This episode felt like a major step down from the last 3

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Oh snap, Jubilee learned rasengan!

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Wait why did they split the episode?
All of the others are 30 minutes long.

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Only good thing I can say about this episode is that the animation is growing on me.

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We only get a sliver of Storm and Forge but damn is it good. Storms alienation from the weather is so heartbreaking to see play out. I'm most impressed that they managed to sell me on their romance in like 10 minutes. I'm so curious to see how it all plays out.

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This episode makes Naruto and DBZ fillers look cool

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“Dazzler had a gig, don’t ask…”
I’m not normally one for speculation but is this a little Easter egg for Taylor in Deadpool and Wolverine?

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Probably my favorite episode of the season so far.

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Finally a Jubilee episode. Even if it's a Mojo story.

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This ep was smaller in scale that the last three but still soli. This was aareally compelling story about Jubilee facing the fact that adult life is messy and unfair and you don't get to go to the arcade on your birthday. And I think it handles that transion into young adulthood for Jubilee really well. i loved seeing older Jubilee and the mastery she has over her powers.

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This show is a gift to us long time X-Men fans and I'm here for it.

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Shout by MSochist
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-08-29T04:07:13Z— updated 2024-08-31T16:04:22Z

First two episodes, I loved this show. These past two episodes? I want to drop it.

Jubilee and Sunspot are rushed, plus I hate how he feels like he was just thrown in to get with Jubilee, along with provoking expo dumps from the rest of the characters. Mojo episodes are boring and terrible and will always be boring and terrible.

The sudden declining quality of the show ruined my mood for the rest of this episode. I couldn't appreciate Storm's part as much as I should have. But Forge's confession was rushed as well. I guess there was a time skip or something.

Either way, two sucky episodes back to back really takes the wind out of my sails. I was so hype for this show after episode 2 and now I kinda hate it. I'm hoping it goes back to being good again.

Edit: It did. The rest of the show is good, this episode is just a low point.

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ok that was kinda mid but it got better towards the end I guess. still, why would you split the plot like that what the hell

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This episode takes me back to TMNT (2003) for some reason

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Wow... this episode's ending left me, as we say in Brasil, "sem chão".
What a beautiful piece of art this series is becoming, my friends. I hope Marvel (and DC, and the world of animation in general) gives infinite more projects to the guys who are behind this show.
(And yes, we will Remember it!)

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I like that the first episode that doesn’t push the story forward makes the entire fan bases angry about the fact that the two in one episode didn’t push the story forward and focused more on the characters relationship with each other. It’s not even a bad episode. Not the best sure but it’s still a good episode you all need to chill out. It’s a fun episode it’s not meant to push the story forward it’s meant to have the characters grow.

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Mojo was always on the nose but I'm glad they brought him back and it was great to see Jubilee actually have a romance that works. I thought the old version of Jubilee sounded more like the old Jubilee. Turns out that because she was voiced by the original voice actress. Ha! Nice touch. The Storm romance feels more forced but that kind of stuff happened a ton in the original series so it didn't feel misplaced. Overall, I good episode with some humor and fleshing out the side stories.

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Storm centric episode and, no surprise, the worst episode of the show. Just a bunch of empty romance. Forge had no interactions with Storm whatsoever so far and he is instantly calling her "a Goddess regardless of her power". What the heck?! Reeks of bad fanfiction. Perfect companion for try hard chewing the scenery storm voice actress.
Update: I just realized that if they continue to follow the comics then Storm will be turned into a child and she will most likely have a new voice. There is still hope for the character to be redeemed.

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I'm not really all that keen on Mojo and this was certainly a step down from the first three episodes, but it had some nice moments, particularly everything between Jubilee and the older copy (voiced by the original series actress in a fitting touch), but I was sort of left wanting for more, whether that was more involvement from some of the other characters or just a more fleshed out story. I never felt like the characters were in any particular peril, even when Roberto is quite literally about to die.

Add to that the oddly placed and also far too short Storm plot and I'm left with an episode that had good ideas but didn't quite nail the execution. It's by no means bad but when the first few episodes are just so good, a lesser quality episode stands out even more than it otherwise might.

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This one felt more like a filler episode.

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I like games but c'mon man mojo is the filler tv master
.hope they cook up new plot points like wolverine, sabertooth cable there so many stuff the potential is there...

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