this season has been slow, and some episodes have bored me half to death. THIS episode was my favourite so far, and one of my favourite episodes of the show to date. someone give caitriona ALL the acting awards right now!!
the scene where claire tells jamie what's been going on with her seeing her rapist and taking ether and just the sheer amount of mutual love and respect and pain they've both endured just had me... completely obliterated emotionally. i'm a big believer that scenes like that can be so much more powerful than the huge amount of onscreen violence and sex the show has given us before and i was just completely floored.

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As a whole, this season has been awful, slow, and boring. There's been a few okay episodes, and some strong character moments, but overall, nothing is really happening. We only have one episode left and it feels as though everything that has happened thus far could have been fit into 1 or 2 episodes max. The main focuses of the season are things that feel like they should be side plots! The finale really needs to be amazing or else this season is going to feel like a total waste of time.

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I always applauded the fairly swift nature in which Outlander dealt with plotlines. Finishing them when they became stale. And now we have a complete season about the same nonsense and it's boring as fuck.

The junkie plot especially. Get it over with or did you run out of money to start the Revolutionary War?
So next episode they're gonna know who the killer is and miraculously solve Claire's weakness and everything else?

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It feels weird that the Frasers did not really make more of an effort to plead their case or at least try to deny the rumors in front of the settlers! Even with Mr. and Mrs. Bug, these 2 work for them, so why didn't they put them in their places with all the shit talk they have been spreading around?!

Also Claire deciding that it is a good idea to carry the baby's coffin :person_facepalming_tone1:♀:person_facepalming_tone1:♀

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Shout by Aid45

I hope Claire can find peace. Thank God for Jamie.
The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. I think Claire is in trouble. Claire should have checked the throat wound to see if it was a right or left handed person. If it was left that could narrow it down a lot.

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