Shout by dewdropvelvet
BlockedParent2023-05-12T23:07:32Z— updated 2023-05-14T16:20:32Z

Loving the defining moments.

  • " I never loved you, it was always Stefan." -Katherine

    • Punctured with elena saying so heartfelt "its always gonna be Stefan."
    • Jeremys death.

As for the acting....
Nina does an amazing job as Katherine. You can always tell them apart, easy.

Paul is smoldering as Stefan
Ian is convincing as Damon.

On my fourth rewatch and my love only grows for this show.

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The problem is, Nina is not that great of an actor and now she continuously plays two characters . I don't know how long the show is going to keep this up, but it's a bit meh.

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That moment when the realization almost literally hit Damon... priceless.

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