the one in this episode was solid and connected to the main plot.

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Shout by kinky

Well, I stand corrected! We got a ton of Blaine in this episode! And I'm glad we did! Watching him kick ass with capoeira was unexpected and pretty awesome stuff! The current main story doesn't do much, for me, but if they manage to throw Blaine in there to somehow mess things up, as he used to, I'm good.

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