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Season 2

Juliette Lewis has ZERO acting abilities, never has, never will - why does she keep getting jobs?

Episode 1 had a nice long recap of what happened in season 1... then I remembered... Oh yeah! This show it CRAP. Why hadn't I rated it last season? I think I was losing the will to live at that point and that's why I missed it.

Season 2 episode 1 was just more of the crap from season 1. Click. Done. No more.


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I give up. Despite not being completely satisfied by the first season, I had a few weeks left in my Showtime subscription and decided to give it one more chance. Unfortunately, these first few episodes kept going in circles with the same trivial shtuff, throwing in a couple of impactful scenes per episode to keep the audience engaged. The rest is filled with borderline soap opera drama. It feels like this is targeted at bored housewives who want to pretend they used to be edgy too when they were young, and that they can still be kind of edgy sometimes. Christina Ricci pairing with Elijah Wood for twice the irritation was the last nail in the coffin for me.

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Not sure if its just me, but this was such a boring and draggy season with no story progression from S1. What a drop of quality from the first season. Heard there are 6 seasons in total. S2 was enough for me to stop this show once an for all. 5/10

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what a crap for a season.
No interest on ANY of the adult characters, most of them are caricatures with irrational decisions and awful dialogues.

we had an "interesting" (?) first season, this needs to end now.

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Only 2 episodes in so far, but I genuinely cannot stand the adult parts of this show. I really wish they focused only on the past story because the adult section is incredibly uninteresting, boring, and inadvertently reveals a lot of what happens in the past (which is ruining the much more interesting story).

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I got 2 episodes into this season before I really lost all interest in the show entirely. It's not structured well, and the storytelling is going in an order that removes suspense. I get they wanted their "Big actors" involved from the start so that's why we're seeing their adult stories, but storytellingwise it was a bad choice because you already know how everything turns out, and it's not very interesting. I'm out, there's just better things to watch.

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Shout by MamaSaucy

This season was okay. It didn’t live up to season 1’s hype but it was still good. The first half of the season was carried by the teens in the wilderness and then the last 3 or 4 episodes with the adults all at camp Lottie, present day picked up.

I can only assume from this season the stress of being blackmailed and running for senate triggered Taissa’s sleep walking and hallucinations and the stress of Travis’ death triggered Lottie. The questions that remain are what is wrong with Shauna and Misty. It’s not stress. They’ve been acting like their chaotic and unstable past selves since season 1.

The introduction of adult Van was bittersweet because as the season went that hoe was a flip flopping ass bish. Got Tai believing then she stopped herself and now in the last episode she believes again?? What? :rolling_eyes:

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The end of season 1 worried me, I feared they were gonna continue adding mysteries and questions without ever giving answers and ultimately end up boring me to hell. I was wrong. Season 2 keeps the tempo going, finds a strong direction for the story, continues playing smartly on the balance between mental health issues and actual fantastical elements (even though they clearly are pushing towards a more horrorish kind of storytelling) and it kinda finds a strong ending that ties everything up. There’s still a lot to tell, of course, but this could be a series finale. So I want to go on, because I have fun spending time with these crazy characters and those amazing actresses (and Elijah Wood!).

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