The Magicians: Season 4

After a great season 3 this season felt a bit lacking and the biggest reasons for that were:
- Eliot and later Julia becoming monsters for a while (good thing about this was that it really showed just how good actor Hale Appleman is).
- Pretty much everything happening at the library: the limitation of ambient magic and trying to create artificial god got old fast.

But there also was a lot of good about this season like:
- Margo developing into even greater character.
- Musical parts.
- Season ending in a way that I'm really wanting season 5.

Overall a decent season with a lot of good things but a bit too much story development that I didn't really like.

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Medici: Season 2

Superb soundtrack and camera work.
Story was nothing spectacular, but was good enough to keep me interested.
Episodes of this season were not that good at the start, but started to get much better at late season.
Overall I think that this season is definitely worth watching.

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The Magicians: Season 3

The first two seasons left me disappointed, but this season was a lot better and lived up to the expectations that I had for this series

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【 Anime Spring 2018 】

Thanks for yet another seasonal list ◠‿◠

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