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Only Murders in the Building 2021

It's ok. A solid 7. But that's it and I'm kinda tired after seasons. Idk if I'm watching S4.

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Absolutely love this show. came to it really late but I’ve binged 3 seasons so far. It’s so much fun, all 3 of the main actors I’m a fan of so that helps. It keeps you on your toes all the way through

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Not a bad show, kind of obvious who the killer was in the first season. Although it was pretty obvious to me there was a swerve that led me to believe I was wrong, but I got back on track. I'm about to watch season 2 and all in all I'll give this show four out of five stars so far.

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Season 3 rated a 7

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Very interesting dynamics, and the view of the writer/director mixing fantasy and reality into this shows makes me want to watch some more. Addictive, kinda fun, with very good actors and a plot that, even if I don't have my breath taken away, makes me want to tag along for the unusual ride.

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Selena’s weight fluctuation in season 2 is just. It’s like she a different person every episode. Does she also have some speaking problem, she hardly moves her lips. Or is that over does of botex?

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This has been on my list for quite some time because of the buzz around it. All the attention is well warranted. 160 nominations, 46 wins, including 3 Emmys. It is simply stacked with stellar talent from every decade showing up for bit parts. The writing is so clever and the plot is so purposely crafted to be brilliant nonsense. Don’t come to solve the mystery, come for the ride. I give this series an 8 (clever comedy) out of 10. [Crime Comedy]

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This show is great. I love the actors.

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Shout by Deleted

Season Three is off to a better pacing start than the previous installment and while the first two episodes lean into the drama more than the humor, you can still count on laugh out loud jokes. Meryl Streep and Paul Rudd are excellent additions to the season and it looks like their roles will be more than simply celebrity cameos.

Be warned, the profanity is already stronger than the last two season and there's an awkward incest joke.

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Love the plot and pace... I just don't get Mabel's character though... is she supposed to be wooden or is the actress playing her unable to act?? I have never seen Selena Gomez acting in any other role, so don't have a point of reference... but with the 2 Martins going overboard, she just brings the energy down... maybe that is how this character is supposed to be...

Regardless, the script is really well written and well paced... and I am throughly hooked and can't wait for everyone in Arconia to have a death story arc of their own... funny thing about buildings, tenants can always get replaced...

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This series is a serious hidden gem and so far I have been honestly surprised with how much I enjoyed this. Only saw first 8 episodes of season 1 and I can only hope they will be able to keep up the quality.
It's slow paced, but.... wow, quite amazing. Steve Martin is less Steve and Selena is a whole lot less Selena. Superb!
The chemistry between the unlikely partners in crime is superb.
Here and there it goes a bit into over-acting and crazyness overdrive, but usually they manage to keep it in the acceptable range and I can even smile about it :-
I am very curious to how they will manage to extend this story into a second (and even third) season.

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Very interesting, the first season was great! A great plot and not something i've seen before. A great mix of actors working well together. Season 2 was interesting but not as good as the first, I personally hate Amy Schumer who appeared in S2 and was grateful her role was small.

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Season 3 drops August 8, 2023!! (according to Steve Martin and Martin Short)

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A spunky show from an eclectic bunch of actors, and honestly it was totally unexpected. Really fun to watch, not the typical show that was fun and I wasn't expecting to enjoy Steve Martin on tv. A murder mystery that keeps you entertained with some very fun characters and interesting plot. Both Season 1 and Season 2 were a fun watch, if you feel like a show to fill those moments with a bit of fun this would be it.

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Pretty entertaining with good chemistry between the leads. Doesn't drag stuff and keeps moving at a good pace.

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I loved the true crime theme of this show and I never anticipated the plot twists! Binge-watch worthy!

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The first two episodes really catched my attention, with the three improbable detectives very well played by Gomez, Martin and Short. The show depicts in a ironic way the NY middle class metropolitan citizen, cynic at the right point to be all potential murderers. But from the third episode on, the show lost its initial bite, becoming too slow and overly complicated in the narration. I'm not sure I want to keep watching it.

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good show for a fall mood

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What the fuck was the point of having Amy Schiter or what ever name is, in season 2. She was on the show for few mins. Completely random plot line for no reason but to give that shit actor screen time.

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Odd Throuple solves murders in the one of a kind New York apartment building. The series is like an Opera that crescendos to an explosive finale.

Incongruous characters
Distinct NYC characters
Twists and Turns
The best music that has ever been on TV

People who like slow burn
Selena Gomez Fans
People who don't really like Steve Martin (he is acting a very different character here)
Music Lovers
People who despise comedies with laugh tracks
Lovers of Old NYC apartment buildings

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Interesting/cute first season that quickly fell apart in the second season where the writers had to use trite, stereotype scenes that required little writing skill. So the second season just reveals a few out-of-date actors/entertainers flailing about & not showing much ability.

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The more meta it gets, the better. Nice way to compensate.

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Just watched S01E01. Liked it a lot. Doesn't insult viewers like stupid Locke and Key and the like, even if it's different genre. the difference in writing quality cannot be understated. The writing here is premium quality. Can't wait to see more. Hope it continues that way!

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I'm genuinely in love with the whole concept of this show! It's become a true guilty pleasure at this point <3

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I don't get the hype. It is pretty boring. I only tried it because of Selena Gomez. The concept is good and the setting is amazing but the dialogues are dull. Sorry.

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Only Murders in the Building was a true gem of a show. The cast fit so well together, and each different character got just the right amount of "face time."

Martin Short was a pretty bizarre choice to play Captain Ray Holt, but his warm portrayal of a captain that works on a Seafood packing ship balanced out the show's absurdity.

Selena Gomez was absolutely phenomenal. His exaggerated cadence and slurred speech patterns made it all the more uncomfortable to watch.

Steve Martin has the most beautiful white hair, like a man who has just stepped out of a field of flowers.

And when all 3 are put together, they were the "bad boys" of television.

Overall, one of the funniest shows ever. It brought tears to my eyes, and also gave me a boner that I'll never forget (until season 2 hehe).

I rate it 10/10

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Great series can't wait for the second season:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Shout by AHAM

It's good but not great, It was interesting from episode 7 to 10, Episode 1 is good but from episode 2-6 it's very slow.
Other than that it was fine.

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This show seemed right up my alley, because I love mysteries. I think that it is a really good modern take on a who-Dunn-it film. It’s light-hearted and funny. It’s basically exactly what you think you are signing up for when you watch it.

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Surprisingly good show. Sometimes funny, sometimes goofy, clever, socio-critical or thrilling. It never goes overboard in one direction.
And I enjoyed how everything came together in the final episodes.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it, much to my surprise. Had a blast over the last 3 episodes, plus the addition of Jane Lynch. Amazing.

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Fairly mediocre and much less than it could have been. I bailed after the 6th episode.

  • Every now and then it made half-hearted attempts to drift back to the mystery.
  • Way too many scenes were simply Martin and Short just trying to be cute together. Very lazy writing
  • Gomez was given a lot of mediocre scenes when not with the old guys.

I am still shocked that this got the glowing reviews that it did

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This was a surprisingly good start to the series. Based around a former actor, a broadway director, and a young woman staying in her aunt's place, all of whom happen to be fans of true crime podcasts, the series follows their investigation into a murder for a podcast they are making.

Steve Martin and Martin Short are their usual charming selves. Selena Gomez seems to struggle initially, but settles down well a couple of episodes into the series.

The writing is pretty solid, but not great. However, despite a few loose moments here and there, it is still a fun story. Looking forward to the next season.

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This was a fun romp. It was nice to see Selena in an adult role and she matched up really well with the 2 (very) seasoned comedians. I liked the style in which this show was shot. And it was just fun to watch. Can't wait to see a second season and maybe more?

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by Deleted

The BEST of 2021 so far. Short & watchable episodes, interesting plot & an amazing performance. I really enjoyed it & I'm looking forward for the next season.

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A nice comedy that brings back a certain style of the eighties, but always causes the feeling of knowing how it would have been directed by Frank Oz or John Hughes. Sometimes the director does not give the right comedy pace, although Steve Martin and Martin Short are a great comedic couple, despite the obstacle of Selena Gomez as a co-star who does not have much to contribute.

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The theme music is sooo good :star_struck:
And the show isn't so bad aswell

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Shout by daunte

VERY fun show that stayed consistently funny, but as for the plot the last episode was a bit of a disappointment. that being said, I'll definitely tune in for season 2!

also, loved selena gomez in this!!!! had no idea she could actually act

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The only way I can describe this show is 'meh'. I really wanted to love it, but I just couldn't. The humour constantly missed the mark for me, and I think this might be Selena Gomez at her worst - her performance was so stiff and dull, as though she were a robot pretending to be a person. It was really bad. Can't recommend it.

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In the end it's pretty boring with a horrible Selena Gomez :person_shrugging_tone1:♂ I'm not in for a second seaon. Have fun.

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Went into this show expecting a fun time and while I definitely received that the outcome was something much more special. What a consistently surprising mystery with an excellent mix of humor brought to life by many incredible actors who have impeccable chemistry with one another. All three leads are coming for Emmy nominations and no one can stop them. Hands down one of the best shows of the year so far.

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Very good. Short episodes, easy to watch with some very good subtle and not so subtle comedy.:thumbsup_tone1::grin:

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Just, perfect. Best show of 2021

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Both the cast and the screenplay is solid. kept me on right from the start. Selena Gomez voice is so lovely to hear. The punch lines of Martin Short is definitely the best.
9/10. Definitely worthwhile to watch...

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing show so far! Martin Short is sooooo funny in this, as well as Steve Martin. Such a great paring. Selena Gomez’ “sarcastic” personality just adds to the funny. I hope it doesn’t lose momentum.

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Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2021-09-02T14:08:07Z— updated 2022-08-13T19:22:26Z

It's not as good as I was expecting, but still giving it more time to improve. Got to episode 3 and it's worth continuing - just don't expect a ton of laughs.
Martin Short is definitely the best actor in the show, with Steve Martin surprisingly not quite up to his best. Selena Gomez should stick to singing 'cause she certainly can't act.
Overall it's amusing and worth spending time watching - looking forward to the mystery unfolding.

(8/8/22) Season 2 - Getting stupider by the episode. Complete mess compared to season 1 - 4/10

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Somehow ended up watching two different shows about pod-casters... this and Truth Be Told ... this is the good one.

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Loved the concept and the first episode kept me wanting more, the Martin's are funny and Selena works very well with them. It's a slow paced type of show, so not sure if many will like it, of course the 10/10 is my opinion and how entertained I was by this. Give it a shot

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