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Season 5 2003 - 2004

  • 2003-07-07T18:00:00Z on NBC
  • 45m
  • 8d (256 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Soap, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Passions follows the lives and loves, and various romantic and paranormal adventures of the residents of Harmony. Storylines center around the interactions among members of its multi-racial core families as well as the supernatural including town witch Tabitha Lenox.

256 episodes

Season Premiere


5x01 Ep. #1017 Mon

Season Premiere

5x01 Ep. #1017 Mon

  • 2003-07-07T18:00:00Z45m

Ivy takes great delight in telling Grace that since Gwen is due before Kay, her son with Sam will be providing Sam with his first grandchild.


5x02 Ep. #1018

5x02 Ep. #1018

  • 2003-07-08T18:00:00Z45m

John is stunned when he witnesses some of Tabitha's supernatural pregnancy symptoms. Ivy insults Tabitha about looking pregnant, but laughs that she's too old. An indignant Tabitha announces to a stunned group that she is, indeed, pregnant. Tabitha is put on the spot when Ivy asks who the father is. Kay is unhappy when Miguel makes it clear he will be in their baby's life but he intends to be with Charity. Kay experiences stomach pains.
Luis reluctantly calls off the search after receiving an e-mail supposedly from Sheridan saying she's in Paris. A suspicious Luis and Hank try to trace the e-mail. Meanwhile, Charlie informs Beth that she sent the e-mail from Beth's laptop. Despite assurances from Charlie that the message was re-routed many times, Beth freaks and heads to the police station to monitor the situation.
Everyone is relieved when the group finally emerges from the fire. Eve and the firefighters fight to save an unconscious Whitney. TC angrily attacks Chad, who he blames for


5x03 Ep. #1019

5x03 Ep. #1019

  • 2003-07-09T18:00:00Z45m

Whitney discusses with Chad her surprise over Eve giving her blessing to go to L.A. TC feels betrayed by his wife's actions and demands answers. Eve has trouble explaining without revealing her fears that Liz would lead Whitney down the wrong path in her quest for revenge. Eve worries her sister is getting exactly what she wants. Julian points out to Liz that, without the Blue Note, she now has no reason to stay in Harmony. The Fire Marshall announces the fire was set deliberately.
Everyone tries to help a frightened Kay when her water breaks. Kay notes it's too soon. Miguel blames himself for upsetting her. Grace tries to help her daughter relax. Tabitha finds Charity levitating in her bedroom. Charity has a nightmare about the demon Tabitha is carrying and accuses her of being evil.
Beth tries to keep Luis from looking any further for Sheridan, as she makes up false reasons for Sheridan leaving. Antonio is happy his wife is ""safe"".


5x04 Ep. #1020

5x04 Ep. #1020

  • 2003-07-10T18:00:00Z45m

The paramedics are ready to take Kay to the hospital but she won't leave without Miguel. Upstairs, Miguel comforts a terrified Charity after a frightening dream. Tabitha is relieved Charity doesn't remember that she saw a demon baby. Ivy makes David use Kay's situation to get closer to Grace. At the hospital, the doctor tells a frightened Grace and Pilar that Kay and her baby are in grave danger.
TC wants to know why Julian and Eve were near the club before the fire started. Liz worries about how she's going to pay for the repairs without insurance. Whitney says good-bye to her family. TC ignores his daughter and lashes out at Eve for giving her blessing.
Luis decides to call the search back on and explains he doesn't believe Sheridan left on her own. Antonio and Hank try to reason with him, but Luis is certain she's been kidnapped.


5x05 Ep. #1021

5x05 Ep. #1021

  • 2003-07-11T18:00:00Z45m

Tabitha listens to her unborn demon baby's heartbeat. Jessica and Simone discuss how unbelievable it is that Tabitha is pregnant. The demon baby has a major reaction to Julian's presence. Julian comforts an upset Eve. Julian promises to stand by her, and she thanks him for his support.
Kay's condition worsens as her labor progresses. Charity is unhappy about seeing Kay and Miguel so close. John tries to reassure her of Miguel's love. Sam catches Grace being comforted by David.
Whitney and Theresa say tearful good-byes. Whitney worries about her mother. Fox agrees something strange was going on with Julian and Eve at the fire.
Luis puts the search into high gear and plans to search Beth's basement as a precaution. Charlie wants to kill Sheridan off so the cops won't find her.
Rebecca warns Gwen that Theresa is still a threat.


5x06 Ep. #1022 Mon

5x06 Ep. #1022 Mon

  • 2003-07-14T18:00:00Z45m

Tabitha listens to her unborn demon baby's heartbeat. Jessica and Simone discuss how unbelievable it is that Tabitha is pregnant. The demon baby has a major reaction to Julian's presence. Julian comforts an upset Eve. Julian promises to stand by her, and she thanks him for his support.
Kay's condition worsens as her labor progresses. Charity is unhappy about seeing Kay and Miguel so close. John tries to reassure her of Miguel's love. Sam catches Grace being comforted by David.
Whitney and Theresa say tearful good-byes. Whitney worries about her mother. Fox agrees something strange was going on with Julian and Eve at the fire.
Luis puts the search into high gear and plans to search Beth's basement as a precaution. Charlie wants to kill Sheridan off so the cops won't find her.
Rebecca warns Gwen that Theresa is still a threat.


5x07 Ep. #1023

5x07 Ep. #1023

  • 2003-07-15T18:00:00Z45m

Charity continues to have upsetting premonitions about the baby tearing her and Miguel apart. Kay explodes with anger watching Miguel and Grace fuss over Charity. Kay and the baby continue to be in distress during labor. Meanwhile, Tabitha's unborn demon baby tries to kill Julian.
Beth nearly kills Sheridan when she won't call Luis and tell him she's okay. Sheridan gives in as her clown kidnapper threatens her with a gun. Mrs. Wallace fears Sheridan will use the call to blow them out of the water. Luis panics when he sees Antonio reading Sheridan's diary.
At the airport, Chad and Theresa try to stop an outraged Simone from attacking her sister. Whitney tries again to reach out to Simone. Simone warns everyone Whitney will betray them, too.


5x08 Ep. #1024

5x08 Ep. #1024

  • 2003-07-16T18:00:00Z45m

On the airplane, Whitney has an upsetting dream about Simone's words coming true. Fox gladly comforts a rattled Whitney, who wonders why she would dream about betraying Chad.
Theresa fills Pilar in on everything that has been going on with Whitney, Chad and Fox. Pilar doesn't trust Fox. She suggests Theresa join her friends in L.A. for a relaxing vacation, but is upset to learn her daughter wants to stay in town because of Ethan.
Hoping to get Gwen and Ethan far away from Theresa, Ivy and Rebecca find a specialist in L.A. who can treat Gwen.
Sheridan vows to get back at her kidnapper. Beth plots a new way to get Luis to back off of the case.


5x09 Ep. #1025

5x09 Ep. #1025

  • 2003-07-17T18:00:00Z45m

Fox shows Chad and Whitney L.A. in style. Chad vows to prove himself worthy of Whitney's love.
Charity and John bond. John offers Charity his support as she watches Miguel with Kay. Miguel helps Kay through her contractions. Eve informs a devastated group that Kay could easily lose her baby. Miguel blames himself for the situation. Ivy seethes watching Sam and Grace comfort each other, and she plots to stop it.
Luis prepares to search the Wallace house. Sheridan fears for her unborn child's life and struggles with what to do. Beth comes up with what she thinks is a foolproof way to stop Luis from searching for Sheridan, and if it doesn't work, she decides she'll have to kill her rival.


5x10 Ep. #1026

5x10 Ep. #1026

  • 2003-07-18T18:00:00Z45m

Precious has a fantasy about Luis choosing her over Beth and Sheridan. Recalling how he and Sheridan have been torn apart in their past lives, Luis vows to make sure they will be together in this lifetime. Sheridan refuses to make a video in which she says she's in Paris. Beth and Charlie set out to bury Sheridan alive, but Luis shows up at the house.
At the hospital, Sam stops a confrontation between Grace and Ivy. Ivy states Grace is at fault for Kay being in premature labor. Grace is hurt when Sam's silence makes her realize he agrees. David comforts his ""wife"". Hoping to widen the rift, Ivy tells Sam she feels Grace is a bad mother.
Miguel continues to coach Kay through her contractions. Pilar reassures Charity of Miguel's love. Kay's condition deteriorates as her blood pressure goes up.
Fox, Chad and Whitney settle into the Crane apartment in L.A. After Fox makes a call to a friend, Chad gets called into work.


5x11 Ep. #1027 Mon

5x11 Ep. #1027 Mon

  • 2003-07-21T18:00:00Z45m

Family and friends wait worriedly as Kay is rushed into the O.R. for an emergency caesarean. Despite Ivy's advice that they leave town right away, Ethan and Gwen decide to stay until they know his half-sister is okay. When Ivy continues to push Gwen, Gwen tells her mother-in-law that it's far more important that they be here for Kay and her soon-to-be born child. Meanwhile, Ivy is thrilled to see how far apart Grace and Sam are growing while David is growing more and more disgusted with her. Kay clings desperately to Miguel and prays her baby will live.
While enjoying the California sun by the pool, Fox puts some sly moves on an unsuspecting Whitney, and fantasizes about a romantic interlude with Whitney. Chad tries to call Whitney to say he'll be at the studio for a while, but Fox intercepts, and learns of Chad's chance to work with an up-and-coming singer. When he comments on the incredulity of the situation, it becomes clear that Fox is pulling a lot of strings to make sure that Whi


5x12 Ep. #1028

5x12 Ep. #1028

  • 2003-07-22T18:00:00Z45m


5x13 Ep. #1029

5x13 Ep. #1029

  • 2003-07-23T18:00:00Z45m

Luis makes his way to Beth's house, ready to find Sheridan. Beth panics when she thinks Sheridan is dead and makes plans to run, but Charlie realizes ""Blondie"" is still breathing. Later, Beth gets Sheridan, who is still worried about her baby, to make a video to convince everyone she's okay. Precious has a fantasy about having a baby with Luis.
Kay and Miguel spend some time with their daughter before she is taken to the NICU. Kay wants to see her baby and fights Eve to do it. Miguel blames himself for the baby's early birth and talks about how Kay will be a great mom. David stops Ivy from bothering Sam and Grace. Eve doesn't think the baby is going to make it.
Chad works with a very seductive and talented Syd, who immediately develops a thing for him. An unaware Chad thinks only of Whitney. Back at the apartment, Fox and Whitney have an awkward moment in the shower.


5x14 Ep. #1030

5x14 Ep. #1030

  • 2003-07-24T18:00:00Z45m

Gwen and Ethan prepare for their trip to L.A. to see the specialist. An unaware Theresa also gets ready to leave for L.A., wanting to give Ethan and Gwen some space. All end up on the same plane, Theresa in coach, Ethan and Gwen in first-class. Gwen happily thinks about getting away from her rival, unaware of the truth.
Luis notices something very different about Beth, but can't figure out what. Beth realizes she forgot to put on her bag of sugar and runs to get it. Luis, suddenly aware that Beth doesn't look pregnant, confronts her just as Mrs. Wallace refastens the sack. Beth convinces Luis he only imagined she wasn't pregnant.
Chad and Whitney spend their first night in L.A. at a nightclub. Recording artist, Myá, makes an appearance and sings her latest hit song. A scheming Fox takes Syd to see Chad and imagines how he can use her to his advantage as a means of getting Whitney.


5x15 Ep. #1031

5x15 Ep. #1031

  • 2003-07-25T18:00:00Z45m

Tabitha is unhappy to see Julian at her doorstep. Rebecca has followed Julian, thinking he's cheating on her. Julian wants to talk about the baby, but their unborn child attacks Julian by choking him with its serpent tail.
After Syd sings, Whitney is uncomfortable with how she keeps eyeing Chad provocatively and wishes she'd leave. Fox vows to keep Chad and Whitney apart.
Luis searches the basement despite the obstacles Beth puts in his way. Mrs. Wallace is certain Sheridan will hear Luis shouting for her, but Sheridan is in a deep sleep, slowly waking and murmuring Luis' name.
Ethan and Theresa barely miss seeing each other on the airplane as Ethan heads towards coach.


5x16 Ep. #1032 Mon

5x16 Ep. #1032 Mon

  • 2003-07-28T18:00:00Z45m

Ethan and Gwen almost run into Theresa at the airport, but they manage to miss each other in the nick of time. Theresa heads to the apartment, where a number of young men ogle her as she looks for Whitney.
Tabitha continues to struggle with her labor, and Julian and Rebecca have to help her bring her daughter into the world. When the baby finally emerges, both Rebecca and Julian are shocked by what they see.
Luis heads down to the basement to search, and hears Sheridan's screams. Just as he's about to pick up the search, Hank tells them they have word from Sheridan...a DVD! Luis sits down to watch.
Kay and Miguel are just beginning to relax concerning their baby when things get much worse...a Code Blue is called in the NICU, interrupting Kay's fantasy of a future with Miguel.


5x17 Ep. #1033

5x17 Ep. #1033

  • 2003-07-29T18:00:00Z45m

With their baby at death's door again, Miguel goes to Charity for comfort, needing to be with the woman he loves. Kay can't believe he would choose the woman he loves over the mother of his baby, and furious, she attacks her cousin, blaming her for everything.
Tabitha proclaims her daughter the most beautiful demon baby ever, and Julian, Rebecca, and Tabitha end up in Hell, where her demon baby's birth is honored by the denizens of the deep.
Luis is shocked to see Sheridan appearing alive and well in Paris, and apparently there of her own free will. He believes she's fine, and Beth is secretly thrilled that her plan is working.
In Los Angeles, Theresa discusses fate and her plans to be with Ethan with Fox, Chad, and Whitney, not realising that Ethan and Gwen are outside in the hallway.


5x18 Ep. #1034

5x18 Ep. #1034

  • 2003-07-30T18:00:00Z45m

Kay continues to blame Charity for everything, using her daughter's near-death status to drive a wedge between Charity and Miguel. While Charity takes off and is followed by a mysterious man, Miguel swears to stay by Kay's side during their daughter's struggle.
Gwen begins having contractions, and Ethan, terrified for both Gwen and the baby they both love so much, rushes Gwen to the hospital after she collapses and passes out.
Luis says he finally accepts that Sheridan is happy and in Paris, but the reality of it is that he just isn't quite convinced yet. Luis still believes Sheridan is in trouble.
Julian and Rebecca remained trapped in Hell with Tabitha.


5x19 Ep. #1035

5x19 Ep. #1035

  • 2003-07-31T18:00:00Z45m


5x20 Ep. #1036

5x20 Ep. #1036

  • 2003-08-01T18:00:00Z45m

Fox throws a pool party for Theresa to get her mind off of Ethan, and when Chad and Whitney try to dance, he cuts between them, and tries to manipulate Whitney's feelings.
Death tells Charity what is going to happen to Miguel and Kay's baby, but tells her that she can change the outcome...if she really wants to.
In the hospital, a critical Gwen is ministered to by specialist Dr. Abel, as Ethan worries about his wife and child.
Sheridan meets the White Rabbit when she dreams that she's Alice in Wonderland.
When Rebecca makes a crack about Tabitha's age, Tabitha casts a spell on her.


5x21 Ep. #1037 Mon

5x21 Ep. #1037 Mon

  • 2003-08-04T18:00:00Z45m


5x22 Ep. #1038

5x22 Ep. #1038

  • 2003-08-05T18:00:00Z45m


5x23 Ep. #1039

5x23 Ep. #1039

  • 2003-08-06T18:00:00Z45m


5x24 Ep. #1040

5x24 Ep. #1040

  • 2003-08-07T18:00:00Z45m


5x25 Ep. #1041

5x25 Ep. #1041

  • 2003-08-08T18:00:00Z45m


5x26 Ep. #1042 Mon

5x26 Ep. #1042 Mon

  • 2003-08-11T18:00:00Z45m


5x27 Ep. #1043

5x27 Ep. #1043

  • 2003-08-12T18:00:00Z45m


5x28 Ep. #1044

5x28 Ep. #1044

  • 2003-08-13T18:00:00Z45m


5x29 Ep. #1045

5x29 Ep. #1045

  • 2003-08-14T18:00:00Z45m


5x30 Ep. #1046

5x30 Ep. #1046

  • 2003-08-15T18:00:00Z45m


5x31 Ep. #1047 Mon

5x31 Ep. #1047 Mon

  • 2003-08-18T18:00:00Z45m


5x32 Ep. #1048

5x32 Ep. #1048

  • 2003-08-19T18:00:00Z45m


5x33 Ep. #1049

5x33 Ep. #1049

  • 2003-08-20T18:00:00Z45m


5x34 Ep. #1050

5x34 Ep. #1050

  • 2003-08-21T18:00:00Z45m

While Mrs. Wallace tries desperately to keep Hank out of the house, Charlie agrees to take a final message to Luis from Sheridan. At the doctor's office, Luis insists on waiting until they can get the doctor to examine Beth, even though she swears the baby is moving.
Theresa does her best to convince Ethan that no matter how much he loves Gwen and wants to be with her and the baby, he loves her and wants her more. Ethan is firm. What he and Theresa had is in the past, and Gwen and the baby are his future.
Chad promises Whitney that no matter what, he will always love her, and he will never leave her.


5x35 Ep. #1051

5x35 Ep. #1051

  • 2003-08-22T18:00:00Z45m

Theresa can't accept it when Ethan tells her that there is no future for them, and is determined to get him back no matter what. Meanwhile Ethan, who has decided to devote himself to loving only his wife, takes a picnic to the hospital, but Gwen suspects that something is up.
Whitney believes Fox is in love with Theresa and tells him he needs to go for it. At first he's excited, until he realises that she's not telling him to go for her. Chad is surprised to find Whitney in Fox' arms, and for the first time wonders if Fox is really the friend he pretends to be.
Luis is devastated when he receives a note from Sheridan with her engagement ring telling him that it's over once and for all. He can't believe she isn't coming back. Meanwhile, Charlie rescues Beth in the nick of time, then questions her about Luis.


5x36 Ep. #1052 Mon

5x36 Ep. #1052 Mon

  • 2003-08-25T18:00:00Z45m


5x37 Ep. #1053

5x37 Ep. #1053

  • 2003-08-26T18:00:00Z45m


5x38 Ep. #1054

5x38 Ep. #1054

  • 2003-08-27T18:00:00Z45m


5x39 Ep. #1055

5x39 Ep. #1055

  • 2003-09-28T18:00:00Z45m


5x40 Ep. #1056

5x40 Ep. #1056

  • 2003-08-29T18:00:00Z45m


5x41 Ep. #1057 Mon / Labor Day

5x41 Ep. #1057 Mon / Labor Day

  • 2003-09-01T18:00:00Z45m


5x42 Ep. #1058

5x42 Ep. #1058

  • 2003-09-02T18:00:00Z45m


5x43 Ep. #1059

5x43 Ep. #1059

  • 2003-09-03T18:00:00Z45m


5x44 Ep. #1060

5x44 Ep. #1060

  • 2003-09-04T18:00:00Z45m


5x45 Ep. #1061

5x45 Ep. #1061

  • 2003-09-05T18:00:00Z45m


5x46 Ep. #1062 Mon

5x46 Ep. #1062 Mon

  • 2003-09-08T18:00:00Z45m


5x47 Ep. #1063

5x47 Ep. #1063

  • 2003-09-09T18:00:00Z45m


5x48 Ep. #1064

5x48 Ep. #1064

  • 2003-09-10T18:00:00Z45m


5x49 Ep. #1065

5x49 Ep. #1065

  • 2003-09-11T18:00:00Z45m


5x50 Ep. #1066

5x50 Ep. #1066

  • 2003-09-12T18:00:00Z45m


5x51 Ep. #1067 Mon

5x51 Ep. #1067 Mon

  • 2003-09-15T18:00:00Z45m

Theresa attempts to manipulate Ethan using her son, telling him that little Ethan needs him in his life. Ethan calls her selfish and insensitive; he is furious to know that she honestly believes he would abandon his own wife and child, and tells her any man who would do that to his family is not a man who should raise children. He loves Gwen and their child, and he will not leave them. Privately Theresa vows that she will do anything necessary to get Gwen and her child out of his life, and to get Ethan into her life and her child's life. Fox suggests she just give up, since Ethan is too honorable to leave his wife and child, but Theresa says she will do anything she has to in order to take Ethan from his wife and child, and to give her son the perfect father.
A distraught Antonio attacks Luis and demands to know why he had Sheridan's engagement ring. Hank finally calms Antonio down and explains that she sent it to the station to try to get them to stop looking. Antonio immediately apol


5x52 Ep. #1068

5x52 Ep. #1068

  • 2003-09-16T18:00:00Z45m


5x53 Ep. #1069

5x53 Ep. #1069

  • 2003-09-17T18:00:00Z45m


5x54 Ep. #1070

5x54 Ep. #1070

  • 2003-09-18T18:00:00Z45m


5x55 Ep. #1071

5x55 Ep. #1071

  • 2003-09-19T18:00:00Z45m


5x56 Ep. #1072 Mon

5x56 Ep. #1072 Mon

  • 2003-09-22T18:00:00Z45m

Puff Dog threatens to harm Whitney if Chad doesn't give up Syd.
Luis finds someone who can identify the sketch of Charlie!
TC and Eve share an emotional reunion.


5x57 Ep. #1073

5x57 Ep. #1073

  • 2003-09-23T18:00:00Z45m


5x58 Ep. #1074

5x58 Ep. #1074

  • 2003-09-24T18:00:00Z45m


5x59 Ep. #1075

5x59 Ep. #1075

  • 2003-09-25T18:00:00Z45m


5x60 Ep. #1076

5x60 Ep. #1076

  • 2003-09-26T18:00:00Z45m

Luis fears Sheridan is dead, and Antonio calls his brother on his feelings for Sheridan. Sheridan sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor. In heaven, Sheridan realizes she's dying and begs her mother for help. Beth gets ready to kill Charlie and live happily ever after with Luis and the baby.
Fox calls Ethan on his behavior and accuses him of being the real cad in the family. At the apartment pool area, Gwen and Theresa face off in their nastiest encounter yet.


5x61 Ep. #1077 Mon

5x61 Ep. #1077 Mon

  • 2003-09-29T18:00:00Z45m

Theresa again tells Gwen that she only came out to L.A. to give her and Ethan a break. Gwen doesn't believe her, because if Theresa left to give Ethan and Gwen a break from her, how come she stayed in L.A.? Gwen is convinced that Theresa is lying and scheming just like before. When Gwen collapses in pain, Theresa gloats to her that she will take Ethan from her and the baby, because Ethan loves her more, and she blames Gwen's stress and the baby's condition on Gwen's insecurities. A furious Gwen grabs Theresa. Theresa shoves Gwen away, and Gwen falls, hitting her head and losing consciousness...just as the rest show up!
Luis finally agrees with Pilar and Hank's pleas not to tell Antonio that he and Sheridan were former lovers, and that the child might be his. He accepts that this is not the right time. Meanwhile, Katherine tells Sheridan that she needs to accept that she is about to die. As Sheridan's body dies, her spirit goes to the station to see Luis.


5x62 Ep. #1078

5x62 Ep. #1078

  • 2003-09-30T18:00:00Z45m

After Simone convinces Miguel to spend some time with Charity, Kay verbally attacks her, accusing her of not being her friend. Simone reminds Kay that she has successfully manipulated Miguel into spending all day with her; surely he deserves some time with the woman he loves. Kay again blasts Simone, telling her she has no right to lecture her, when she was such a wimp she let her sister take away her boyfriend. Kay is only satisfied once she reduces Simone to tears.
Theresa tries to explain what happened, and while neither Fox nor Ethan blame her, Whitney quickly takes her to task. Theresa begs Whitney to tell her this isn't her fault, but Whitney says she can't. If she hadn't worked so relentlessly to take Ethan from his wife and child, none of this would have happened. Gwen comes to long enough to beg Ethan to keep Theresa away from her.
Mr. Jackson swears it wasn't himself and his wife that took the boat out, helping Luis, Hank, and Antonio realise that someone else did. Meanwhile,


5x63 Ep. #1079

5x63 Ep. #1079

  • 2003-10-01T18:00:00Z45m

Everyone goes to the hospital, despite Gwen's specific request that Theresa not be anywhere near her, Theresa is not willing to give up her chance at Ethan. Theresa tries to convince Ethan that everything that happened was Gwen's fault, but he reminds her that no matter what Gwen said or did, Theresa knew exactly how precarious Gwen's condition was, and that she knew better than to fight with her. He tells her that Gwen had every right to be upset after what they did to her, and that it is he and Theresa who are to blame for what has happened.


5x64 Ep. #1080

5x64 Ep. #1080

  • 2003-10-02T18:00:00Z45m

Theresa stays close to Ethan at the hospital, but Ethan's only concern is for his wife and child. Dr. Abel comes out to tell them that Gwen's condition is better, but still not great. Ethan asks to see her, but Dr. Abel doesn't want to see Gwen more stressed out. He tells Theresa to leave, because he doesn't want her there...he doesn't even want Gwen to hear her voice.
Beth introduces Luis to 'their' new son. He worries when she says that she gave birth at home and didn't go to the hospital, but suddenly Dr. Culver (Charlie in disguise) appears to reassure Luis that she was there with Beth the whole time, and that the baby is fine.
Fox continues to try to scheme to get closer to Whitney, even though she maintains her surety that no one will come between her and Chad. Just then, Latoya walks in and slaps Chad!


5x65 Ep. #1081

5x65 Ep. #1081

  • 2003-10-03T18:00:00Z45m

The nurse is disgusted to see Theresa and Ethan both there. She can't believe that Theresa came to the hospital, especially since Gwen doesn't want her there. Dr. Abel agrees...Gwen's life is in danger, and he doesn't believes it's appropriate for Theresa to be there. Ethan mistakenly believes the baby is dead, and Theresa tries to get close to Ethan, but he pushes her away, telling her that this is not the time. Dr. Abel comes out again, and corrects Ethan's misconception...the baby isn't dead, but it is in danger. Ethan goes in to see his wife, and Dr. Abel stays outside. Dr. Abel demands Theresa leave. She is not helping the situation, and her being there is causing danger for his patient. She insists she has to be there because she has to be with Ethan, and Dr. Abel tells her that if she cares about Ethan she will leave, and stop putting his wife and child in danger. Theresa still refuses to leave, despite the fact that all the hospital staff are disgusted to see her using this opp


5x66 Ep. #1082 Mon\

5x66 Ep. #1082 Mon\

  • 2003-10-06T18:00:00Z45m

Ethan continues to deliberate on who to choose. Theresa encourages him to choose the baby; she says that the Church doesn't believe in letting a baby die, and that she and Ethan will raise the child together. Ethan has no interest in raising his child with Theresa.
Latoya shocks Whitney when she reveals that Chad is her husband.


5x67 Ep. #1083

5x67 Ep. #1083

  • 2003-10-07T18:00:00Z45m

Latoya can't believe Chad never mentioned his wife to Whitney. Chad insists that their marriage was over years ago when he left Latoya in L.A., but Latoya tells him that she never signed the divorce papers after he walked out on her.
Despite frequent requests, Theresa still refuses to leave the hospital. She keeps trying to convince Ethan to let Gwen die so they can raise the baby together, not accepting that Ethan has no desire to raise his child with her.
Ethan has chosen to save Gwen because he can't live without her, but it looks like his choice doesn't matter. Dr. Abel gets called into the room because there is an emergency.


5x68 Ep. #1084

5x68 Ep. #1084

  • 2003-10-08T18:00:00Z45m

When Dr. Abel comes out to tell Ethan that they lost 'her', he automatically assumes he means Gwen. As a destroyed Ethan wonders how he will raise his child without it's mother, Theresa interrupts to tell him they will raise the baby together. Ethan looks at her like he doesn't even know her and tells her that Gwen and the baby are his family, not hers. For the first time Ethan has realised how much he loves Gwen, and now he has lost her. Dr. Abel soon corrects Ethan...it wasn't Gwen they lost, but her daughter. Ethan is relieved his wife is still alive as he couldn't stand to lose her, but heartbroken to know his baby girl is dead. He leaves Theresa to go see the baby. Dr. Abel reminds Theresa that she was supposed to leave; she has no business being here at a time when Ethan and Gwen will need to grieve together. She tells him she has every right to be here with Ethan, and tells Dr. Abel an editted version of her history with Ethan. Dr. Abel isn't moved. He still feels her presence i


5x69 Ep. #1085

5x69 Ep. #1085

  • 2003-10-09T18:00:00Z45m

Gwen faints after realising her baby girl is dead. Ethan tells her how much he loves her, and apologizes for not being able to save the baby for her, but says he couldn't lose Gwen because he loves her so much. While looking at his baby girl, Ethan dreams of what could have happened.
Whitney refuses to let Theresa intrude on Gwen and Ethan's privacy, no matter how Theresa says that she needs to be with Ethan. After pushing Latoya off, Chad comes to see what's up, but Fox keeps him back.
On TV, Luis vows to catch the person who took Sheridan's baby. Antonio, meanwhile, is frantic about his wife's condition and his missing child.


5x70 Ep. #1086

5x70 Ep. #1086

  • 2003-10-10T18:00:00Z45m

Whitney struggles to keep Theresa from interfering in Ethan and Gwen's grief, but Theresa is insistent that she be there with Ethan; she believes it is her right. Whitney threatens to never speak to her again. When Theresa overhears Gwen ask why her baby had to die, she decides it is her right to tell Gwen exactly what happened.
The cops are determined to find what happened to Sheridan's baby, and Beth worries that they'll put two and two together about 'her' baby. On TV, Sam proclaims his love for Grace, prompting David to tell Ivy he is done with her scheming.

Ethan holds Gwen, who is suffering from hysterical amnesia. Gwen remembers nothing after coming to L.A., and has no idea why her baby daughter has died. Ethan leaves the room to phone Rebecca, and when Gwen hears Theresa's voice, she asks Theresa to come in. Gwen is curious as to why Theresa is there, and she says she came out to visit Whitney. Gwen tells Theresa that nothing matters, not their fights over Ethan, nothing Theresa has done to her...all that matters is that innocent baby. She thanks Theresa for being there, telling her that even seeing her there, after everything that happened, makes her feel better. Theresa is about to leave to get Gwen some water when something in her face triggers a memory in Gwen. Gwen suddenly remembers everything that has happened since coming to L.A., and realises that Theresa played a direct role in her daughter's death.
David caves to Ivy's pressure, and doesn't tell Grace the truth. Grace, meanwhile, is still thinking about Sam's on-air declarat


5x72 Ep. #1088

5x72 Ep. #1088

  • 2003-10-14T18:00:00Z45m


5x73 Ep. #1089

5x73 Ep. #1089

  • 2003-10-15T18:00:00Z45m


5x74 Ep. #1090

5x74 Ep. #1090

  • 2003-10-16T18:00:00Z45m


5x75 Ep. #1091

5x75 Ep. #1091

  • 2003-10-17T18:00:00Z45m


5x76 Ep. #1092 Mon

5x76 Ep. #1092 Mon

  • 2003-10-20T18:00:00Z45m


5x77 Ep. #1093

5x77 Ep. #1093

  • 2003-10-21T18:00:00Z45m

Theresa believes that fate made sure the baby died so that she and Ethan could be together again.
Latoya shoots Whitney.


5x78 Ep. #1094

5x78 Ep. #1094

  • 2003-10-22T18:00:00Z45m


5x79 Ep. #1095

5x79 Ep. #1095

  • 2003-10-23T18:00:00Z45m


5x80 Ep. #1096

5x80 Ep. #1096

  • 2003-10-24T18:00:00Z45m


5x81 Ep. #1097 Mon

5x81 Ep. #1097 Mon

  • 2003-10-27T19:00:00Z45m


5x82 Ep. #1098

5x82 Ep. #1098

  • 2003-10-28T19:00:00Z45m


5x83 Ep. #1099

5x83 Ep. #1099

  • 2003-10-29T19:00:00Z45m


5x84 Ep. #1100

5x84 Ep. #1100

  • 2003-10-30T19:00:00Z45m


5x85 Ep. #1101 Fri / Halloween

5x85 Ep. #1101 Fri / Halloween

  • 2003-10-31T19:00:00Z45m


5x86 Ep. #1102 Mon

5x86 Ep. #1102 Mon

  • 2003-11-03T19:00:00Z45m


5x87 Ep. #1103

5x87 Ep. #1103

  • 2003-11-04T19:00:00Z45m


5x88 Ep. #1104

5x88 Ep. #1104

  • 2003-11-05T19:00:00Z45m


5x89 Ep. #1105

5x89 Ep. #1105

  • 2003-11-06T19:00:00Z45m


5x90 Ep. #1106

5x90 Ep. #1106

  • 2003-11-07T19:00:00Z45m


5x91 Ep. #1107 Mon

5x91 Ep. #1107 Mon

  • 2003-11-10T19:00:00Z45m


5x93 Ep. #1109

5x93 Ep. #1109

  • 2003-11-12T19:00:00Z45m


5x94 Ep. #1110

5x94 Ep. #1110

  • 2003-11-13T19:00:00Z45m


5x95 Ep. #1111

5x95 Ep. #1111

  • 2003-11-14T19:00:00Z45m


5x96 Ep. #1112 Mon

5x96 Ep. #1112 Mon

  • 2003-11-17T19:00:00Z45m


5x97 Ep. #1113

5x97 Ep. #1113

  • 2003-11-18T19:00:00Z45m


5x98 Ep. #1114

5x98 Ep. #1114

  • 2003-11-19T19:00:00Z45m


5x99 Ep. #1115

5x99 Ep. #1115

  • 2003-11-20T19:00:00Z45m


5x100 Ep. #1116

5x100 Ep. #1116

  • 2003-11-21T19:00:00Z45m


5x101 Ep. #1117 Mon

5x101 Ep. #1117 Mon

  • 2003-11-24T19:00:00Z45m

Gwen throws her wedding ring at Theresa, telling her that she can have Ethan, and that her wedding ring had the highest price of all...Sarah's life. Theresa refuses to leave when Ethan asks, and he reiterates his desire for her to get out of his life. After telling Theresa to get lost, Ethan begs Gwen for forgiveness.
Rebecca is stunned to see Julian and Eve kissing, and realises that Eve is Julian's secret love. She tells Eve she will expose her to everyone in Harmony.


5x102 Ep. #1118

5x102 Ep. #1118

  • 2003-11-25T19:00:00Z45m

While watching a passionate kiss between Ethan and Gwen, Theresa fantasizes that Ethan proposes to her with the wedding ring he put on Gwen's finger after forgiving her for her years of lies and deceptions. Just as it seems Gwen may forgive Ethan, an orderly wheels in Sarah's casket, and Gwen tells Ethan to leave the room.
While Theresa tries to convince Ethan to be with her since (she says) Gwen will never forgive him for his role in Sarah's death, Whitney watches Fox pretend to be Gwen's friend in another attempt to manipulate Whitney's feelings.
Eve tells T.C. to just listen to what Rebecca has to say, but they are interrupted before she can say anything, and Julian grabs her, begging her not to do this to Eve.
Antonio admits that he knows more about their father's disappearance than Luis, leaving Luis wondering what a child could have had to do with it all.

Jessica refuses Grace's invitation for her, Kay, and Sam, as Ivy ruins Thanksgiving dinner.


5x104 Ep. #1120

5x104 Ep. #1120

  • 2003-11-28T19:00:00Z45m

Pilar tells Theresa that she is disgusted with her, and her manipulative actions that cost little Sarah Winthrop her life.
Kay is furious when she arrives to pick up Maria and Miguel is there with Charity.
Luis and Antonio have yet another battle.


5x105 Ep. #1121 Mon

5x105 Ep. #1121 Mon

  • 2003-12-01T19:00:00Z45m


5x106 Ep. #1122

5x106 Ep. #1122

  • 2003-12-02T19:00:00Z45m


5x107 Ep. #1123

5x107 Ep. #1123

  • 2003-12-03T19:00:00Z45m


5x108 Ep. #1124

5x108 Ep. #1124

  • 2003-12-04T19:00:00Z45m


5x109 Ep. #1125

5x109 Ep. #1125

  • 2003-12-05T19:00:00Z45m


5x110 Ep. #1126 Mon

5x110 Ep. #1126 Mon

  • 2003-12-08T19:00:00Z45m


5x111 Ep. #1127

5x111 Ep. #1127

  • 2003-12-09T19:00:00Z45m


5x112 Ep. #1128

5x112 Ep. #1128

  • 2003-12-10T19:00:00Z45m


5x113 Ep. #1129

5x113 Ep. #1129

  • 2003-12-11T19:00:00Z45m


5x114 Ep. #1130

5x114 Ep. #1130

  • 2003-12-12T19:00:00Z45m


5x115 Ep. #1131 Mon

5x115 Ep. #1131 Mon

  • 2003-12-15T19:00:00Z45m


5x116 Ep. #1132

5x116 Ep. #1132

  • 2003-12-16T19:00:00Z45m


5x117 Ep. #1133

5x117 Ep. #1133

  • 2003-12-17T19:00:00Z45m


5x118 Ep. #1134

5x118 Ep. #1134

  • 2003-12-18T19:00:00Z45m


5x119 Ep. #1135

5x119 Ep. #1135

  • 2003-12-19T19:00:00Z45m


5x120 Ep. #1136 Mon

5x120 Ep. #1136 Mon

  • 2003-12-22T19:00:00Z45m


5x121 Ep. #1137

5x121 Ep. #1137

  • 2003-12-23T19:00:00Z45m


5x124 Ep. #1140

5x124 Ep. #1140

  • 2003-12-26T19:00:00Z45m


5x125 Ep. #1141 Mon

5x125 Ep. #1141 Mon

  • 2003-12-29T19:00:00Z45m


5x126 Ep. #1142

5x126 Ep. #1142

  • 2003-12-30T19:00:00Z45m


5x128 Ep. #1144

5x128 Ep. #1144

  • 2004-01-02T19:00:00Z45m

In the aftermath of Julian and Rebecca's wedding, Theresa breaks into the Crane mansion to get Little Ethan. She is caught trying to escape the grounds. Judge Reilly is shocked to see her actions, and is convinced that Theresa is emotionally unstable and shouldn't be allowed near Little Ethan. Theresa goes into hysterics as Reilly tells her that after her behavior tonight he's not even going to allow visitation, and Little Ethan is visibly traumatized as Theresa fights and screams as she is dragged from the mansion.


5x129 Ep. #1145 Mon

5x129 Ep. #1145 Mon

  • 2004-01-05T19:00:00Z45m


5x130 Ep. #1146

5x130 Ep. #1146

  • 2004-01-06T19:00:00Z45m


5x131 Ep. #1147

5x131 Ep. #1147

  • 2004-01-07T19:00:00Z45m


5x132 Ep. #1148

5x132 Ep. #1148

  • 2004-01-08T19:00:00Z45m


5x133 Ep. #1149

5x133 Ep. #1149

  • 2004-01-09T19:00:00Z45m


5x134 Ep. #1150 Mon

5x134 Ep. #1150 Mon

  • 2004-01-12T19:00:00Z45m

Theresa mistakenly assumes that Fox is in love with her. Luis tries to convince Sheridan to pretend her baby is dead.


5x135 Ep. #1151

5x135 Ep. #1151

  • 2004-01-13T19:00:00Z45m

Fox in unable to get a word in edgewise with Theresa, who now assumes that they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Antonio tries to convince Luis that Sheridan needs time to heal, but Luis is convinced his brother is just jealous. Eve and Julian try to locate the agency that placed their son.


5x136 Ep. #1152

5x136 Ep. #1152

  • 2004-01-14T19:00:00Z45m


5x137 Ep. #1153

5x137 Ep. #1153

  • 2004-01-15T19:00:00Z45m


5x138 Ep. #1154

5x138 Ep. #1154

  • 2004-01-16T19:00:00Z45m


5x139 Ep. #1155 Mon / MLK Day

5x139 Ep. #1155 Mon / MLK Day

  • 2004-01-19T19:00:00Z45m


5x140 Ep. #1156

5x140 Ep. #1156

  • 2004-01-20T19:00:00Z45m


5x141 Ep. #1157

5x141 Ep. #1157

  • 2004-01-21T19:00:00Z45m


5x142 Ep. #1158

5x142 Ep. #1158

  • 2004-01-22T19:00:00Z45m


5x143 Ep. #1159

5x143 Ep. #1159

  • 2004-01-23T19:00:00Z45m


5x144 Ep. #1160 Mon

5x144 Ep. #1160 Mon

  • 2004-01-26T19:00:00Z45m


5x145 Ep. #1161

5x145 Ep. #1161

  • 2004-01-27T19:00:00Z45m


5x146 Ep. #1162

5x146 Ep. #1162

  • 2004-01-28T19:00:00Z45m


5x147 Ep. #1163

5x147 Ep. #1163

  • 2004-01-29T19:00:00Z45m


5x148 Ep. #1164

5x148 Ep. #1164

  • 2004-01-30T19:00:00Z45m


5x149 Ep. #1165 Mon

5x149 Ep. #1165 Mon

  • 2004-02-02T19:00:00Z45m

Ivy voices her belief that Alistair blames his daughter for Katherine's death; Theresa sneaks into the mansion to see Little Ethan; Fox attempts to safeguard his father's secret, while Liz seeks to expose her sister.


5x150 Ep. #1166

5x150 Ep. #1166

  • 2004-02-03T19:00:00Z45m

Julian urges Luis to fight for Sheridan's life; Charity decides she is tired of being good and sets out to be bad; Whitney threatens to reveal Eve's lies.


5x151 Ep. #1167

5x151 Ep. #1167

  • 2004-02-04T19:00:00Z45m

When Charity dances with a gang of rowdy young men, her behavior shocks everyone; Kay says Charity is showing her true colors; Whitney strives to tell her father the truth; Julian and Luis have a heart-to-heart conversation about lost love.


5x152 Ep. #1168

5x152 Ep. #1168

  • 2004-02-05T19:00:00Z45m

Charity continues to flirt with a group of guys; Charity's outlandish behavior delights Kay; Alistair forces Dr. Ackland to continue administering electroshock therapy to Sheridan.


5x153 Ep. #1169

5x153 Ep. #1169

  • 2004-02-06T19:00:00Z45m

Ethan assures his godson he will be reunited with his mother; Liz urges Whitney to tell TC about Eve and Julian's betrayal; Eve, Luis and Julian band together to save Sheridan, as she continues to undergo electroshock therapy.


5x154 Ep. #1170 Mon

5x154 Ep. #1170 Mon

  • 2004-02-09T19:00:00Z45m


5x155 Ep. #1171

5x155 Ep. #1171

  • 2004-02-10T19:00:00Z45m


5x156 Ep. #1172

5x156 Ep. #1172

  • 2004-02-11T19:00:00Z45m


5x157 Ep. #1173

5x157 Ep. #1173

  • 2004-02-12T19:00:00Z45m


5x158 Ep. #1174

5x158 Ep. #1174

  • 2004-02-13T19:00:00Z45m


5x160 Ep. #1176

5x160 Ep. #1176

  • 2004-02-17T19:00:00Z45m


5x161 Ep. #1177

5x161 Ep. #1177

  • 2004-02-18T19:00:00Z45m


5x162 Ep. #1178

5x162 Ep. #1178

  • 2004-02-19T19:00:00Z45m


5x163 Ep. #1179

5x163 Ep. #1179

  • 2004-02-20T19:00:00Z45m


5x164 Ep. #1180 Mon

5x164 Ep. #1180 Mon

  • 2004-02-23T19:00:00Z45m


5x165 Ep. #1181

5x165 Ep. #1181

  • 2004-02-24T19:00:00Z45m


5x166 Ep. #1182 / Ash Wednsday

5x166 Ep. #1182 / Ash Wednsday

  • 2004-02-25T19:00:00Z45m


5x167 Ep. #1183

5x167 Ep. #1183

  • 2004-02-26T19:00:00Z45m


5x168 Ep. #1184

5x168 Ep. #1184

  • 2004-02-27T19:00:00Z45m


5x169 Ep. #1185 Mon

5x169 Ep. #1185 Mon

  • 2004-03-01T19:00:00Z45m


5x170 Ep. #1186

5x170 Ep. #1186

  • 2004-03-02T19:00:00Z45m


5x171 Ep. #1187

5x171 Ep. #1187

  • 2004-03-03T19:00:00Z45m


5x172 Ep. #1188

5x172 Ep. #1188

  • 2004-03-04T19:00:00Z45m


5x173 Ep. #1189

5x173 Ep. #1189

  • 2004-03-05T19:00:00Z45m


5x174 Ep. #1190 Mon

5x174 Ep. #1190 Mon

  • 2004-03-08T19:00:00Z45m


5x175 Ep. #1191

5x175 Ep. #1191

  • 2004-03-09T19:00:00Z45m


5x176 Ep. #1192

5x176 Ep. #1192

  • 2004-03-10T19:00:00Z45m


5x177 Ep. #1193

5x177 Ep. #1193

  • 2004-03-11T19:00:00Z45m


5x178 Ep. #1194

5x178 Ep. #1194

  • 2004-03-12T19:00:00Z45m


5x179 Ep. #1195 Mon

5x179 Ep. #1195 Mon

  • 2004-03-15T19:00:00Z45m


5x180 Ep. #1196

5x180 Ep. #1196

  • 2004-03-16T19:00:00Z45m


5x181 Ep. #1197

5x181 Ep. #1197

  • 2004-03-17T19:00:00Z45m


5x182 Ep. #1198

5x182 Ep. #1198

  • 2004-03-18T19:00:00Z45m


5x183 Ep. #1199

5x183 Ep. #1199

  • 2004-03-19T19:00:00Z45m

The custody hearing for Little Ethan begins, but Theresa does little to endear herself to the judge, even though he tries to give her numerous chances.


5x184 Ep. #1200 Mon

5x184 Ep. #1200 Mon

  • 2004-03-22T19:00:00Z45m


5x185 Ep. #1201

5x185 Ep. #1201

  • 2004-03-23T19:00:00Z45m


5x186 Ep. #1202

5x186 Ep. #1202

  • 2004-03-24T19:00:00Z45m


5x187 Ep. #1203

5x187 Ep. #1203

  • 2004-03-25T19:00:00Z45m


5x188 Ep. #1204

5x188 Ep. #1204

  • 2004-03-26T19:00:00Z45m


5x189 Ep. #1205 Mon

5x189 Ep. #1205 Mon

  • 2004-03-29T19:00:00Z45m


5x190 Ep. #1206

5x190 Ep. #1206

  • 2004-03-30T19:00:00Z45m


5x191 Ep. #1207

5x191 Ep. #1207

  • 2004-03-31T19:00:00Z45m


5x192 Ep. #1208

5x192 Ep. #1208

  • 2004-04-01T19:00:00Z45m

Fox tries to help Theresa not lose faith and gives her a connection to her son. Gwen and Rebecca's rejoicing is cut short when Pilar shows up and launches an attack on Ethan and Rebecca. Ivy gives Charity advice about a career in fashion and about love. At the cannery, Kay's wisecracking co-workers taunt her and make her feel insecure about Miguel. While talking with Alistair in his office, Sheridan senses Luis, who is hiding in a closet.


5x193 Ep. #1209

5x193 Ep. #1209

  • 2004-04-02T19:00:00Z45m

Luis fills Hank in on his plans and tries to figure out where he can privately go over blue prints of the Crane Industries building. Meanwhile, Alistair pays Beth a visit and lets her know it's time to pay the piper by choosing to either spy or kill for him. While sitting in her jail cell, Theresa longs for her son and fears what the future may hold. Ethan confides to Eve his plan to help Theresa. Gwen interviews candidates for a surrogate mother to carry her and Ethan's baby.


5x194 Ep. #1210 Mon

5x194 Ep. #1210 Mon

  • 2004-04-05T18:00:00Z45m

A nervous Beth prepares to tell Alistair about Luis plan to bring down the Crane empire. However, Mrs. Wallace brings Luis attention to her daughters clandestine phone call, putting Beth on the spot. In jail, Theresa is concerned she lost any chance she had of getting Little Ethan back. Meanwhile, Gwen lashes out at Ethan for his continued support of Theresa. Pilar struggles to remain strong and optimistic as she faces her illness alone.


5x195 Ep. #1211

5x195 Ep. #1211

  • 2004-04-06T18:00:00Z45m

Sheridan and Fox bond and figure out a way to help Theresa. Meanwhile, Gwen and Ethan argue about Little Ethan as Gwen takes hormone shots in preparation for the surrogacy procedure. An exhausted Kay deals with work and motherhood, while Miguel and Charity share a fraught moment at the Book Café. Pilar starts her treatments, and Eve discovers just how far her friend's disease has progressed. Luis and Hank search Crane Industries for evidence to destroy Alistair.


5x196 Ep. #1212

5x196 Ep. #1212

  • 2004-04-07T18:00:00Z45m

Julian and Eve wait for word on their sons whereabouts. Meanwhile, Chad and Whitney dine out at Sally Chinn's restaurant. Whitney is wary when Chad wants to test their love with the infamous love noodle. Theresa is released from jail and gets a romantic afternoon with Fox. Gwen is furious when she overhears Ethan tell Julian that he plans to give Theresa back her son once they adopt Little Ethan. Luis discovers Alistair's secret safe, but realizes he needs a key to open it.


5x197 Ep. #1213

5x197 Ep. #1213

  • 2004-04-08T18:00:00Z45m

At a casino, Luis concocts a plan to get his hands on Alistair's key to the safe. Sheridan and Antonio also show up and try to have a good time despite Luis presence. Alistair taunts Julian and Eve after they fall for his fake-out in regards to finding their son. Chad tries to cheer up a shaken Whitney after their love noodle breaks. Gwen and Ethan go out for a night at the country club, unaware Fox and Theresa are there, too. With a knife in hand, Theresa confronts Gwen in the ladies room.


5x198 Ep. #1214 / Good Friday

5x198 Ep. #1214 / Good Friday

  • 2004-04-09T18:00:00Z45m

Pilar is taken aback when Luis informs her of his plans to take down Alistair. Meanwhile, Alistair reprimands Sheridan for helping Theresa and tests her to see if she still cares for Luis. TC, Whitney, and Chad race to Eve's aid when they learn shes been in a car accident. Julian and Eve conspire to keep TC from learning they were together. At the courthouse, Theresa barely keeps her cool as Gwen and Ethan try to adopt her son.


5x199 Ep. #1215 Mon

5x199 Ep. #1215 Mon

  • 2004-04-12T18:00:00Z45m


5x200 Ep. #1216

5x200 Ep. #1216

  • 2004-04-13T18:00:00Z45m


5x201 Ep. #1217

5x201 Ep. #1217

  • 2004-04-14T18:00:00Z45m

While Rebecca tries to convince Theresa to take her family and leave town, Ethan gives Gwen a diary to track their surrogacy. After Ethan leaves Gwen, she comments that Theresa has not been successful in destroying her life again. Theresa is shocked when Fox says he'll leave with her, and Rebecca doesn't care how it happens, as long as Theresa is done with playing games in Gwen's life. Luis continues to try to hack into Alistair's files, but things hit a snag when Lola is threatened into revealing who stole Alistair's files, and Alistair shows up with a gun.


5x202 Ep. #1218

5x202 Ep. #1218

  • 2004-04-15T18:00:00Z45m

Gwen and Ethan are overjoyed to learn that their surrogate, Heather, is down at the hospital and ready to have the eggs implanted in her that evening.


5x203 Ep. #1219

5x203 Ep. #1219

  • 2004-04-16T18:00:00Z45m

Theresa tells Fox that she has the perfect plan to force Ethan and Gwen to give her back her son. She will have herself implanted with Gwen and Ethan's child, and then tell them if they don't give her son back to them, she won't give them their child.


5x204 Ep. #1220 Mon

5x204 Ep. #1220 Mon

  • 2004-04-19T18:00:00Z45m


5x205 Ep. #1221

5x205 Ep. #1221

  • 2004-04-20T18:00:00Z45m


5x206 Ep. #1222

5x206 Ep. #1222

  • 2004-04-21T18:00:00Z45m


5x207 Ep. #1223

5x207 Ep. #1223

  • 2004-04-22T18:00:00Z45m


5x208 Ep. #1224

5x208 Ep. #1224

  • 2004-04-23T18:00:00Z45m


5x209 Ep. #1225 Mon

5x209 Ep. #1225 Mon

  • 2004-04-26T18:00:00Z45m


5x210 Ep. #1226

5x210 Ep. #1226

  • 2004-04-27T18:00:00Z45m


5x211 Ep. #1227

5x211 Ep. #1227

  • 2004-04-28T18:00:00Z45m


5x212 Ep. #1228

5x212 Ep. #1228

  • 2004-04-29T18:00:00Z45m


5x213 Ep. #1229

5x213 Ep. #1229

  • 2004-04-30T18:00:00Z45m


5x214 Ep. #1230 Mon

5x214 Ep. #1230 Mon

  • 2004-05-03T18:00:00Z45m


5x215 Ep. #1231

5x215 Ep. #1231

  • 2004-05-04T18:00:00Z45m


5x216 Ep. #1232

5x216 Ep. #1232

  • 2004-05-05T18:00:00Z45m


5x217 Ep. #1233

5x217 Ep. #1233

  • 2004-05-06T18:00:00Z45m


5x218 Ep. #1234

5x218 Ep. #1234

  • 2004-05-07T18:00:00Z45m


5x219 Ep. #1235 Mon

5x219 Ep. #1235 Mon

  • 2004-05-10T18:00:00Z45m


5x220 Ep. #1236

5x220 Ep. #1236

  • 2004-05-11T18:00:00Z45m


5x221 Ep. #1237

5x221 Ep. #1237

  • 2004-05-12T18:00:00Z45m


5x222 Ep. #1238

5x222 Ep. #1238

  • 2004-05-13T18:00:00Z45m


5x223 Ep. #1239

5x223 Ep. #1239

  • 2004-05-14T18:00:00Z45m


5x224 Ep. #1240 Mon

5x224 Ep. #1240 Mon

  • 2004-05-17T18:00:00Z45m

After Sam receives a text message from Grace, Ivy turns on the waterworks. Spinning her own history in an attempt to get sympathy from Sam, she tells him that she understands how Grace loves him now. After telling him to be with Grace, she turns to leave. Remembering that not too many people in the hospital are O-, Eve wonders where the blood Julian received came from. After learning it came from a male, Julian assumes it was from Fox. The Wheelers tell Paloma that there is trouble in Harmony, and try to convince her to go home.


5x225 Ep. #1241

5x225 Ep. #1241

  • 2004-05-18T18:00:00Z45m

The thought that Julian may have another Crane heir out there sends Fox into a tizzy thinking that the fortune he wants so desperately may not be his, but Theresa reassures him that he will get everything because Alistair will never let a 'bastard child' be the next Crane heir. The Wheelers talk about how worried they are about Paloma, and how their sweet little girl is turning so angry these days. They try to decide what the best thing to do is. Sam tells Ivy that he has finally put Grace in the past, and is ready to forgive her for what she did to him and move on, and the two make love.


5x226 Ep. #1242

5x226 Ep. #1242

  • 2004-05-19T18:00:00Z45m

Whitney is disgusted to learn that Theresa plans to blackmail Ethan and Gwen and to trade one child for another, but before Pilar can voice her disapproval, Theresa takes off to call Paloma in Mexico. When she gets back, Pilar begs Theresa not to do this, because this child is an innocent who does not deserve to be used like a bargaining chip. Theresa refuses to change her mind, and Pilar wonders how her daughter could have turned out so selfish. Sheridan enjoys Luis' kiss, but tells him that it cannot happen again, because she is a married woman, and it is wrong for a married woman to be getting involved with another man. Ethan and Gwen are devastated to learn that Heather has lost their baby, and that the reason is that their eggs are not viable.


5x227 Ep. #1243

5x227 Ep. #1243

  • 2004-05-20T18:00:00Z45m

Sheridan talks to Gwen after she agrees to leave Harmony with Alistair, and is saddened to learn that Gwen and Ethan have no viable eggs. As they prepare to leave, Sheridan suggests having another pregnancy test done, and Gwen admits that Theresa is a compulsive liar. When Antonio interjects, Gwen apologizes, but says that Theresa has put them through a lot. In Mexico, the Wheelers read about all the happenings in Harmony in the newspaper, and start working on Paloma to convince her to go home.


5x228 Ep. #1244

5x228 Ep. #1244

  • 2004-05-21T18:00:00Z45m

In Mexico, the mystery couple reminisce about the first time they met, and it is revealed that they are in reality Martin and Katherine, the missing and presumed dead Harmonyites. Gwen and Ethan demand that Theresa take a pregnancy test, since they have proof that the eggs were not viable and could not be carried. After Luis tries to kill him, Dr. Ackland comes clean with him about everything that Alistair forced him to do. As Antonio leaves to get Pilar so Sheridan can say goodbye, Luis shows up at the door.


5x229 Ep. #1245 Mon

5x229 Ep. #1245 Mon

  • 2004-05-24T18:00:00Z45m


5x230 Ep. #1246

5x230 Ep. #1246

  • 2004-05-25T18:00:00Z45m


5x231 Ep. #1247

5x231 Ep. #1247

  • 2004-05-26T18:00:00Z45m


5x232 Ep. #1248

5x232 Ep. #1248

  • 2004-05-27T18:00:00Z45m


5x233 Ep. #1249

5x233 Ep. #1249

  • 2004-05-28T18:00:00Z45m


5x235 Ep. #1251

5x235 Ep. #1251

  • 2004-06-01T18:00:00Z45m


5x236 Ep. #1252

5x236 Ep. #1252

  • 2004-06-02T18:00:00Z45m


5x237 Ep. #1253

5x237 Ep. #1253

  • 2004-06-03T18:00:00Z45m

After numerous failed attempts, Faith's ghost finally gets Miguel to go after Charity at her old home by first knocking over a photo of herself and Charity then, when Miguel wonders if that means Charity is at the house, writing 'GO' on the mirror. She then floats down to the main level, where Sam and Ivy are making out, and blasts Ivy for the manipulations that destroyed Sam and Grace's marriage. After hearing Ivy gloat to herself about how successful her scheme was, Faith makes Ivy choke.


5x238 Ep. #1254

5x238 Ep. #1254

  • 2004-06-04T18:00:00Z45m


5x239 Ep. #1255 Mon

5x239 Ep. #1255 Mon

  • 2004-06-07T18:00:00Z45m

Whitney tries to comfort Theresa, who bursts into tears when Fox gives her a huge flower arrangements. She admits to Whitney that Gwen has been right about her all along, but while she feels absolutely no guilt about raping Ethan, she does feel bad for betraying Fox. Theresa also admits that as much as she wants to love Fox and be with him, she still loves Ethan. In the past, Patience throws herself in front of her true love Harry and begs her betrothed Andrew to let them be together, because they love each other. As Andrew washes his hands of the duplicitous duo, Patience's father takes aim. Charity calls the paramedics after they find Kay impaled, and she is rushed to the hospital. Charity then phones the house to let them know, interrupting a fight between Sam and T.C. over Ivy's back-stabbing nature.


5x240 Ep. #1256

5x240 Ep. #1256

  • 2004-06-08T18:00:00Z45m

Although Theresa swore to Whitney she would confess the truth to Fox and be honest with at least one of the men in her life, she just can't do it. She tells Fox that they need to break up because she just can't handle this right now, but maybe someday they can get back together. Fox heads into the kitchen to talk to Chad while Whitney heads out to Theresa, and he tells Chad he's lucky to have a girlfriend like Whitney, who's not only beautiful, but honest and loyal as well. Sheridan remembers that in the past, Patience's father shot and killed Harry, and vows not to let that happen again. She flags down Hank and Antonio, and when Antonio gives her the option between sending Luis to prison or shooting him for his crimes, Sheridan decides to press charges. Tabitha tries to manipulate Charity into leaving town, saying she is responsible for Kay nearly dying, and lies to her, telling her about how happy Kay and Miguel were together before she showed up.


5x241 Ep. #1257

5x241 Ep. #1257

  • 2004-06-09T18:00:00Z45m


5x242 Ep. #1258

5x242 Ep. #1258

  • 2004-06-10T18:00:00Z45m


5x243 Ep. #1259

5x243 Ep. #1259

  • 2004-06-11T18:00:00Z45m


5x244 Ep. #1260 Mon

5x244 Ep. #1260 Mon

  • 2004-06-14T18:00:00Z45m

Liz goes to Shady Elms to meet Irma, who is Eve's aunt. It is revealed that Liz and Eve are actually half-sisters, who share the same mother, but have different fathers. In Mexico, Katherine and Martin talk about running again, feeling that if the assassin's body is found, Martin could be going to prison. Despite her recent near-death experience, all Kay can think about is that, if Tabitha's plan worked, Miguel and Charity will be over forever. Luis is more than willing to go to trial once he learns Sheridan will be there, convinced that he can force her to remember their love together.


5x245 Ep. #1261

5x245 Ep. #1261

  • 2004-06-15T18:00:00Z45m

Kay is devastated when she learns she can't have more children, and turns on Miguel and Charity. Ignoring her own role in events, she blames Miguel and Charity for everything, starting from falling in love, to Miguel never wanting to be with her, even to her family's break-up. Luis is released after Sheridan remembers their love, and Antonio is determined not to let his younger brother manipulate the situation yet again. Liz is thrilled to learn that Irma hates Eve just as much as she does.


5x246 Ep. #1262

5x246 Ep. #1262

  • 2004-06-16T18:00:00Z45m

Theresa admits to Whitney that everything that has happened is her fault because she cannot stop loving Ethan, but she has a plan to take not only Little Ethan from Gwen and Ethan, but to also deny them the child that is in her belly that they believe to be their child. Eve and Julian reminisce about their past, and talk about how horrible it is for Kay, who cannot have children of her own, and for Sheridan and Gwen, who both lost children that should have lived. Alistair uses Antonio's love for Sheridan and his distrust of Luis to convince him that Luis must pay for what has happened.


5x247 Ep. #1263

5x247 Ep. #1263

  • 2004-06-17T18:00:00Z45m

Sheridan confronts Alistair about his role in her brainwashing, but Alistair maintains firm that he never tried to brainwash her, only to cure her, and claims to love his daughter. Sheridan refuses to believe him, and remembers when he blamed her for her mother's death. Julian shows up, and apologizes to Sheridan for ever causing her pain, and wishes her the best with Luis. Katherine talks about leaving Julian and Sheridan, when Sheridan was six and Julian a teen lounging on the couch. She and Martin run into the mystery man, who makes it clear that Alistair knows where they are, and will destroy them. He warns them that any humanity Alistair had left died when Katherine left.


5x248 Ep. #1264

5x248 Ep. #1264

  • 2004-06-18T18:00:00Z45m

When Eve catches Liz in the Russell house, Liz claims to be leaving a note for Simone about Kay's condition. The two get to talking about old times, and Eve tells Liz she always loved her like a full sister, but Liz continues to blame Eve for all the times that her father snuck into her room and raped her, threatening to kill their mother, Ruby, if she talked. Antonio refuses to accept that Sheridan had lied to him all along, and continues to blame Luis for plahting lies in Sheridan's head. Even though Luis saves Antonio's life, Antonio can't let it go. Fox runs into Chad and Whitney at the Seacliff Inn, and when Chad gets called to work and asks Fox to look after Whitney, Fox worries that he won't be able to hide how much he loves her.


5x249 Ep. #1265 Mon

5x249 Ep. #1265 Mon

  • 2004-06-21T18:00:00Z45m


5x250 Ep. #1266

5x250 Ep. #1266

  • 2004-06-22T18:00:00Z45m


5x251 Ep. #1267

5x251 Ep. #1267

  • 2004-06-23T18:00:00Z45m


5x252 Ep. #1268

5x252 Ep. #1268

  • 2004-06-24T18:00:00Z45m


5x253 Ep. #1269

5x253 Ep. #1269

  • 2004-06-25T18:00:00Z45m


5x254 Ep. #1270 Mon

5x254 Ep. #1270 Mon

  • 2004-06-28T18:00:00Z45m


5x255 Ep. #1271

5x255 Ep. #1271

  • 2004-06-29T18:00:00Z45m


5x256 Ep. #1272

5x256 Ep. #1272

  • 2004-06-30T18:00:00Z45m