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The Outlaws

Season 3

Season 3 starts out slow, at least it did for me, but it picked up, and the last episode in particular was solid. While I like the show, I hope this season is the series finale, as I can't imagine where they can go next without removing more characters (ie gimmick appearance of Christopher Walken). This had a logical and good closing point, let's not ruin it.

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Seems to me, the first 2 episodes are like, uncharacteristic of the TV series. So, it's a wait for it, as it settle downs. The dialogs are full of American cultural TV and Movie references, which is fun. The writing is very peculiar and needs a little used to. So ya, it's a wait for it, and acquired taste. But clearly, something happened, and it does not reach the excellence of the two previous season; shame, but still, enjoyable, like candy.

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One season too many and completely uninteresting. Skip it.

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