I appreciate the writers wanting to add little bits of dialogue from the books, but when you don't properly build the foundations for those interactions, the dialogue ends up being really awkward and awfully forced. So, if you cringe everytime Nina and Matthias speak to each other, that's why. They're talking book dialogue at each other.

And I think that's also why every single romantic relationship is flopping so hard. If you don't build a strong base, or at the very least give the relationship a little breathing time to establish itself between "nice to meet you" and "let's make out", things are bound to end up on the full body cringe end of the spectrum.

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On board with the Matthias/Nina ship.

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Jesper continues to be my favorite rogue/gunslinger and the Kit Young just drips with swagger. I love all his scenes. I wonder if he is so cool in the books...

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I've probably become a softie but I'm really happy that Alina and Mal are finally back together. That went faster than I've expected and without all of the drama.

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Ah, yes. Let's set up a romance between a strong woman and a misogynist, that "bond" by using fanfic tropes.

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