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The Mandalorian 2019

Season 1 of The Mandalorian started out reasonably well, had a weak middle and finished off reasonably well again.

The show is probably best watched with the understanding that it's part of the Star Wars franchise, and thus is going to be somewhat simple, fun and have predictable outcomes. The show is not going to impress you with complex character development or shocking plot twists, and might even crumble a bit if you look too closely at some parts.

Still, it's enjoyable for what it is, especially if you like the Star Wars universe. You can certainly do worse with other shows and movies within the franchise.

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Shout by Dan
BlockedParent2019-11-13T05:05:15Z— updated 2019-12-05T22:03:26Z

The premier was everything I'd hoped for in what is finally a live-action Star Wars series. A bit of humor, without overdoing it. The anti-hero was a bit more human and fallible than expected - but then again, no one comes close to Boba Fett. However, that does make for a more realistic story, and leaves it with someplace to go. The chance to learn more about the Mandalorian armor is a nice touch. I'm happy to see this is in a post-imperial setting, vs. yet another prequel. I just wish the premiere was longer. I can't wait for the next episode!

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Filoni and Favreau have done it folks in my world. Let me have the shows and the kids can have the new movies. Good compromise.

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Why only 29min of an episode? Why???

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What a complete surprise. This is surprisingly cool! I grew up on the original star wars and have found previous efforts to have lost their way. Here you have on the other hand something that manages to capture the essence of star wars in a much more grown up way. I can't say it's brilliant just yet but it is verging on it. I'll give it a 10/10 for so far in resurrecting something that now appeals to me as a 42 year old male... and not just something to watch with the kids but to actually watch on my own! Though there's still time for it go downhill so I hesitate with a 9/10. To have pulled off what they have in the first 3 episodes is epic. I just hope this doesn't end up a massive pile of cheese. Disney potentially have the ability to reel back in a lot us adults. We will see. So far the force is very strong in this one!

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Can't wait for this to start, Boba Fett is most folks favourite character from Star Wars so this should be a hit...

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Great show, great story line and a stratifying ending. People, it's a good entertaining show. Stop over thinking it.

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The plot isn't mind-blowing and the characters aren't very deep, but it's so much fun every time. I will take harmless mindless slice of life adventuring over dramatic tragic nonsense any damn day.

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Shout by SAH777VIP
BlockedParent2020-12-05T05:48:43Z— updated 2021-05-17T03:15:13Z

can't delete replied to comment

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This show is so childish, it’s unbelievable. The scripts are such rubbish, everything just happens, it’s like a modern version of really bad Star Trek episodes. Star Wars for 5 year olds.

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This is what Star Wars is all about. Heroes against impossible odds fighting lost battles, willing to give it all for a true cause and honor. The characters (all of them) in this episode are treated with respect, and the excellent writting and acting makes you worry for them, care for them, feel every loss as if it were yours, and cheer every little win as an epic triumph. You mourn with this characters, you laugh with them. This series keeps the right balance between tragedy, drama and comedy. It feels timeless, and makes you wish to revisit it like when you hang out with a good friend you've not seen in a while. It's a proper ending for the season, and gosh, this is how Disney should handle their entire Star Wars franchise. It's gonna be a long year until the next season, I'm sure of it. This... is the way.

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Enjoying the Jedi free far.

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First episode was really amazing! Great pace, no silly fillings, all the Star Wars ingredients; from the mood, the races, the peculiar way of filming and transitions. Humor was nice and mild, but never overdone. I can't wait for the rest! <3

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Was boring with uninteresting characters. Jumped the shark at S02E08 with some CGI cameos as deus ex machina.
The whole episode seemed to have been written by the 5 year old alone that helped fleshing out the storylines for the prior episodes.

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Great show! As a person who's not a huge fan of star wars this show rocks. The action is incredible,the score is excellent, it's simple and easy to kinda peaked with the first 3 episodes and episodes 5 and 6 are just good but flawed but a love the rest of the show so much. The mandalorian is such a cool yet compelling central character and Pedro pascal plays him perfectly. This is going of the first two seasons and I haven't seen the third one yet but I heard it was bad and I don't think my heart can take that.

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Shout by Deleted

It’s an ok show to watch or have playing in the background while I’m cooking tbh

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start strong then quickly became worse and worse after season 1. some episode are really bad for the amount of money trhow at them, and they are also really inequal between one another.

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Season 3 rated an 8

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Good but a bit of a fumbled bag tbh

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7/10 seasons 1 and 2
8/10 season 3

Overall a very fun show, I love the more episodic feel to it.

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Finally watched season 3. and what can I say. I found that the Original Season was slow and difficult to get enthusiastic over .. beautiful shot, and enough little fan service. and its hard i am finding it harder and harder to watch shows and movies, knowing how much body work is enovolved for some of the actors fight scenes, stunts etc and with a show where the main character wears a helmet how are you sure its not just thier voice .. i dunno maybe I am being too picky and expect to much. but that being said, this show does a really good job of convaying good story and emotion even when you cant see anyones face. the recent inclusion of Timothy Zahns creations of admiral Thrawn and Pelion are just amazing to someone who was a big fan of the extended universe and was saddened by its decanonziation by the B*****rds at disney so many good and better storys wasted than the trite of the squel 3 movies

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I can’t believe I haven’t written a review for this yet! I was sceptical at first about connecting with a protagonist that never shows his face, but Pedro Pascal’s voice and performance, the storyline and Grogu (baby Yoda) and, now, the addition of Kate Sackhoff to an already exceptional cast, have completely won me over. I’ve been rating the episodes a steady 8 (great) but, noticing how excited I am when a new season drops, so I probably should increase my rating. I give this series a 9 (exceptional and canon rich) out of 10. [Star Wars Adventure]

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Best star wars series ever! Stunning performance from the part of Mando and The Armorer... Everything is perfect from the storyline to the characters being well developed to the CGI. Nothing to say about this show other than regretting not savoring every episode more than I did!

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This show feels like they made filler episodes out of footage that was supposed to be in other shows and called it a day.

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I enjoyed every season of The Mandalorian :fire::fire:, glad that Din and Grugo found their happy place. Ngl I wanted to see Din ride The Mythosaur but great ending btw.:100:

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I read somewhere that the mandalorian is suitable for everyone. It was super stereotypical, but it stuck with me, specifically this one that said that Mum’s love it because of ‘Baby Yoda’ and I thought ‘lol no way it’s because it’s a good show’, but I have come to realise that the only thing that my mum talks about when we watch the show is about how cute Grogu is and now I can’t un-see it

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Why am I still watching a children's show where only Grogu can see clearly?!
Best wishes to all who are having fun with it.
I'm off to find a story and a brightness/contrast level that is more age appropriate.

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It's a good thing he wears a helmet the whole time, because I really thought he has the weakest face I've seen in a long time. I really watch it because of Baby Yoda, and I do hope the stories don't start repeating themselves.

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The first few episodes were great
But after it became a real cliche, same type story for each episode

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(through season 2) one of the best, if not the best, pieces of star wars media ever created. clearly made by a real fan. occasionally they overdo it with the cameos but can't really complain about some good ol fan service

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A show that came out of nowhere and united most Star Wars fans to cheer for a Star Wars product. While this is not a perfect series, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it and can agree this is some of the best Star Wars live-action stuff that has come out recently.

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it was fine. i'm not a big star wars fan but my friend forced me to watch this. season 2 is 10x better than season 1

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I just finished the first two seasons, and near the end of the first season, and at the beginning of the second, I felt that watching this show was akin to watching Hercules: The Legendary Journeys back in the '90s. Of course, this was well before Kevin Sorbo turned into a white nationalist Christo-fascist and international joke. Aside from that, you had Hercules traveling from town to town each week running into a different crisis and trying to help local villagers. In fact, the show looked very much the same as The Mandalorian. Thankfully, they strayed away from this formula in the second half of the second season, and the show got back on track.

It's not great by any stretch, but it's definitely watchable, and it's still fun to see the Star Wars lore after all these years. I'll definitely stick around for the final two seasons.

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Another masterpiece from Favreau. Had fun watching it.

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The best Star Wars story in a long time.

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I absolutely love this show! Grogu is the most adorable character and steals the spotlight whenever he’s on scene.

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Cast 9/10
Storytelling 9/10
Characters 10/10
Video Prouduction/Cut/Music 10/10
Environment 5/5
Conclusion 4/5
= 94%

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Soooo good, I’m not even a big star wars person and I really enjoyed it. If anything just watch it for how cute baby yoda is

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Shout by Le_Chat

The whole show is soo much better than all the film ! I'm just disapointg that they got to make appear Luke and R2, come on !, It's a galaxy with billion of poepole, stop using the same character !!!!
The second thing that it's quite dumb : One planet, one place (a village, a temple, a factory, etc...) and nothing else...
I really hope we get more alien in the crew next season !!

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Season 1 is OK and worth watching - even if you're not a huge Star Wars fan (I prefer Star Trek).
Season 2 is WAAAAY better and I'd recommend plodding through 1 to get to season 2.
Season 2 is more focused and funnier. Far fewer plot line holes to pick a part. Much more enjoyable and I hope they don't screw Season 3 up and revert back to S1 type stories, because this has become one of my favourite shows of 2021.

Season 1 - 6/10
Season 2 - 10/10

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Star Wars meets old fashioned western. It's nothing like any Star Wars you've ever seen. I love it!

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The Mandalorian is the best Star Wars product since Episode III release. I've been stunned by its soundtrack, a slow pace, beautiful landscapes, camera angles, Baby Yoda, characters and their stories, especially a spaghetti western spirit and the original trilogy vibe. Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have done an amazing job and I highly appreciate that.

The Mandalorian is extended for the season 3... this fact scares me a little. The story has a great ending! I don't need a continuation, knowing Disney may create another conveyor, especially after the latest Star Wars trilogy fail.

Nonetheless, the first two The Mandalorian seasons are amazing.

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The second season is very, very repetitive with all the side quests he has to do to get a very small information just seems like poor writing, and they probably should not have started the season without proper vetting.

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I was not overly impressed. But I was not taken in by the Disney Star Wars movies either.

Rogue One being the exception.

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It’s such a simple story, its entertaining but nothing more...

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A piece of an epic saga without the renewal nor the new inspiration...

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The music is INCREDIBLE. Enjoyed as many episodes (6) of season 2 as I disliked of season 1. The final half of season 2 is especially phenomenal, bridging other galaxy storylines together into a gorgeous crescendo.

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As my girlfriend noticed, tho storyline is very similar to the Witcher tv show and I cannot get that thought away from my head now :D However, it does not change the fact that the Mandalorian is a very nice tv show.

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It's perfect, everything we love about SW is here

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More modern Star Wars: invincible and morally good superheroes that arrive in the nick of time and solve everything by their invincibility, dei ex machina galore, a quest which the next step is always pointed by others. Nil character development, no story, no arcs, nothing but a shiny magic armor and a dumb muppet.

Mediocrity for people that can't read, by people that can't write.

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10/10, the best thing out there.... magnificent, fantastic, unbelievable.... PERFECT in each and every way.....

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this show keeps on getting better and better with every episode.... to be fair though, as a Star Wars fan you'll get the most out of it.... unbelievable Star Wars greatness!

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Hi nice greeting from Chile test

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The Mandalorian Season 2 Was Nothing Short Of Outstanding - Only 8 Episodes Instead Of The Original 12 And There Wasn't A Boring Episode Between Them - You Always Wanted To See the Next - I Thought Season One Was Good But Season Two Was Far Better

All I Can Say Is That John Favreau and Dave Filoni Truly Saved The Star Wars Universe With This Show - With All The Amazing Episodes & Pedro Pascal Is The Perfect Mandalorian - True To The Mandalorian Way - And Everyone Loved Grogu AKA Baby Yoda

All I Can Is The Season Finale Will Blow Your Mind - I Lost It - What An Ending - Can't Wait For Season 3 & More From The Star Wars Universe

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Lazy writing. Everything just ‘happens’ because. Star Wars for kids.

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Best what happened with SWU since Lucas

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For someone midway through the first season, does this show ever move past the “adventure of the week” formula?

So far this is the same “string them along” game 40 minute dramas play on network TV. No movement on the underlying story at all. Instead of sucking you in to watch ads, I guess they’re desperate to keep people subscribed to Disney+.

And lolz at the people claiming this is better than the new movies. It is not.

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Decent show, much much better then the last 4 Star Wars movies!

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This show is way cooler than you ever will be.

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Amazing CGI and effects, almost perfect! Movie feeling scenes giving expensive feel!

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What childish nonsense is this? And did an 8 year old write it?

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What really makes this story unique is the style of direction that it takes. The story is written like that of an old western film, a genre of television that is rather iconic in American culture, but is rather difficult to replicate well. Somehow, the Mandalorian does an incredible job of replicating the feelings and action of old western films, all while including the various races and rich lore of the Star Wars universe. Truly a remarkable amount of effort went into producing this series!

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Recommended age: 10 and up

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Shout by Sub

It was a fun one, Mando rescuing Baby yoda and we see his humaity and that face off against the bounty hunters and then his fellow mandalorians coming to save him was awesome, "This is the way"! Greef Karga seems like he is gonna be the big bad!

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Really enjoyed this series. Not overlong, good story and action. Worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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After the first three episodes I'm wondering if this is worth sticking with, the plot is weak and the acting is mediocre at best. Did all the money go to lucas for the rights.

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After the fall of the Galactic Empire, lawlessness has spread throughout the galaxy. A lone gunfighter makes his way through the outer reaches, earning his keep as a bounty hunter. INTJ Keywords: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Space, Fantasy.

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Shout by Deleted

Started watching this thinking I'd be in for some classic star wars action, turns out the only similarity this show has with SW is the universe. Each episode is practically independent from the others and there is very little character development. Furthermore, the overall story of the season is just repetitive and not well crafted. I'm usually happy when a spin-off of a movie/show I enjoyed is made, since you get to see a bit more of that, but it's a different story for The Mandalorian.

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First episode didn't not disappoint. But that is not something I can say about the rest of the series. However, I am all in for next season.

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As a fan of Star Wars, I find this weak and uninspiring. Another rehash from Disney, the company that has no idea what makes Star Wars special. And by this point I all I have to say is "just let it die", please.

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I hope season 2 is gonna be the same or at least as interesting. Not convinced it is an amazing show, but also not a bad show. Quite average I'd say. Baby Yoda is pure cuteness though. Well made and nice photography though.

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The color, the music, the design/compositions/dispositions and the rhythm are crazy incredible!!
The story are simple and very upbeat. Though sometimes it got many logical bugs(from the setups of Star Wars), it still does has some surprises and twists for the audience, and I'm enjoying it and appreciate these efforts.

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Hands down the best thing Disney produced in the past ten years.

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Huh. The most intriguing vision of Star Wars to date. After all these years, movies, books and games, is this what all of it should have felt like all along? I hope these guys will make more Star Wars. And then some!

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Honestly I think this show is overrated. I enjoyed it but a lot of episodes are Mando walking around with a cool backdrop. Not a lot of substance behind most episodes with most feeling like fillers which is crazy because most episodes are only 30-45 min long. Give me some real Star Wars grit with hour long episodes please.

Overall I did end up enjoying it, especially last couple episodes, but I think the hype to the show is too much.

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Shout by Deleted

This is what Star Wars always should have been. Dark, mysterious and with a futuristic retro flair.
Not the brainless action nonsense the new movies are.
Character development & strory >>> stupid action.

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Looks like the franchise is dead, or it just not for me anymore. TV Show about 'faceless' guy walking around.

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Quite enjoyed this take on the Star Wars universe. Nothing wrong with slowing things down and having low stakes stories on a weekly basis.

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it is an amazing show... Can't wait for the other episodes.

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It was good. It's nice to have a Star Wars movie level made TV show. Imagine if the normal movie where TV shows, this is that.

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It was good. It's nice to have a Star Wars movie level made TV show. Imagine if the normal movie where TV shows, this is that.

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It was good. It's nice to have a Star Wars movie level made TV show. Imagine if the normal movie where TV shows, this is that.

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I would rate the show at "8" after the first season so far. It had highs and lows. They need to step things up a notch. Assuming the run time per episode stays low they need to clean a bit of the useless stuff.
I never had a faible for Mandalorians so I was a bit sceptical at first if this show could interest me enough. They seem to be an interesting bunch with a deep history but this isn't really about them. After all the show is named The Mandalorian, singular. The little yoda-like guy certainly has Disney written all over him there is no need denying that. But at the same time I wouldn't mind to learn more about his species history which is also kind of blank.
For me a first season has to generate enough interest to make me want to come back. I can check that box. The second is the make or break one. Can it keep me interested by following up and adding new things or is the wave ebbing out. Guess I'll see in a year.

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That's how you freaking Star Wars! J.J Abrahams has sooo much to learn from The Mandalorian...

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Really feels like Star Wars should feel. The acting is great and the story is very interesting the middle episodes weren’t as good as the first episodes but still very good. You really feel for all the characters* cough cough* baby Yoda. Overall it’s a great western space show that feels like Star Wars.

(9 out of 10)

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It started OK, it's going down hill .... but who cares The Expanse is back on today!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2019-12-10T15:14:26Z— updated 2020-10-05T13:53:58Z

Filler-filled, questionably acted, lazily-written, soulless fan service. The rating this show is getting on review websites is an insult to cinematic TV.

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Shout by epinmira

Recover the spirit of the first trilogy. A western in space. You can call him Mando or Man with no name. They have done an amazing job. Every plane, every character, every story ..... that's how the subsequent trilogies should have been

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love the movies. hate the show.
lots of travel. lots of shooting. lots of aliens. lots of great cgi.
zero talk. zero depth. zero emotion.

zero suspense.

heck it's even worse than syfy's killjoys, dark matter & defiance...

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Shout by Deleted

Really wish they could give the Baby Yoda species a name already so we could stop calling it 'Baby Yoda' (Yoda is long dead by this time in the Mandalorian) but oh boy does "baby Yoda" ever make me laugh!! and the Mandalorian character goes great with the Baby Yoda character too.

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I'm usually very selective and frugal with my ratings, and so far I've given all 3 of the currently released episodes a 9. excellent show!

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Shout by Derricko

I would rather have 3 episodes of the Mandalorian than 3 Sequal movies.

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Is it a tv show or a short feature? A short feature.

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