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Rurouni Kenshin 2023

I actually think that this one might be better than the original 1996 version. The telling of the story is slightly different though and aimed at a more mature audience. For example after the defeat the Oniwaba gang Aoshi manages to flee and take the heads of the other members of the gang with him. You even see him holding the heads when Kenshin and the others find him. In the old version we're told that Aoshi disappeared along with the bodies of the other members. The new version is arguably more realistic but keeps some of the charm of the old one. The fight scene are also more intense, the animations make it feel more lively and the blows more intent-full.

Almost at the end of Season 1 and I can say that I'm pleasantly surprised so far.

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I'm going to watch it on otapod 18/nov/23

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