Every reaction and performance here was flawless, Diane's posture against the over-crying intern and the insensitive client, Kalinda's pursuit for the truth and cruel payback to the killer, David Lee bursting a little bit of crying but holding up on bureocracy to cover his feelings, Cary's discharge of rage on his case and Alicia's wandering around the city looking for Will's last words to her... Every piece here was incredibly touching and heart-arresting.

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A darker episode that instantly became one of my favourites (I'm watching the show for the first time). They handled the aftermath of Will's death very elegantly, without letting the emotional spiral get out of control, but still keeping the episode heavy on the sentimental side. Sadness, anger, frustration, despair, longing, love... All emotions that were perfectly delivered by the whole cast and instinctively absorbed by the viewer. Their grief was our grief. We suffered with them, we mourned with them.

On a brighter note, I was surprised to see David Lee reacting the way he did!

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Wow! What an episode if you have followed the series and learned to know the characters. I loved Davids reaction. Powerful stuff!

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Great episode, but I'm sorry: not a single partner at the law firm had heard anything before Diane came in and told them?

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