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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Season 1

There's the occasional good episode in here, but this first season borders on unwatchable at times and shows no hint of the ambition and storytelling that would come later. Very basic plots, and the characters are simplistic.

The voice actors all do good jobs though, and while the animation isn't as good as it will later get the visuals are still strong. The Clone characters are the most interesting even at this stage, but they aren't quite being given enough to do.

At the end of the day it's a kids show and a lot of this is forgivable with that mindset.

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First time watching the show so I have no idea what is to come in later seasons. This first season was fine. It’s an animated kids show so you get about what you would expect. Lots of different short stories that are loosely connected. The stories themselves aren’t that memorable, but I get that I’m not the target age for this first season. What I do enjoy is getting a better look at the clones. They become actual characters and you get to see behind the scenes as they go on missions. That part is pretty cool to see as a Star Wars fan. But otherwise, pretty forgettable.

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I know this is from 2008, but why is it sooooo ugly?

Not bad but only really watching because of how highly thought of future seasons are.

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Shout by Nigel Dean
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-02-18T10:10:56Z— updated 2020-04-29T00:41:36Z

A brilliant start to a great show. The first couple of episodes were especially amazing.

I was surprised to find the Blue Shadow Virus arc in this season. I could have sworn this was a story that came in a later season.

Guesstimate: 8

0.25 = partly successful/0.5 = nailed it

-Character: 0.5
-Soundtrack: 0.5
-Pacing: 0.5
-Resourcefulness: 0.5
-Consistency: 0.25
-Concept: 0.5
-Dialogue: 0.25
-Production: 0.25
-Cinematography: 0.5
-Story: 0.5
-Theme: 0.5
-Rewatchability: 0.5
-Predictability: 0
-Effort: 0.25
-Editing: 0.5
-Tone: 0.25
-Immersion: 0.25
-Convenience: 0
-Lasting impression/Emotional impact: 0.25
-Like/Enjoy: 0.5

0.5= if it's more than the guesstimate, the number is rounded down, and vice versa

Final score:
8 + 7 = 15(8*)
7.8 + 7.3 ÷2 = 7.6(8*)

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