This, for sure, is my favorite episode of them all

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Shout by Deleted

best episode! almost felt like a series finale! the stydia kiss and reunion was perfection!!

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Ah, the reunions this episode! Also, there was so much kissing lol

Stiles hit the Nazi over the head with the bat and I totally cheered out loud. I'm embarrassingly invested in this show.

The old-west style showdown between Argent and the ghost Rider was a nice touch.

Theo: "[Scott] is not alone. He's got a pack"
Malia: "Yeah, and Theo is not in it" #burn
All the comedic comments were on point!

Argh, I can't believe it's almost over! And that we don't get new episodes till the summer :(

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i hate the fact that they made Mason kinda of like Styles, i mean he have to be since Liam is basically has his own pack but COME OOOON. ok now none of that.......... OMG this is one hell of an episode, amazing episode, styles emotional moment with Scott at his jeep, his kiss with Lydia, his adorable cute childhood jokes that just makes u crack up, i was drinking my coffee then i saw Styles at the hospital and i swear my heart jumped and i almost shocked on my own coffee .

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theo is so hot lmao

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Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-02-01T08:00:40Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:43:36Z

If this were the final episode of the show, I would be completely satisfied. But I'm glad that I don't have to say goodbye to the characters yet.

Stydia has finally risen. It's taken them six years to get together. Six. Fucking. Years. That's 1/3 of my life, guys. Seriously. As far as slow burn relationships go, this one was just agonizing.

"No one likes a Nazi." Well said, Peter. Well said.

I teared up a little bit at the end. My beautiful, stupid sons looking for trouble. Some things never change.

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