Shouts about...

Marvel's Inhumans 2017

The 10 people who already voted this series which has yet to be released as of today 4/3/2017, are idiots. Suddenly all these moron's are fortune tellers.

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This show doesn't have anything to do with the comics.
I envy those of us who don't read, and in doing so may be prone to like this one.

In my personal opinion, and in my experience of reading Inhumans, with a passion, this show is garbage.
Marvel can't go lower than this. But I said the same about Iron Fist, so.

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Meh, the weakest Marvel show to date, the writing seems either lazy or rushed, makes me think that I could have written the script( and that's not a compliment). The only positives I can see are the actors and SFX for the dog, at least they tried.

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"The Gifted" had a better premiere.

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Watch the first episode and cant even finish and quit halfway. The plot just doesnt work and weird. Just plain horrible

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The writing and acting is garbage, feels like a soapy YA show. I'm also particularly embarrassed for Ken Leung, easily the worst performance in this hunk of junk.

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People warned me that this is terrible. I wanted to see for myself to be able to form my own opinion.. Now that I have seen it, I definitely agree! It is terrible!

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I'm probably rating this higher than what I would have but since I know absolutely nothing about the comics universe, I'm always a fairly easy watcher of all things DC and Marvel. I thought this one was okay, definitely entertaining. I was disappointed that it ended in a season. People seemed fairly reasonnable in their motives and actions, the whole thing was properly edited. A good show to watch if you're not looking for anything too complicated and if you haven't read the comics. Don't look for more, it's cheesy and has a lot of heartfelt monologues.So if that's right up your alley, go for it.

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The first two episodes set such a low bar that I genuinely wondered how the test audience let it fly under the radar... then I remembered the existence of Iron Fist. The premise of Inhumans is fine, but the plot and action is dull and slow, presumably to allow for character development... unfortunately the characters are unlikeable, as all the 'good guys' are simultaneously arrogant and naive, making them unsympathetic. Iwan Rheon's character is a rare exception, but I suspect my misplaced affection for Misfits may muddle my judgement there.

TL;DR If I didn't know better I'd think it was a second-rate mockbuster, but given The Defenders... maybe I need to resign myself to the new Marvel/Netflix reality.

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Just saw it on IMAX. The first two episodes were impressive to the point I forgot it was a TV Show and not a movie.

Great development to start with and I'm loving Bolt, no words said but his facial expressions are great. Can't wait to see this show swing into full season. And I already hate the bad guy Maximus.

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Finally the question if a TV-show can be horrible up to a point that it physically hurts to watch more than 20 minutes of it, can be answered : it can.. Not to pimp Netflix, but I totally love any show with Marvel in the title they created with their partners.. great writing.. superb cast.. awesome acting and great storyline.. the two shows I tried with Marvel in the title, I expected a lot from, but this tvshow isn't even a let down.. it's probably one of the worst pilots I partly saw... It looks cheap and fake, horrible acting by some who can definately do better,.. but the writing, directing.. omg... I'm not even gonna rage more.. it doesn't deserve my time.

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Anyone else has a hard time watching this? after the 3rd episode it was getting really worse

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Took me the total of two episodes to decide to pull out. Just because it has Marvel written in front does not make this a good show. Scripts are shallow, dialogue is bad, acting is mediocre - I really don´t have anything positive to say about this. And most of it has been written anyway.

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Shout by Deleted

Are they doing a season two? It wasn’t as bad as everyone is saying. Get past the first two episodes and it gets better.

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I'm genuinely done with Marvel because it feels like I'm getting too old for this stuff. Or maybe this stuff is getting too old for me! Marvel used to be great, until Iron Fist when things started to deteriorate. Defenders was 'meh' and written hastily. And now this... good special effects maybe but I don't know guys. It's turned into a soulless, spiritless industry. Marvel is not Marvel anymore. This series demonstrates that pretty darn well. HOWEVER. If I was like 14 years old I would probably still totally dig this stuff. So for kids it might be a great show! I don't know... I'm not a kid. But one can imagine.

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I really don't understand the fuzz. I watched this and The Gifted on the same day and even when I think that The Gifted is not (yet) on par with the other Netflixed Marvel shows, it's still worlds better than this, but this appears to be the price of being an ABC or CBS show. I can see that some actors really try to do their best but something is clearly missing.

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Iwan Rheon obviously takes a certain liking for strange roles. First that sociopath Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones, now the equally likeable asscrack Maximus. He'd better never visit a fan convention of either franchise …

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Shout by Deleted

Some of us are newbies with this software and the. So certain users need to take that into account when slinging names around. Instead of being so judicial why not offer advice to help us along so we learn to make fewer mistake in a faster time. We all have to start somewhere !!

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I agree with you my friend... I can't understand why would someone vote on a unreleased TV Show... WTF

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Another spin-off of Agents of SHIELD, Inhumans is a lackluster X-Men rip-off. When the prince of Attilan (a colony of genetic mutants on the Moon) orchestrates a coup, the royal family escapes to Earth and attempts to marshal their forces and gain allies to help them get back to Attilan and retake the throne. Unfortunately the show never really gives the audience a reason to care about this power struggle. And, most of the Inhumans’ powers are pretty unimaginative and aren’t used to much effect. Also, the sets look cheap and reveal the limitations of the budget. There are no connects to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe, which only further reinforces how unimportant this show is. Still, there are some exciting action scenes and the cast is pretty good. Inhumans had potential but no purpose, and was cancelled by ABC after eight short episodes.

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The overall plot, acting, and production are fine. But omg is the writing and directing terrible at times. It's easily the worst thing in the MCU up to 2017.

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I never expected much from the Eternals since the trailers reminded me of this show. Which isn’t a good thing. I wasn’t far off, except even the Eternals is much better.

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And I thought cloak and dagger was bad. I'm happy there aren't many episodes. Oh and I fully am on Maximus' side btw. Forcing people to work in mines doesn't make for characters I'm cheering for.

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This show is so bad it felt like a parody most of the time

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Shout by Deleted

Are they doing a season two? It wasn’t as bad as everyone is saying. Get past the first two episodes and it gets better.

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Shout by Deleted

Are they doing a season two? It wasn’t as bad as everyone is saying. Get past the first two episodes and it gets better.

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is it ended or there's gonna be a second season?

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Shout by KimVIP

I love the MCU and was hoping that Inhumans would live up to the Marvel hype. For me, something was missing. In the first few episodes I think the pacing was off and things dragged. The last two episodes were much better and enjoyable.

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Loved the show ,don't now why the reviews is negative ,the caracters is great.I hope we get more seasons .I can see the start of a great serise.

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Shout by Deleted

So is episode 2 the same as episode 1? and why?

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It seems the rating average is being pushed down by idiots who just hate the Hero / Mutant genre.

Listen folks: I don't go over to shows from genres I hate and just start crapping all over them - what's the point in that? Would I be a better person if I go and "1" vote a whole bunch of RomCom's? No. I'd be a douche that enjoys trying to piss in other peoples cereal. I freaking hate crime / murder / detective dramas, but am I over there leaving turds everywhere?

So cut it out y'all.

Look, this show isn't going to get an Emmy (well, maybe one for special effects), but it's none the less quite good. Solid acting, engaging and usually good script (though it gets off the rails at times, like the Hawaiian solders who out of the blue were ready to sacrifice themselves for strangers they just met. That was weak...)

Regardless, I very quickly have gotten into the plot and am genuinely curious to learn where it's all going to go.

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Great show! This is addictive fast paced show.

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Great show can't wait for the next episodes

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Certainly isn't Marvel's greatest work, but still very entertaining. Isabelle Cornish's acting leaves more to be desired though.

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I hate politics in any form. So the series got 5
PS. Game of Thrones is very similar to this show.

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Shout by WyledVIP

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