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Power: Season 4

4x06 New Man

Damn, Julio went out like a fucking warrior, what a G. He just wasn't made out of boss material but still a G nonetheless.

Dre is likeable as fuck but his playing of all sides and 0 loyalty to nothing and nobody starts to get on my nerves.

Also, the ending was cool but felt REALLY out of character for Kanan. And I mean really out of character for the guy that killed his own son in cold blood, an old lady and spent more than a decade planning his revenge on Ghost. And out of nowhere he..... kinda likes his son and chooses to kill his cousin instead? Really weird writing if you ask me....

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Man when Tommy promised the Serbian cat he would never let him walk behind him again I bout died laughing. lol

Damn I thought Kanan was growing a heart. But couldn’t get past him killing that old lady for her apartment.

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Tommy is truly the most interesting character in the story-line. He has emerged to be the only reason I am still tuning in. I was somewhat turned off by Tariq and Dre. They just don't grab me. Maybe Tariq will grow up and Dre will show some loyalty to someone other than than baby Tariq.

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Great episode. I like that part of storyline has reached the end of a chapter and we can focus on the next phase. It also introduces the next storyline, which planted seeds in thr previous episode.

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