Forged in Fire: 10x09 Instruments of Death: Masters of the Siege

Shout by FinFan

Those are really great builds but it isn't really "Forged in Fire"

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 2
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 2x05 Halls of Stone

Shout by FinFan

As much as I like the show I have to admit it's way too easy for Sauron. Everytime there is a bump in the road that threatens to undermine his plan it's resolved with in the next scene. And it doesn't feel earned. He isn't really cunning. Instead of his masterful manipulation it's more the studipdity of the characters that make it possible. And those who suspect , like Durin, aren't heard.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 2x04 Eldest

Good episode but did the Elves ran out of horses ? It's not as if time is not of the essence.

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Futurama: 9x06 Attack of the Clothes

Is this going to be continued or what ?

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Special 31 Inside The Rings of Power S2 E3

Give us a proper Behind-the-Scenes doku instead of this staged talk-show with a fake audience.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 2x03 The Eagle and the Sceptre
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 2x02 Where the Stars Are Strange

The production qaulity is still beyond a shimmer of doubt but storywise I didn't like this one too much.
Now I almost wish the Elves had died. They are not wise and clever but rather arrogant and stupid. I was never a fan of the High King and even less now where he basically makes the same mistakes he made in season one.
I think the writing is too convinient here, it was too easy for Sauron to get back on Celebrimbor's good side. I understand he plays on the wishes and weaknesses of it opponents but that went too smooth. Didn't felt earned. And the revelation of Annatar was a bit too thick for my liking.
I'm still not convinced one way or the other the Stranger is Gandalf. He could be someone else entirely although there are clear similarities. And with the introduction of the Dark Wizard (Saruman ?) it would make even more sense.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 2x01 Elven Kings Under the Sky
Futurama: 9x05 One Is Silicon and the Other Gold

This was a solid episode with a good story and a nice twist.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1
Behind the Planet of the Apes

If you're a fan of the original movies you should definitely watch this. It's a very comprehensive documentary with some behind the scenes footage and interviews with cast and crew that has a lot of interesting info to offer.

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Battle for the Planet of the Apes
Futurama: 9x04 Beauty and the Bug

I was somewhat waiting for the Bugaloo to say "Resistance is futile". Otherwise it was just another rather ordinary episode.

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Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Planet of the Apes

I've watched this probably more than half a dozen times already and it never gets boring. It's one of the true classics of science fiction and the story still is relevant.

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The Grey

Personally I think this is much better then it's average score. And even discounting that I'm a huge Neeson Fan it`s a good movie.

It looks generic on the surface but it has a deeper meaning then just a thriller about some men fighting for their lives against a pack of wolfs.

>quote Do something. Do something. You phony prick fraudulent motherfucker. Do something! Come on! Prove it! Fuck faith! Earn it! Show me something real! I need it now. Not later. Now! Show me and I'll believe in you until the day I die. I swear. I'm calling on you. I'm calling on you!
Fuck it. I'll do it myself.

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Futurama: 9x03 The Temp

Not a revelation of an episode but for me it was the best one so far this season. A straightforward story and I liked the Star Trek easter eggs.

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Futurama: 9x02 Quids Game

Slightly better than the premiere. But it was too predictable and in the end pretty useless. There might have been a saving grace had Fry realized what his parents have done to make him feel better. But havimng him watch his friends leave thinking he's a cheater while his mother stands smiling in the background is kind of cruel.

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Futurama: 9x01 The One Amigo

Sorry, but I didn't understand a single thing.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 3x08 Destinies

This was a good episode. It was even a good season finale. But as a series finale it was unsatisfactory and left a lot to be desired.
The cancellation came in October 2023 on X with pictures from the final episode included. So by that time filming had wrapped up. And it doesn't feel like an ending that was written, there are too many open threads. I don't believe that's the way it was supposed to end.

While this season was the weakest of the three with a clear trend downwards from the beginning, I'm not satisfied and hopefully there will be another show. Althought it seems highly doubtful to happen.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 3x07 Hardrada

Calling the fight between Harald and Maniakes epic or even great would be an overstatement but at least the guy got what he deserved. I hope that when Leif finds Magnus it will be a bit more rewarding. Maybe he and Freydis will then deal with their father. Those are the things I'm looking forward to.
The whole Kanute succession, althought it was a really good scene, I still don't care much. I was even thinking there could be another show that deals with that part of the story. But maybe there is one about Leif finding the Golden Land. Ahh, daydreaming. But who knows. I still very much like the trio of Leif, Freydis and Harald. And part of me wishes to see more of them then just one episode.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 3x06 Return to Kattegat

Timelines are a little confusing. Leif appears in Jomsburg, Kanute has already finished the journey to Kattegat (where Leif is later also), yet it seems only days since Harald got arrested.
I'm far from hating the show but I will admit I liked it more when they were battleing and conquering. At this stage it's kind of a viking soap-opera with backstabbing and manipulation. Which would be OK in general but with just about 90 mins left I think there might be a lot left in the open. I know I mentioned it before but the closer we get to the finale the more urgent that feeling becomes.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 3x05 Greenland

Oh, nice twist. That I didn't see coming. The big mountain of flesh played both sides against each other. Although Harald got suckered right into it. But it was a well executed plan.

Not surprised Godwin sides with the young prince. He can influence him a great deal more then he could've King Sweyn.

I think we all know what Erik is up to.

How could I've missed that Leif is looking for what we know as America? I need to adress my history blackouts.

Finaly the whole England/Kanute plot line is pure boredom. Doesn't interest me at all.

Still, so many things to bring to a close and even less time to do so.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 3x04 The End of Jomsborg
Vikings: Valhalla: 3x03 Lost

I'd be lying if I say I'm overly excited about the story but I do want to know how the journey for all will end. That being said, for a show that's coming to an end at the conclusion of this season they are introducing a lot of new stuff. I wonder how they'll manage to bring all that together within the next 5 episodes.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 3x02 Honour and Dishonour

Way more leaning towards drama then action and war. Still seeing this as more build up and establishing the plot lines.

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Vikings: Valhalla: 3x01 Seven Years Later