Shouts about...

Power: Season 6

6x11 Still DRE


Shout by dewdropvelvet
BlockedParent2020-01-06T22:00:15Z— updated 2020-01-10T20:07:07Z

Im still pissed they took out Ghost but good episode anyways.

(I Know they R still using him in a HWGAWM format through flashback, but it's hardly the same.)

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Weak mid season premier. At this point, I’m watching just to finish the show.

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Not a bad episode per se but after all the #whoshotghost hype, it's a disappointing mid-season premiere.

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Shout by Dawid jarosz

Nice great episode i cant belive

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Shout by Dawid jarosz

Nice great episode 11 i cant belive

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It wasn't the best episode but it's alright. Could have been different.

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It wasn't the best episode but it's alright. Could have been different.

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