Best episode of season 2 for me so far! Everything is coming full circle!

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Dolores is a badass. She has all things planned.
I hope they don't kill Maeve. That would be stupid.
Charlotte is also killing it. I like how these powerful woman are taking all the control.

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+India World intro
+Dolores does something that is actually interesting and not just "GIVE ME VENGEANCE!"
+The material with Dolores' "father" was really good
+Maeve and her crew seem to be actually getting somewhere plus the Snake Girl is back, which I love

*Bernard plot was next to nothing
*the twist in the battle was great but the way the humans fought it was extremely stupid

-Teddy's a dumbass who is okay with killing people who only did bad because they thought it would be erased within hours but not okay with killing robots who are programmed to be rotten to the core.
-No Man in Black

Pretty great episode. It did a lot to put my fears about Dolores becoming a monotonous bore fest to rest. I actually really like the idea of the human escaping from India world wandering into something she had no idea was even connected and having to deal with this complete shit show with no context at all.

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That Fort battle scene is pretty much when you're in the Modern Era in Civilization and you're about to kick the shit out of an AI enemy whose still using units with swords.

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Well now you know why they had to kill Shiba in TWD, she had another role in another show.

Seriously though, don't want to sound racist saying all of them looks alike, but wasn't it the same Shiba face CGI?

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Shout by cemAApp S02E03 OSN ShowtimeOrbit Network #FIRSTHD @HBO

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Girl escaped from killer Indians, only to be captured by... killer Indians.
It's amazing how great Louis Herthum is at playing a malfunctioning robot.

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They're so lucky the modern army brought just the P90s

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Shout by peaceofbeing
BlockedParent2018-05-11T02:53:13Z— updated 2018-05-19T06:20:38Z

"My whole life has been dictated by someone else, someone who has been saying: ‘You will.’ Now, I feel like I’ve discovered my own voice, it says: ‘I may.’" - Dolores

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Shout by Ro


Seven Nation Army — The White Stripes. Played on a sitar, no less.

Battle Hymn of the Republic. Sung by Peter Abernathy.

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Shout by Ro

“To grown we all need to suffer.”

  • Dolores Abernathy
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Shout by peaceofbeing
BlockedParent2018-05-11T02:58:01Z— updated 2018-05-19T06:20:30Z

"There is beauty in what we are. Shouldn’t we too try to survive?" - Dolores

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No way this sickos are replaying imperialisism wtf :rolling_eyes: also the cgi tiger wasn't all that..

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Every episode is now worse than the previous one. The story is going nowhere and all kinds of pointless directions at the same time. There are way too many characters who all seem to be just wondering around with little purpose. The drama feels forced and downright boring. The action scenes are almost retarded. It's little better than your average action movie. Very disappointing.

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It’s honestly starting to feel like the seventh season of GoT.
Yes, the action is bigger and better than the previous season, but any of the fantastic writing with a mystical/mysterious/philosophical edge, that was present in the first season, has vanished.
It’s still good, of course, but this straight forward human vs robot continuation isn’t I was hoping for.

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Something I don't understand is what's going on outside of Westworld. I'm not sure how much time has passed since all hell broke loose, but even if it's only a few hours then people outside should still know by now that everything's going horribly wrong in there. I guess you could keep it a secret for a bit from the public, but there must be thousands of people who work for the park and they can't just all be dead.
So why are they storming in there with ~ 20 humans who don't even have helmets or bulletproof armor, in shitty open cars and basically run into the hosts? Where is the rest - Police, military, whoever would help in this kind of situation. I guess that will be the 600 or 800 people one of the park staff talked about, but I'm honestly wondering how long it takes them and why the others are going in there with such small groups. So far I guess they're just arrogant because "it's just robots in there", but it feels weird to me...

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That last shot has me excited for next week. I want to see shogun world.

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What a boring episode. What happened? I'm not even sure because I fell asleep. Maybe the writers did, too, since it really doesn't feel like anyone was trying with this one.

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Started really interesting but it was overall an episode I got little exitement out off. Kind of rolled along. For me the weakest episode so far. Why are the humans trying a more intelligent approach instead of sending in muscle packed security all guns blazing ? From where the show started it is a little bit beneath the level of quality they established.

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Oh, I hope this season starts to get better soon. While there is entertainment to be had in the mayhem, none of the quality writing from season 1 is present here anymore. I continue to be despondent that Sizemore the scriptwriter guy is still in the show. Dolores is some kind of evil genius Terminator now (although the scene with her father was absolutely gorgeous). The less said about all the Delos suits/army guys the better.

I did quite enjoy the opening in the Indian tiger-hunting park.

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