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Warrior Nun 2020

Amazing show, full of action, good sense of humour, love, friendship and values. A must watch, I loved it!

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some people saying it's boring bc story build up is slow but I disagree. I really enjoyed the season 1. And I loved s2. i binged whole season in 8 hours. In these days most of the shows going too fast, lots of things happening in one episode and I don't like that. There are a lot of main characters in this show -even tho Ava is the protagonist- and with that "slow" build up we can know better those characters. I think it adds so much to the story by doing that

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Not what i expected. the lead actress is everything but not unfunny. her timing on those witty lines got me in stiches out of the blue. usually i avoid demon-y shows like a plague but this one got me binge-watching in two days. Dang!

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Needs new seasons that's all I can say

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Love it, love the plot, love the character. Amazing show, can't wait for it to return.

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Honestly, I was a little turned off by the name of the show... but I thoroughly enjoyed this series and am looking forward to season 2. As the others said, there are some pacing issues. It starts out action packed and fun, and then gets a little slow for a few episodes as the story unfolds and the characters are explored, but then picks back up shortly thereafter.

I 100% agree with the others about the ending. The ending actually had me saying"Wait... The f?? ...that was the last episode??", as the credits rolled and ads for the next show started. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome and I still recommend giving the show a go, but just the way it ended was just..."what the hell was that?". Wait for season 2 before watching.

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Binged this in a day and yes it ends with a cliffhanger.
Mostly enjoyed it. Sometimes there are pacing issues and occasionally the acting was a little bit lackluster.

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Shout by elina
BlockedParent2022-12-08T15:24:18Z— updated 2023-03-14T22:31:52Z

Netflix doesn't disappoint with this show. I recommend watching at least the first 4 episodes of season 1 before you decide whether you like it or not. I was hooked after the 4th episode. Season 2 is by far better than the 1st. The cast is amazing and talented . Alba Baptista is so good.

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Fun series with female main character. Enjoy her funny, witty character. It is a nice contrast to all the serious characters. Nice amount of action.

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I thoroughly enjoyed season 1. Can't wait till season 2+ (I hope).
This series is a lot of things, a little mystery, a little thriller, a little action, a little self-growth. They do a really good job throwing you off the suspicion of one of the bad guys.
I believe that most if not all of the cast is from Portugal, Spain, and France. So I can understand how some people might have a problem with their acting/English. But please do not let any of those negative reviews stop you from viewing this show.

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I very much enjoyed season 1. Season 2 ... pfff. Not very much. Season 1 I'd easily rate 8 out of 10 or higher. Season 2 maybe, maybe, at best, 6 out of 10. Based on season 2 it's not strange it got cancelled.

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OK. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this show. I'm really not a fan of young kids being lead actors. The script tends to almost always make them far too immature! Which they did in this show. Eva was annoying as f**k!!!! The only reason why I continued to watch the show, was because the special effects was kind of cool. Also it had an occult feel to it in a way? (indirectly speaking). Well, I'm glad I watched the show to the end, and they finally made Alba's character "badass." My only problem is now, NetFlix has become the king of cancellations (in my opinion). I do hope they don't decide to cancel the show. They have very few shows worth watching these days. If they do renew, I hope they're not gonna wait until 2039 to come out with season 2! Damn it!!!

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The name is stupid and some moments are cringe but it´s light and fun and i really liked it.
PS: For those wondering: there´s nothing religious about this show except some names used.

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Firstly, the team in charge for naming this show needs to be sacked; it’s cheesy, childish and off putting.

The first few episodes were intriguing, but annoying too, but I find that to be common.

However, overall I enjoyed it and it was something different. Especially if you like fantasy and supernatural or paranormal.

Ended on a cliffhanger with a good twist.

Has a good cast and for a change I didn’t find any of the cast annoying.

Not the most phenomenal show to hit our screens, but it’s still enjoyable.

Looking forward to the next season.

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It's not awful, but it is pretty YA-y, and there are a lot of plot twists that are there just for the sake of adding plot twists.

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This show is basically a modern version of Buffy.

I feared it would be overly Christian but it wasn't. It's about as religious as you'd expect any TV show about Shaolin monks would be.

I enjoyed that it wasn't constantly focused on spectacle for the sake of spectacle and is solidly character-driven. I enjoyed how it took the time to explore the humanity of most of the characters (including villains) and there are moments you question whether certain characters are really going to develop into true antagonists.

The plot isn't always surprising, and not always perfectly executed (an example being where a demon just stands around holding an impaled Lilith while Ava decides to pick up a sword), but its characters are always thoroughly believable and the action is visually quite appealing.

This was a very pleasant surprise.

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Why is the only black woman cast in the role of "the outsider", again? I'm so tired of this trope… there are some refreshing bits here and there, but all in all I'm a bit disappointed by this show as a whole.

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Watchable intergenerational tv show: nun's power or what

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This show has a lot of potential, but suffers from lackluster acting/dialogue, TERRIBLE pacing, and characters that lack depth. Visually, it wasn't terrible to look at, the effects were visually pleasing and the background scenery was gorgeous. The first 5-8 episodes were SLOW. To the point where I had it on in the background and around episode 8 I realized I actually needed to start paying attention. It just seemed like everyone talked in circles, the group of "friends" she makes are literally irrelevant to the rest of the plot and never come up again, and at times I genuinely wished I could up the speed setting of the streaming.

That being said, it did end on a large (albeit fairly predictable imo) cliffhanger, and if the show continues I believe it could possibly evolve into something more. I would recommend waiting until another season comes out, otherwise I would consider it to be a waste of time.

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Good series overall. Had some good and bad moments like the 2nd episode where the Rave in the prison added 0 content
The final episode was good but should have ended 15 seconds earlier

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Why is this movie rated TV-MA? Sexy nuns are not for kids to see? Is there any nun showing her goods?

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Hot damn give what's his lol. Man that antagonist so gullible why heck would you give someone which you didn't wanted to give in a first place. And he was more than capable of fighting those creatures coming from the other realm. so you're telling me those creatures coming from other are the good ones how weak this plot is and now there's timer too for halo to charge up yeah nice.

p.s - I died a little watching episode 6 xdxd

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It's a show to watch when you're doing something else... I made dinner at the same time of the 1st episode of season 2, didn't hear and see half the episode still managed too understand everything... The plot is thin as a piece of toilet paper....

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So this has been bothering me for three episodes... why are there no Spaniards in Spain? Everyone is English, Irish, French, or something other than Spanish.

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One of those shows that doesn’t quite sure what it wants to be, but pretends it does so that you’re tricked into believing that there’s a point to the plot. So you keep waiting and waiting, through one disappointing episode to the next, until you realise you found the perfect show to ignore and just play at the background for some sort of sensory stimulation while you do other interesting things, just so you somehow finish it and gets off your “continue playing” list on Netflix.

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As far as Netflix originals are concerned this is the worst I've ever seen. I just didn't get it.

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couldn't get to the end of the first episode, the acting is just so poor the silly narrator voice on top.

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Had to stop after episode 5, but should really have done it sooner. This is not AT all for me. Teenage drama with terrible acting, fighting, effects and most everything else.

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It's just a teenage love story, they say it's an adaptation but I don't see it, it's just a netflixized soap opera.
Also, since it's called Warrior Nun, one would expect to see more of that, and not edgy-misunderstood-by-the-whole-world-SJW nuns who are apparently immune to reason. Then again, there's the irony.
Incredibly badly written. The series does have a few good moments, but too few to affect the rating.

Watched it only because I literally ran out of good stuff to watch, this seemed like an OK-at-best series I could kill some time with, but it just ends up leading nowhere and it's disappointing, therefore I don't think it's worth watching, unless you have like, really, really low standards, then knock yourself out, enjoy

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Shout by DaphneVIP
BlockedParent2020-07-04T12:25:17Z— updated 2020-07-08T10:14:42Z

It was tough to get through the first Episode. It started off with an interesting concept, but 30 minutes into the episode i started feeling like i was watching some quirky teen drama... sorta felt like 2 totally different shows at the same time.

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It had an OK first season, although it kind of seemed stuck between absurdity of the concept and surprisingly serious tone it tried to struck sometimes, but all that awkwardness is gone in second season.

It kicks ass from the beginning to the end, no saggy parts. It's fun, surprisingly smart, intriguing. Everything is at amazing level - cinematography, directing, acting... In fact, it seems everyone had a good time making it and that good time translates to the viewer as well.

If you're perhaps wondering should you watch second season even though it was canceled - the main plot of the season is wrapped up. There's hints to where the plot will go next (and I really hope we will get to see it as it promises to transform the show completely yet again), but it's not a cliffhanger that will make you mad for wasting time on a show. And when the season is as good as it is, I'd say it's well worth your time.

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I was expecting weird action show and Warrior Nun delivers it. No complaints

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Great series, even if the first episode was a bit bumpy. Nevertheless, I do not believe that the church in our world is capable of such a responsibility. I'm just saying ... Religieuses abusées, l'autre scandale de l'Église - Arte tv

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For the "Netflix quota drama" plot is above avarage, with forgetable errors.
But I must salute to the camera crew. I mean that colorgrading and angles are realy good and for someone who want to get better should watch it.

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Even if this wasn't from 'no renew' Netflix that cliffhanger still wouldn't be okay. Didn't even truly feel like a cliffhanger, more like they just didn't know how to continue the story or have the budget too.

The plot only really started 2-3 episodes ago so feels like a massive let down... Wasted a shocking amount of time on a love story that isn't going to lead anywhere (where is he, is he just not going to be mentioned again??) as it seems Sister Beatrice is the next love interest.

A lot of hours to get zero conclusions and a non-ending.

In short; subpar storyline, pointless love story, no ending and a let down for what was an interesting premise. First ten minutes and the last ten minutes are the only interesting parts of the whole of season 1.

Tip to the people over at Netflix:
If someone has watched the last episode and can't figure out why the 'next episode button' hasn't shown up, you've done something very wrong. When you get an interesting story idea, make sure you get the correct people to write the story.

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A new series based on the comic books, an "army of" Catholic nuns" defend the world against the demons. The first chapter has been an "MEH", we will see if it improves in the following chapters

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This was really a good series. The acting and dialog was cool along with the cgi and special effects. I was not sure what to expect given the name, but am looking forward to season 2!

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I don't understand the people that want to save this show. The first season was ok but the second was awful and the show has just become garbage. Let the show die. It's over and good riddance.

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Season 1 was really enjoyable, fun, easy to watch and with humour. It was something new and has as story that made sense somehow, it felt kinda realistic.

Season 2 however is just complete rubbish! What have they done to this show? Dark and sad, no fun moments and the storyline is just random and didn't feel realistic at all. Poor directing, poor storyline, poor use of background music, poor dialogues,... Just POOR!
It took a real effort to watch the whole season and I'm glad it's over!

Netflix cancelled the series after this season and I can't blame them. It should have ended after one season.

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Shout by

I loved the first season, can't wait for the second!

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The high pitch noise the halo makes is awful

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Shout by J

Just stat* started watching this. Seems like a good concept but it has its issues with writo* writing & characters. It also seems to be heading the Woke way which will peeve me off bcos so far I am enjoyinv. Funny thinv* thing - For A Secret Society of Warriors they do seem to fight in Broad Daylight Openly on Public Streets or at Night infront od* of Security Cameras ALOT! Even more amusing is that not 1 Person is around going about their daily business early morning & sees the Nuns/Warriors fo* fighting. Put loh* Logic aside & asl long as it does not go woke enjoy but then in some recv reviews ppl saying they switched a hetero girl into a lesbian/bi girl just for woke points bcause she definately did not need to fall for a Warrior Sister just because she is surrounded by them.

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I saw five chapters thinking to give it a try, but I ended up realizing that the whole series was probably going to be like this: boring. Like, they give you action in the first chapter and then just turn the show in a "teenager trying to do "teenagers" things" show.

Ava itself is a really boring character (And keep in mind, she's the protagonist) Although her actions and decisions in the series could be considered "logical" ( In her situation), it could have been written in a way that was way more interesting.

Besides that, I hate the constant voice that narrates her thoughts, it makes me cringe a bit honeslty.

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It's basic 90s comic book fluff. It's brilliant camp at it's best & typical teen drama at its worst. Better than most comic book adaptations. Camilla is adorable. Some of the fight choreography is amazing. IMO, the only real negative is the mediocre acting of the very young, inexperienced, unknown main cast... Have FAITH, They will get better. So fun & cheesy... I kinda love it.

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The show really starts around episode 7, everything before that is mostly useless character development that they dump as soon as the action starts. Though all in all the show ended on a high and I’m glad I stuck through it.

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This is a great show , how it runs for a full season

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