Perfect ending even though it's not the perfect show.

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You know, if they had actually had the death be the death date, it would have made this crap show slightly exciting.
Who could have predicted that end would have happened ...... shocker....( sarcasm if you can't tell )

At least there was 2 things I learned from the final crap episode:
1 - When the Angel of Death comes for you ..... just yell at it ......... she'll go away.
b - When the above said Angel of Death wants to turn you into volcanic ash .... just say you did something nice ... boom you're saved.

I certainly wont miss the sayings 'ate-too-aters' or 'callings' or miss the characters Uni-brow, Zombies, Frost Face as they will slip into obscurity never to be heard from again.

The writers of this show should bow their heads in shame!

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So that was the best episode of the season and good ending to the series. Though the journey was plagued with some BS fillers and drama. Overall a good ending.

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What a wonderful ending to a rather good series. There were times that it got a little slow but overall it was a great show. I was sad when hearing that it was getting cancelled and they excited that Netflix picked it up to finish it off.

I have to say, this episode, I didn’t not expect it to end like this! I knew it was going to be surviving the end blah blah, but to actually go back like they never left??? I have to say, I got totally teary eyed!!

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So the smoke monster from Lost pops up in this show... as show about strangers that were on an airplane experiencing all kinds of weird 'n cookie shit.
Now how cool would it have been if they'd have connected the two (unless they did in some other way) and added to each others lore.

But I guess that was too clever for the showrunners, also copyright and that other nonsense.

Not the worst ending of a show but not the greatest either.

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Despite a horrible, horrible season, the show concluded on a perfect note. The well deserved ending to the show.

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It was good but Jared and Drea having a baby was pointless in the end. Also doesn’t work that Angelina who is totally out of her mind and could never admit she did anything wrong.
Would even say she is sorry for killing Ben’s wife and that she thinks of her a lot. Is sort of out of character when she was so looney tunes. Thinking she was the victim.
Anyway the ending was a nice emotional way to end things that reminded me of Lost’s ending. It didn’t give much answers but the characters you cared about at least had happy endings.

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ending was really good, i liked it more than the season in general

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atleast the ending was good ..

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For a little while I was dreading a "lost" finale. But I'm happy the way they solved it. Nice to see old faces again. It was a good ending to a good show we've had worse finales (again the serie lost comes to mind)

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Shout by anubis81VIP

How does 11 people going missing on a flight not become its own story, told from the POV of Vance or someone like that?

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Nope, sorry. This isn’t a good ending. It has been good only for the passengers, and not all of them. Some died, and that’s ok, they were evil, but others lost something, like TJ has no girlfriend anymore. And that's for the passengers.

The families of the passengers, instead, in yet again another stupid, annoying, tiresome second timeline have lost all their dears. Olive and Eden are still there, unless an apocalypse happened for good. Alone. With their brother dead. Clueless about what happened to Ben and Michaela and all the other passengers. What about them? We cared about them up to the last minute. They were real, as much as a multiverse can be real (IMO, it can not).

As usual the writers chose the multiverse shortcut, so everybody is happy. I am not.

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Even though the show was getting quite bad towards the end, I'm very surprised to say I actually liked the final episode a lot.

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not a bad ending. honestly tho i wish they had come up w some way where they stayed in the present. By going back to the past, most of them gained something good but also lost something. For example, TJ got his mom back, and Olive gets her childhood back w her family. but they lose each other. which is kinda sad bc they spent 5 years together lol.

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Yes it was a little ridiculous plot wise but if you're invested in this story it shouldn't bother you. I enjoyed the ending because it ended as it should, not just a cop out like walking into the light, or waking from a dream. The relationships you invested 5 years in come to a close the best possible way.

Its also clear that this was always the end game no matter how they got there.

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