Shout by Jupiter

Oh Liam, don’t you know your uncle has been a bad influence? Hopefully Liam gets his head straight, and I hope he stays with Greta for a little while so she doesn’t feel used. Sounds like she needs support even for a little while. Hopefully she rubs off on him too.

Loved that Eleanor was trying to help the girl but I was trying not to laugh at the parts where she was passionately kissing him. I mean, he JUST had surgery, take it easy on him lol. Seriously though it was sweet.

I love the last part of Jasper’s speech, things will work themselves out? Yeah he knows.

For once I respected Helena here. It’d be nice to see her actually do something good. I’m sure she’ll still have lots of drama regardless.

I’m still not sure if Robert likes Willow...but I can see anyone falling for those moves.

This show does a great job with the writing and acting. Love it, especially The king’s is-he-evil or is-he-good plot. I keep flip flopping so I’m sure that’s a result of the acting and writing. Love this show.

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