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Sea Change: Season 2

2x12 Other Peoples' Opinions

  • ABC (AU)
  • 1h
  • Australia
  • Drama
Laura wakes up in the morning to find Max lying beside her wide awake and wondering what happened the night before. Laura assures him it was the alcohol and antihistamines and that nothing happened. To avoid having to explain the situation to Rupert and Miranda, Laura insists Max leave via the bedroom window. Unfortunately there's been a small but strange fire in the caravan park and the crowd that has gathered to see it also witnesses Max's exit from Laura's window... A handsome Indian film director arrives in town - having selected Pearl Bay as the location for his next film. His name is Ravi Kapoor and he soon wins Bob over with his promise of cinematic glory and financial reward for the town and an impressive letter from the Indian Minister for the Arts. Angus and Karen finally set a wedding date - it's not the world's most romantic proposal - but it's what Karen has always wanted. Or is it? With Sergeant Grey on a well-earned break, Karen is left in charge. Her first assignment is to investigate the caravan park fire and her prime suspect is none other than Ravi Kapoor. Karen suspects a link with Phrani - who is behaving strangely. Her suspicions intensify when Phrani's shop is trashed and Ravi is nearby. But instead of solving the crimes, Karen finds her encounters with Ravi leave her with gnawing doubts about the plans she has made for her future. Karen is, for the first time in her life, questioning whether what she's doing is really what she wants or just what everyone else wants for her. Angus on the other hand is really warming to the idea of marrying Karen. When Trevor goes missing, Kevin is distraught and lashes out at Phrani. Karen is forced to interrogate Ravi and he appears before Laura charged with kidnapping. In court, Phrani's connection to Ravi is revealed. But for Karen, the truth about Ravi only serves to highlight the gaps in her own life - she cannot continue blindly on with her life plan - even if that means breaking Angus' heart. The speculation that began when Max climbed out of Laura's bedroom window escalates and Max and Laura are the subject of the hottest gossip in town. Laura's horrifed by what people are saying and demands Max do something. He does - he publishes an article in "The Oyster" denying the allegations but knowing full well it will only fan the flames. PhraniLaura is furious at being portrayed as a femme fatale. Max pleads innocence and publishes another article - describing Laura as a middle-aged, strait-laced magistrate. Laura's not sure which perception is worse - madonna or whore - and lambastes Max again. Max wonders why she worries so much what people think. Carmen has a theory - Max is just trying to get Laura's attention...