After many failed attempts I finally stat down and watched season 1 of Clone Wars and I love it. Sure, the episodes are of varying quality and there are characters and stories I have little interest in but for the most part I've been really engaged with this anthology style storytelling.

I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed the nitty gritty war aspect of Clone Wars. I expected to be bored by the battles and sieges but honestly it's all been pretty fun. From the multi episode space battles like Malevolence to the three part siege of Ryloth the war tactics and strategy was fun! I also enjoyed the lightsaber duels. I was weary given how boring I found a lot of them in the prequels but a lot of them were fun. My favourites were probably any one Ventress was in (what can I say I love hot evil women), plus Grievous multi-wielding was always fun but even just seeing Jedi slice through hoards of battle droids was thrilling.

The highlight for me has definitely been the characters. I noted this when I first watched the Clone Wars movie a few years back but Anakin is infinitely more charming in animated form. He's definitely the same character with his ego and recklessness but the show manages to convey all that with a layer of charm that the movies never did. His best moments are his mentoring of Ahsoka in episodes like Storm Over Ryloth. They're both so similar in a way that compliments each other perfectly.

I also loved the Anakin Obi Wan dynamic. Seeing them when they're not at each other throats was a treat. Having that brotherly dynamic was so fun to see in episodes like Dooku Captured. The banter in most episodes was great but it was absolutely impeccable here

The strength of the anthology format is that you get to meet tones of characters a movie would never have time for. Ioved seeing other Jedi Master like Kit Fisto, Luminara Aayla in action was so much fun. I was also hyped for Padme solo adventures which were mixed but seeing her get to go on adventures was fun even if they weren't the strongest eps.

Overall I'm just loving clone wars. I love the characters I love the style of storytelling I've... gotten used to the animation style. I'm not sure if I have the energy to get through all 7 seasons in a timely manner but I'll at least be starting season 2.

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