Stephen Root... Danny Trejo... awesome cameos!

on the other hand, the gang of scooter-riding-calvin-klein-models look way too comical for this show --- wtf??

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I've really enjoyed the first 2 episodes, while others seems to more uncertain. But this is the first episode I've been worried overall about the series. The modern underworld story just isn't interesting enough - I was kinda hoping we would see more Boba Fett the Bounty Hunter, not this form of a makeshift leader.

The humans grafting droid parts onto themselves, is a new concept in the Star Wars visual world, to my knowledge but it was executed so poorly. It's the first time I've looked at anything in the Disney SW era, and thought, "that doesn't look like Star Wars".

I'm not sure where this series is really going but EP4 needs to pick up the modern underworld story in a big way.

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Honestly, what the hell is this?

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An ok episode. That car chasing sequence on those awfully colored floating bikes though… yikes :grimacing:

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More like "The Streets of Mos VESPA", am I right?!?!

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Jesus Christ, He's supposed to be a crime-lord, not some fluffy peace bunny. Come on Disney, just let him kill somebody, or at least let him beat somebody up. Boba Fett is like a teacher now, scolding misbehaving pupils during lunchtime.

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The car+bike chase is the worst chase I've ever seen LOOL

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Just me or someone get a reference to Back To The Future in the car chasing sequence?

And I never saw that colors used in the floating bikes in any other Star Wars movie/show. A little weird

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If asked to describe classic Star Wars using three words, they might be “thrilling space adventure.” This series has the same characters (or species, at least) and locales, sky-high production values, and great cinematography, but none of the thrill, none of the space, and none of the adventure. It feels a bit like touring a Star Wars wax museum; I’m left appreciating the artistry but wanting the real thing and wondering what’s the point. I came wanting an adventure story but I’m getting a character study. It’s problematic because, for me, Boba Fett’s allure was his mystique. The more the show humanizes and explains him, the less mystical and less appealing he becomes.

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Robert Rodriguez must be stopped at all costs.

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Shout by LolonoiseVIP
BlockedParent2022-01-15T16:54:54Z— updated 2022-01-16T18:52:08Z

All of you people need to chill out. If you cant appreciate good lore and back story then don't watch. Everyone for years is going what about Boba Fett? what about Boba Fett? And now you get the back story about what happened to him and your complaining. I have a feeling and I hope Favreau is giving us great lore and set up for and epic ending and second season. It's only episode 3 chill out people.

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Shout by John Wither

We should start with the worst part of the episode, the colorful young rebels. Aside from the terrible bike design, I understand the addition of the group to Boba's team, but it feels like they are there with the bikes so that later in the show, from start to finish, the show can have one of the worst persecutions I can remember.

Mistakes aside, the flashback is correct, showing what happened to the tribe, and I was already thinking about what might happen to them.
The fight with the Wookie was quite intense. I would add a bit more face-to-face between Boba and Krrsantan (hopefully I spelled his name correctly and he doesn't visit me while I sleep in my Bacta tank), and I would ignore the presence of the rebel gang.

Trejo's appearance was a pleasant surprise in a role that suited him well; we'll have to wait and see how he progresses. Boba riding a Rancor? Yes, please!

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4 brightly painted Scooters chasing a speeder that looks like a 60s Pontiac and the whole pursuit is taking place at 20mph… sorry but that’s not what I expect from Star Wars. Other than that I really like the show so far…

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What the hell is this supposed to be.

loading replies perfect representation of the car chase scene lol

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That "car chase" sequence was so low energy and just plain awful!

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Aside from how Camp it was to see English *Mods on their tricked-out Vespas in a town called, "Mos Espa," there were a number of seeds planted towards the stated goal of ruling with respect... I am sure the fruit they bear will come with satisfying emotional pay-offs. Maybe we'll even get to see a re-unified Sand People rise up against the Pikes! It was certainly satisfying in itself that Danny Trrejo got to explain how a previous character device thought to be two dimensional was in fact emotionally complex, and based on his intuition alone was willing to give Boba Fett the supreme gift of allowing the Rancor (Garthok) to imprint on Boba when he'd been saving that honor (for himself...? I may've stretched that reasoning in my mind).

  • English Mods and Rockers were two opposing social scenes I first learned about from a co-worker explaining The Who's rock opera, "Quadraphenia." See Mods scooters here:
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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-01-12T15:50:45Z— updated 2022-01-15T19:40:45Z

Now it's Star Wars: we're back to a stupid sequence of adventures and pointless action. Costumes and places look good (Well the pursuit aside. That wasn't dynamic. Or was that meant to be funny?) but that's about it. Now that the flash back story has seemingly come to an end, he's just a crime boss collecting contributions for doing Mafia work (or like all criminals call it: police work) while being threatened by other gangs? That's not very intriguing. The most stupid thing are those wanna be Hells Angels Emo Cyberpunk teenagers on flying Vespas with a max speed of 25 km/h.

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This episode brings an end to the flashbacks and is really focusing on Boba Fett's dealings in Mos Espa! We also get to see Krrsantan in action! We also get to see that the mayor is in league with the Pike Syndicate, tying into the flashbacks! Can't wait for more!

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Except the bad and unnecessary car chase, I kinda liked this episode.

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What is this?! Disney is really trying its best to destroy the amazing world that is the Start Wars universe. This episode was just ridiculous with this new colourful "gang". Are the power rangers joining in now?!

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This is the episode where you realize this whole Boba Fett thing is going to be embarrassing -- for everyone involved.

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Wookies, rancors, and Hutts… oh my. This was a fun set-up episode with some nice moments, but I hope we haven’t seen the last of the Tusken Raiders.

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Why is every fight sequence shot in the dark? This is unwatchable.

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wow, shame what they have done to this. First episode was poor, second was quite good and this on is the worst by far. 5.3/10

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Going into the new Star Wars trilogy a lot of fans said they had faith in JJ Abrams. No one would think that Robert Rodriguez even gets Star Wars more than him.
Since despite a lot of complaining this is still gets Star Wars more than the sequel trilogy.

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Wow... That teen biker gang were so jarringly odd in the star wars universe and that chase was just plain terrible.

On the other hand, Rancor mount! Reminds me of a book I read about a young woman who trained genetically created giant sea monsters to protect ships from pirates. Same vibe!

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Let’s rip the band-aid off… this is terrible

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I'm in the minority, because I actually liked this episode. I find the story moving away from the flashback with Tuskens to the present with Boba as the Daimyo of Tatooine to be the right move. I love that Boba is building his entourage with the inclusion of the Cyber gang. The scene with Black Krrsantin was insane with the physicality of the fight choreography.

I'm hoping that chapter 4 shows Boba finding Fennec, helping her back to health, and the beginning of their bond. I gave the episode a rating of 7.

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The wookie not having a gun and shooting Boba on sight seems like a pretty big plot hole.

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I loved this and the show overall. It's not what I expected, but I've been pleasantly surprised. I continue to be amazed by how the Disney plus shows have made me feel for the Tusken Raiders and now it's doing the same for Rancors? Amazing.

As for what people are saying about the mystery of Boba Fett, that still exists in his history as a bounty hunter between his appearances in the animated shows and ROTJ, what we're seeing now is the transition through the flashbacks to where he is now.

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One of the worst car chase scenes I’ve ever seen!

What the hell was that?

Straight back to the future 2 vibes with this one.

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Shout by mookie
BlockedParent2022-01-13T06:07:38Z— updated 2022-03-26T02:37:13Z

The biker gang was just did not fit Star Wars and were a complete distraction. The special effects for the car chase were laughably bad. The first two episodes were engrossing because of the Sand People storyline, too bad that’s come to an end.

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There is too much of Boba's helmet off. It kills his Mystique!!! The show is kind of going into joke territory now after this episode.

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An enjoyable episode. I loved the short flashback scene on Kamino and the Rancor storyline is awesome. What I didn‘t liked at all were those street kids and their flashy bikes. Their design didn‘t fit the look of the show at all. Those scenes were really weird to watch as I somehow felt I was watching some Cyberpunk 2077 footage or something.

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How did either The Teenage Mutant Ninja Teens get in Star Wars, or were they The Wiggles??

I had to double check what I was watching.

I get using slow heat to build over time in a new show, I really do, but why do we keep seeing Boba walking into town to either be attacked or turned away in every episode? Why doesn't the buy or acquire a Hover car?

What are we really watching?
I was initially excited to watch this particular show, but this episode was like stepping on a Lego piece.

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Considering the flashbacks were the most interesting part of this show so far, the lack of them in this episode made me enjoy it a lot less then the last two.

The death of Boba's tribe was very sad, but other than that and a few cool scenes like the fight with Krrsantan and the new rancor, there wasn't much to this episode for me.

Also the biker gang that joined Boba's ranks felt weirdly out of place in the Star Wars universe with all the vibrant coloured speeder bikes and the odd outfit choices for the characters.

A good, but not great episode imo. 7/10.

PS: For those Rebels fans out there, hope you spotted the Jogan Fruit!

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Just like in Scooby Doo it's those pesky kids ruining the day.
Which is a shame as I was enjoying it up until they showed their mugs.
Hopefully they'll be on-screen very little going forward.

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Wow! That chase action sequence was really bad and the speeders look like they ripped them off a Fair kids ride.

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I thought (hoped) it would be the same quality as The Mamdalorian. But it’s not. It’s slow, it’s boring and it’s not going anywhere. ==I mean, the ‘car chase’ was so lame. A ‘scooter’ crashing through a painting? Really? That joke was allready lame in the ‘80’s. ==

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When I first heard about this show, I was expecting a Boba Fett who would be a compelling and lethal combination of Kirk and Khan. Three episodes in, the writers are clearly committed to giving me the wimpiest possible version of Enlightened Picard the Diplomat.

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The speeder chase was awful.
The biker gang is weird. Almost feel like they should have just put wheels on their "bikes" or something… definitely not the bright Power Rangers colours.

Krrsantan apparently weak AF or he didn't intend on actually killing Boba because we all know Wookies are hella strong. Cool fight though.

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War is coming

I have a feeling that the Rancor will play a significant part in the future, maybe we will see Boba Fett actually ride him into battle.. not to mention what a great moment to see Danny Trejom he's BADASS

Also seeing what happened to the Tusken was honestly sad, I feel like there's bad blood between Boba Fett and the Pykes, I feel like they're behind the killing of the Tuskens

I really didn't like the cyborg bikers, I was like WTF this isn't Star Wars for some reason,, they didn't fit in

I hate how these episodes end in this show, nasty cliffhangers every time LOL

anyways great episode

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Remember that godawful episode of Stranger Things from season 2 where Eleven founds a gang of teenagers. About that...

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Funny how the episode with the least amount of flashbacks is my favourite. Unfortunately, I've come to ask myself a pressing question: Why should we (or Boba) care whether he keeps control of Mos Espa? In "Star Wars: A New Hope", we cared whether the Rebellion destroyed the Death Star because we knew the Rebellion was stationed on Yavin IV—lives were at stake.

Why should we care if Boba loses Jabba's empire? What's at stake?


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Continues the solid vibe, despite some comically bad CGI during the speeder chase.

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Those scooter hover bikes are trashhhhhhhh! What’s up with the bright colors? That doesn’t at all reflect the colors and culture of the planet. It would work on Curoscant, Tatooine? Hellllll nooooooooo, what were they thinking!!

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Three of the worst, cringe worthy episodes of Mandalorian and Boba Fett are all directed by Robert Rodriguez. What the hell happened to the man? He was once one of the edgiest coolest directors, spoken of in the same sentence as Tarantino.

That said, this is by far the cringiest one of them all. First episode of the show was just boring. This is almost in "so bad it's good territory", it certainly felt way shorter than "Dances with Tuskens" which felt as long as Avatar. We've moved from Dances with Wolves to something between Spy Kids and Back to the Future in this episode, and you really don't know if you should laugh or cry. I literally covered my eyes and watch the chase scene through my fingers, partly because of cringe, partly because of disbelief that someone thought this is good idea.

So the big question here is which one is cringier - Leia chaise scene from Kenobi or this chase? I think Boba Fett loses this one as well. Leia scene is just infinitely replayable,and every time you notice some new ridiculous detail. This is just ridiculous first time around and dull for the second time.

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7.5/10 - Very cool so far and the story is also promising. I like the new cyborg crew and this finally made me realize that Star Wars also has quite a few connections to the cyberpunk genre.

Theirs bikes are too slow though and feel like vespas. That chase should've been faster (it wasn't that much of a big deal for me and definitely better than without it but it didn't feel like a proper chase).

And Fennec is still so badass! :)

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