Oats Studios

There are no words to describe the delight.
Each film contains the perfect extract of fiction - a creature, a hint of a backstory, a moral clue, emotions - and all this is short and clear. After each film, I felt almost hungry- I just got into the taste, and then here, the credits.
Not a single superfluous word, not a single superfluous sound. Clean, clear.. and regardless of the other series.
How I want more!

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Red Iron Road

So, an anthology of short horror films based on Russian works, although I personally saw other allusions in them. Each episode is about something different and in its own unique animation style.

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Your Honor

Great series, mostly watching :cry:

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A movie based on comic Image, about a hero returning from hell. He is "Born of darkness, but sworn to justice." This movie is one of my favorites.

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Castle Rock

I'm a little shocked by the ending...

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