Shout by AJ

That's brilliant. Lisbon has been shot... so naturally, nobody gives a fork. Call an ambulance, at least check up on her? Nah. Hightower goes upstairs to her children, and Van Pelt to her fiancee/murderer. Nice priorities.

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One of my all time favorite season finales. The last ten minutes are an absolute masterpiece! But I have to admit… there are quite a few holes in it haha.
The way they let Brenda and the DA know of the room was so dumb that I don't think anyone would've fallen for it, regardless of being Red John's accomplice or not. Second, how did they not question Bertram's guilt immediately? They saw a woman walking calmly into a room that should've had Hightower in it, then quietly walking to the bed and doing stuff. To anyone looking, that room was clearly not her target room, and for someone as smart as Jane and the crew not to question it? It was plot convenience at its best! O’Laughlin was also dispatched of so easily….

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I knew it was the fiance .
How did she not see that. I guess it was hinted from the go... she's so gullible it's annoying.
And I'm sure the director is in it too... even if he didn't bite in this episode.

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I KNEW IT!! I knew O'Laughlin was the bad guy the second he entered the show!!! Classic Grant Ward.

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9 years after its release, I decided to watch the Mentalist. Please tell me - what rock have I been living under? Brilliant show!

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What an intense episode. I love Patrick so much

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First of all oof, Grace sure knows how to pick a guy. Secondly I agree with the other comment about how they reacted with Lizben being shot, like why did nobody care or give it a second glance. Other than that I absolutely loved how it ended tho

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full of twist. Some ware predictable and some wasn’t..

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Damn that was intense! Willing to bet this is not the end of it, though.

I feel bad for Grace.

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