WTF! this episode sucks... Trixie in the top? Really? Bendela out-performed. Aja you did amazing sweetie, you will always be an All Star.

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Well, this challenge was a choice, producers.

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it's sad to see aja go, i love her, but i think it was a fair decision - shangela is more top three material. what didn't seem like a right decision was trixie losing that lipsync, like??? they played it dirty putting a diana song to bebe do well, and i think trixie outperformed bebe anyway, but whatever. also, i didn't like how aja was edited as overconfident on this episode, and the critiques about her mispronunciation and knowledge were just mean, it reminded me of adore's critiques in AS2 - judgmental in a bad way, reductive.

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Ugh, worst episode so far.

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