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The Sex Education Show

All Episodes 2008 - 2011

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007fb48e9a8ea0>
  • 2008-09-09T19:00:00Z
  • 30m
  • 23h 30m (24 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Documentary
When it comes to sex, Britain is in meltdown. We've got the worst ever rate of sexually transmitted diseases among young people, the highest number of teenage pregnancies in western Europe and, most worryingly of all, unlimited access to extreme pornography. Presented by journalist Anna Richardson, this new six-part series aims to tackle the nation's sexual ignorance and reticence by capturing a wide range of different personal experiences of sexual issues and problems, as well as offering candid advice. The series will reveal the secret sex lives of teenagers as they talk about pornography, abortion, sexual disease, homosexuality, peer pressure and pregnancy. The series will also reveal the results of the biggest ever television survey of teenage attitudes to sex to discover the real state of sex education in Britain today.

24 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 The Sex Education Show (1)

Series Premiere

1x01 The Sex Education Show (1)

  • 2008-09-09T19:00:00Z1h

Anna Richardson finds out about teenagers perceptions of what's normal, the footballers find out about condom sizes, and a group of parents are shocked to see what their children can view on the Internet.

Anna counts up her sexual partners, and she and the footballers check in for STI tests.

Anna and Dr Radha Modgil show the boys from Long Ashton F.C. how some simple pelvic floor exercises to prevent erectile dysfunction, the teenagers learn how to use condoms, plus the birth of baby Willow

Anna has a fertility test, and the footballers learn more about intimate hygiene

Anna tries out different contraceptive methods, and shows teenagers how to fit a nappy.

Season Finale


1x06 The Sex Education Show (6)

Season Finale

1x06 The Sex Education Show (6)

  • 2008-10-14T19:00:00Z1h

Anna discusses libido, and teens & parents talk sex.

Season Premiere


2x01 The Sex Education Show vs. Pornography (1)

Season Premiere

2x01 The Sex Education Show vs. Pornography (1)

  • 2009-03-30T19:00:00Z1h

A frank look at the world of teenage sex and young people's consumption of pornography. Anna Richardson and a team of sexual health experts travel to an inner-city London school to give students ground-breaking lessons in sex education.

A frank look at the world of teenage sex and young people's consumption of pornography. Anna Richardson and a team of sexual health experts travel to schools across the UK talking to students about sex and their views on internet porn.

A frank look at the world of teenage sex and young people's consumption of pornography. Anna Richardson and a team of experts continue to travel to schools across the UK enlightening students in sex education.

Season Finale


2x04 The Sex Education Show vs. Pornography (4)

Season Finale

2x04 The Sex Education Show vs. Pornography (4)

  • 2009-04-02T19:00:00Z1h

A frank look at the world of teenage sex and young people's consumption of pornography. In this final programme Anna Richardson continues to educate students in sexual health matters and meets highly qualified young women who've chosen careers in pornography.

Season Premiere


3x01 Am I Normal? (1)

Season Premiere

3x01 Am I Normal? (1)

  • 2010-07-05T19:00:00Z1h

Britain is top of the league when it comes to sex; but for all the wrong reasons. Latest statistics show a record 41,000 teenage pregnancies in one year, as well as over half of all sexually transmitted infections being in the 16 to 24 age group. To make matters worse in April this year part of a government bill that would have made crucial sex education compulsory in schools was dropped. Teens still not only need, but want better sex education. Anna Richardson returns, assisted by experts across the board determined to give teenagers across the UK some much needed, upfront sex education lessons.


3x02 Am I Normal? (2)

3x02 Am I Normal? (2)

  • 2010-07-06T19:00:00Z1h

The Sex Education roadshow continues across the UK as Anna Richardson and sexual health expert Dr Radha Modgil give students more ground-breaking lessons in sex, relationships and the human body. This time the students from Glenthorne School, Surrey get live interactive lessons in female anatomy. With the help of five nude models they find out everything they need to know about the female body. The students get abreast of boobs, and the lowdown on labia: discovering that when it comes to women's bodies, no two are the same. Also Anna meets people with different physical disabilities who tell her how they manage to have great sex.


3x03 Am I Normal? (3)

3x03 Am I Normal? (3)

  • 2010-07-07T19:00:00Z1h

Anna Richardson and sexual health expert Dr Radha Modgil are at Raines School in East London to give students ground-breaking lessons in sex education. In live anatomy lessons featuring elderly male and female models, the students learn how both the body and sex changes as we age. The students also learn the truth about vaginal health and are encouraged to overcome the ultimate in embarrassment, talking about sex with your parents. Anna also meets two plus-size women who claim to enjoy loads of great sex. They talk us through their favourite positions and tell us why being big is a help, not a hindrance, when it comes having a healthy sex life. Plus the show meets Ed Evans whose obesity resulted at one point in 'buried penis syndrome', with him unable to have penetrative sex.

Season Finale


3x04 Am I Normal? (4)

Season Finale

3x04 Am I Normal? (4)

  • 2010-07-08T19:00:00Z1h

Anna Richardson and sexual health expert Dr Radha Modgil are at the Bourne Grammar School, near Peterborough, to give the students more ground-breaking lessons in sex education. In live anatomy lessons featuring nude models, the students learn how the body and sex changes before, during and after pregnancy. They also have lessons in changing nappies and feeding infants. Meanwhile, the show explores the reality of having an abortion. Anna visits a disco for people with learning disabilities. She meets Ben, a young man with Down's syndrome, and his mum Charlotte, and learns how even attempting to lose your virginity is fraught with difficulties. She also meets married couple Tonda and Martin. Tonda has Down's syndrome, and Martin was brain damaged at birth. But against all the odds the couple have managed to maintain a happy relationship and sex life for over fifteen years.

Season Premiere


4x01 Stop Pimping Our Kids (1)

Season Premiere

4x01 Stop Pimping Our Kids (1)

  • 2011-04-19T19:00:00Z1h

Anna tackles High Street giant Primark over children’s clothing that transforms kids into sexualised mini adults, and we’ll be taking Matalan to task over their decision to keep stocking padded bras in the children’s section.


4x02 Stop Pimping Our Kids (2)

4x02 Stop Pimping Our Kids (2)

  • 2011-04-20T19:00:00Z1h

This programme tackles one of the nation’s biggest newsagents WH Smiths, who display lads' mags on the lower shelves where toddlers can see them. This is in spite of several attempts by pressure groups and even an attempt at a government bill to move them to the top.

Season Finale


4x03 Stop Pimping Our Kids (3)

Season Finale

4x03 Stop Pimping Our Kids (3)

  • 2011-04-21T19:00:00Z1h

In the final program Anna investigates some of the music television channels who are beaming videos packed with shockingly sexual images into homes throughout the day when children are watching. She hits the streets with images from recent music videos and asks the public to guess: pop or porn?


4x04 Stop Pimping Our Kids (4)

4x04 Stop Pimping Our Kids (4)

  • 2011-04-22T19:00:00Z30m

Season Premiere


5x01 The Sex Education Show (1)

Season Premiere

5x01 The Sex Education Show (1)

  • 2011-07-19T19:00:00Z1h

Taking a frank look into the world of sex, the new series begins with the roadshow visiting Redborne School in Bedfordshire where pupils get to see real living STIs close-up. Anna Richardson talks sexting and porn with parents. She shows parents what their kids are really looking at online, and arms them with the facts they need to talk to their kids about such stuff. And the show meets 21-year-old David Smith, a paralympic athlete with cerebral palsy, and 24-year-old fiancé Kat Watkins, who suffers from brittle bone disease. The couple describe how - against all the odds - they have managed to achieve a fulfilling sex life.

In another frank look at the world of sex, the show visits York High to teach pupils about male puberty. And Anna Richardson shows some parents how easy it is to log into online chat rooms that feature shocking conversations and content. The kids at York High visit a fertility clinic to see how artificial insemination takes place and witness the moment life is created. More results from the series' sex survey reveals how regularly Brits have sex, which parts of the country are experiencing a dry spell... and how many people use handcuffs. And Jonny and Amelia, who both have impaired vision, talk about their lives and how being visually impaired needn't get in the way of a great sex life.

In another frank look at the world of sex, the Sex Survey reveals how many Brits have had a threesome, and in which part of the country people are most likely to have cheated on a partner. The roadshow travels to Angmering School in Sussex, where the pupils are taught everything they need to know about genetics. From penis size to height, and skin tone to breasts, the kids learn with the help of two naked families how genes determine where we get our size and shape from. They are taken out of school to be taught about breast health at a unique breast research centre, and also get to discover the highs and lows of first love from their parents and grandparents in embarrassing intimate conversations. The show meets Nicole and David, who have overcome Nicole's physical disabilities to enjoy great sex and, against the odds, conceive a child.

A frank look at the world of sex. The roadshow visits Elliott school in Putney, south London, where pupils are taught about the three stages of pregnancy. The pupils learn the eye-watering truth about pregnancy from their mums. And learn about birth itself on a visit to a labour ward. Celebrated broadcaster and Rabbi, Lionel Blue, and orthodox Jew, Oli Kasin, reveal their very different experiences of growing up as gay men in the Jewish community. There is a report on kids and social networking sites. And more results from the Great British Sex Survey reveal how many people have had anal sex, and in which part of the country is dressing up to explore a sexual fantasy most popular.

The roadshow visits Bishops Gore School in Swansea, where pupils get a full-frontal lesson on the subject of attraction. Three couples - gay, straight and lesbian - reveal what it is that attracted them to each other in the first place. And the show reveals the science behind falling in love. The pupils are also taken out of school to a sexual health clinic to learn about contraception, while the parents are taught about the risky activity kids get up to with sending sexual texts - or sexts. And the Great British Sex Survey reveals the nation's favourite sexual position, and how many British men have caught crabs.

Season Finale


5x06 The Sex Education Show (6)

Season Finale

5x06 The Sex Education Show (6)

  • 2011-08-23T19:00:00Z1h

Taking a frank look at the world of sex, the roadshow hits Stockport School near Manchester, where pupils try looking after a toddler for the day and get a lesson in how and why people come in so many different shapes and sizes. From hormones to genetics and breast size to penis length, the students get a frank and full frontal lesson in why we're made the way we are. The pupils go on a field trip with a difference and discover that bringing up baby can be hugely challenging as they experience the harsh realities of looking after a toddler for the day. Viewers also meet a person of restricted growth, 22-year-old Ivy Broadhead. She reveals how, when it comes to sex and height, size really doesn't matter. Plus the final set of results are released from the Great British Sex Survey and reveal how age affects what you like doing, with whom, where, and how often.
