Shout by yunki

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :') :') :')

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Shout by SqueakyNarwhal

What a wonderful, wonderful episode. I really loved seeing Touko-san and Shigeru-san's point of view and how they were before Natsume came into their lives and how they are after. They are such sweet people, and they care so much for Natsume. I teared up a bit when Touko-san found him sitting by the river by himself and she could tell how sad he was. I've said it before but I am so glad that he found a place that he can really call home.

And wow, that final scene with them looking at the crow, or in Natsume's case crows, really makes me believe that the Fujiwara's already know that Natsume can see youkai. Or at the very least, they would believe and be totally accepting of the fact that he can.

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