• 8.6k
  • 11.5k
  • 9.6k
  • 4
  • 1991-05-31T15:00:00Z
  • 24m
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Anime, War
Yang is summoned to Heinessen, where the Secretary of Defence is holding an inquiry. This move shocks his staff because such a committee has no legal basis. In Phezzan, Kesselring enlists two former members of the Lippstadt League, Leopold Schumacher and Alfred von Landsberg to carry out a plan we know nothing about. March 13, 798 S.C. / 489 I.C.: the test of the warp drive of the Geiesburg fortress is a success. The fortress and its supporting fleet can now move to the Iserlohn Corridor and attack the Alliance's fortress.