Eh, unlike the other episodes so far in this season, this one didn't hold ky attention. Something felt abit flat between the plotlines and the jokes.

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i liked mortys son but the jokes were not funny

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This one is generally considered to be the weakest of Season One and I'm afraid that I have to agree to that sentiment. Both plots feel really undercooked, with each just kind of having a somewhat strong beginning, followed by a meandering middle portion, and ending with anticlimactic nothingness. There are some really funny jokes, but that's to be expected from an episode of Rick and Morty, even the bad ones. Not a fan at all, hope things only go up from here.

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Morty Jr: "Why do we love to dance?"
[Morty Jr runs off, crying. Beth and Jerry cough, reading newspapers.]
Beth: "Nice."
Jerry: "Nice."


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Shout by Reiko LJVIP

Appreciated the undertone of this one. Was interesting all the way

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See if you can spot the homage to the '70s low budget sci-fi movie 'Zardoz'

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This a thankless job , and you did the best you could !

Short note on parents job :thumbsup_tone1:

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Shout by Deleted

The social commentary for female equality was a little on the nose, but everything on earth was well done and hilarious to say the least!

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Absurdity of a female dominated country shows itself in the ep. Though I'm a female, I can't say it is falsely illustrated. Amazing ep, deserves the 9

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A reading of this episode alongside Freud's Civilization and its Discontents would be fruitful.

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Shout by Redouane
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-03-29T18:41:06Z— updated 2016-12-23T22:49:34Z

"If you think the top is cute, you can't execute!"
Johnnie Cochran would be proud, Summer.

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