Well, the final two episodes of Bahamut have definitely been disappointing due to the insane amount of rushing done to finish up the Hayes conflict (and whatever else the creators jammed into the finale). The entire final encounter/battle, Lisha's "recovery" and Yokura battle didn't really leave me with enough of an impact. We're also left with a classic harem ending (which I was fully expecting and don't really mind). This could have probably benefited a good amount from an extra episode just to let various plot elements develop further (or just settle into the audience's minds).

Overall, the show was better than I initially expected until the last couple episodes. While the first episode was quite generic for a mecha harem, the middle portion of Bahamut was actually pretty enjoyable for me. I loved the "personalities" of the various girls that were introduced and thought each had a pretty good arc accompanying them with Krulcifer being my favorite by far. The weak finish is disappointing but I was entertained enough by this. I give it a 5/10.

Now, if only a Krulcifer x Yoruka doujin existed...

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