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Season 1

Great first episode that then drags for 9 episodes to only leave in a cliffhanger at the ends of the last episode. I went into this planning for a horror/supernatural thriller and found myself trapped in a strange mix of desperate housewives and the oc.

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A solid first season of TV. Sure it might not grab you from the get go, but if you stick with this wonderfully disturbing show about 40 year old women with murderous tendencies reflecting on how teenage cannibalism transformed them into such individuals, you will be entertained. I'd compare it to the first season of Breaking Bad, it's rough around the edges but the highlights make up for that. However, once the finale ends I seem to feel like this may be the next Homeland, a show that wowed everyone with its debut season but never managed to stay consistent in quality and faded away from the cultural zeitgeist. I'm glad this show turned into a major hit, it shows how airing something on a weekly basis how the audience will respond to said series. This is better than any drama on Netflix. Anyways, I do hope to god the next season proves me wrong and the hive keeps buzzing.

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Fantastic season. My only gripe is i find it hard to believe that nobody brought Jackie back inside within a couple hours of her going outside. Like given what we know about Coach Ben’s character, I feel like he would never allow her to sleep out there alone. But he may have also been spooked by the rest of the group by that point hearing about their cult like actions. Regardless, i absolutely love this show and am excited for its future. I haven’t been this drawn to a show in a lonngggg time. Thinking of checking out The Wilds again while waiting for season 2

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A pretty rough first season. Yellowjackets is a melodrama that thinks it’s a thriller in which nothing happens. It ends on an exciting note, but that’s where it should have started.

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Basically, “Lost” with cannibal soccer girls and an extra timeline set in the aftermaths. Sounds interesting, right? Unfortunately, most of the plot has been quite trivial and heavy-handed in its melodrama. Thrilling stuff like… wife hiding her one-night stand in the closet because her husband got back home, girlfriend worried about her boyfriend being gay because he can’t get a boner. This whole first season could have been condensed into three episodes with no problems.

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Shout by C

I'm currently only 3 episodes in and it's not too bad. Slow, but not in a bad way. My biggest compliment is Juliette Lewis. I was a fan, but she can't act anymore. She looks like she is medicated up and in a constant stare of shock.

Everyone is pretty good. 3 episodes in and I think I'm going to enjoy it. It's basically Lord of the Flies mixed with the IT movies from a few years ago, Lost and the nostalgia of the 90s.

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Awesome first episode but the dripfeed is just way to tedious.

I don't expect non stop action but this is just a snoozefest.

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The whole season could've been condensed to 4-5 episodes tops.
The emotional and psychological stuff were well done, but the actual plot was very sparse.
Christina Ricci's Misty is the only thing keeping me interested.
At this point, I wish this was a spoof of Survivor meets The Office .

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Great first season. The pilot immediately sucked me in and every episode after gave away new directions, hints or new questions to where the story is going. Casting is fantastic! The older versions really resemble the teens, all very skilled actors. The finale does a great job at creating new story arcs for the second season, intensifying the mystery. I'm soooo glad Jackie is gone. She really annoyed me. Her death was cruel, actually really well written because they could have so easily made it gruesome and over the top but instead went with this quite death that in light of these characters and the things Shauna said to her made it brutal and tragic.

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So Good
"LOST" is the GOAT
Can never be replicated
all though many shows try
and I actively seek them out,
I thought I might have found
a close one here but so far
this 18+ show has all been
way to tame for my liking.
I'm enjoying it enough to
Commit to the 5 seasons
and I hope it all gets messy
and Supernatural
and generally batshit
crazy come later seasons.
hm I wonder who will be
the first person in
season 2 to be on the menu
as Todays Special?

I hope this show keeps
that forward momentum,
keep it interesting and
Keep on Shocking me
that's all I ask.

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Got me hook, line and sinker

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I started watching it with my wife because we were both intrigued but after two episodes she gave up because the horror-ish elements disturbed her. I didn’t touch it for something like ten months, then I decided I wanted to go on but the third and fourth episodes bored me to hell. I started to feel like they were filling it with ideas, questions and mysteries with the intention of dragging them for season after season. Then I heard they already planned five seasons and I died inside. But I tried episode 5 and it was fun. So I persisted and I actually really enjoyed the rest of the season, particularly the really, really good final two episodes. So, It was good. I loved all the actresses, I loved the Nineties soundtrack, I enjoyed the genre mish-mash, but it still kinda gave me the feeling that it’s one of those shows I will not be eagerly waiting for year after year and I will end up losing track of. I guess we’ll see.

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What really happened out there?

Telling the story of two time periods, Yellowjackets switches between the girl's soccer team of the same name during their plane crash survival horror and their now-adult lives, still affected by the events of that time. I like this for the most part but the one problem is every forest survival scene is infinitely more engaging than almost all parts of their modern lives and I wish it stuck to just that.

Yellowjackets have lots of things that I like, such as pacing that doesn't feel slow or a waste of my time, especially when focused on the survival aspects. A dynamic of strange characters with interesting relationships/interactions with each other that happen to be mostly girls, because if it were mostly guys I don't think I would've finished this, and decent choices of music across the series.

Yellowjackets is a show that I heard a bit about, watched a trailer at one point, then thought nothing of until a few months later when I finally decided to watch just the 1st episode. What came after that was a binge-watch of a show that I would look forward to seeing a second season of.

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