• 2.3k
  • 3.0k
  • 13.9k
  • 18
  • 1996-03-02T05:00:00Z on Syfy
  • 1h 32m
  • Jim Mallon
  • United States
  • English
  • Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Movie Plot: An evil corporation and the government are kicking people out of the Bronx and moving them to New Mexico to be killed. On the SOL: Crow holds a charity auction / the SOL catches fire, which is luckily put out by Gypsy / Crow's use of the biofeedback machine causes more fires to break out on the SOL / Servo gets sick. In Deep 13: Dr. Forrester has put Pearl in a nursing home, which is really just another part of Deep 13 / to boost ratings, Dr. Forrester presents Timmy Bobby Rusty, a cute little kid / Dablone swoons Pearl. Original film made in 1985.