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3rd rock from the sun

The Fan

I kept wondering, who am I supposed to root for here? This was a battle between ahole A vs ahole B. I love Tony Scott and there‘s some nice shots here, but whoever wrote that script probably has not written a lot of scripts before or since.

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Triple 9

It‘s like they gave millions to the casting department and twenty bucks and change to the writers in charge to come up with a good story and character development.

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The Mauritanian

The story is powerful and would have deserved a more skillful director. Tahar Rahim, Jodie Foster and Benedict Cumberbatch are acting their a$$ off. Shailene Woodley is holding her own. All in all this is a good movie with a shocking story. But the structure is a mess. Jumping back and forth is an attempt to add intrigue by telling the story as a puzzle which slowly comes together one piece at a time. It also adds confusion and prevents any kind of proper pacing. Nevertheless this movie will stay with you for a long time due to its stunning source material. I have Rahim pegged for an Academy Award nomination at the very least.

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Almost Famous

Fell in love with Kate Hudson in this movie. Absolutely mesmerizing and enchanting.

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Blinded by the Light

Saw this on the same day like the other British minority driven ‘music’ movie and I gotta say this is vastly better. “Yesterday” is first and foremost a comedy while I’d put “Blinded by the light” in the drama category, so they are not easily comparable. However in terms of heart and substance this easily wins the day. As an avid Springsteen fan this movie spoke to me in many ways but I am sure you will enjoy this even if you have never listened to The Boss. I remember when I first heard his music. I must have been just a bit older than Javed. The lyrics spoke to me right from the start. 9/10

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The Hustle

I’m in Thailand right now, it’s rainy season and a monsoon is raging outside. Literally any comedy would have done the trick of entertaining me while I sit the storm out. That being said, I had to turn this off after 20 minutes. Rebel Wilson is absolutely intolerable. Everyone involved in this so called movie should be in jail. 1/10

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The Mule

I actually liked it. Yes, it’s a slow burn but Clint owns every scene he is in. Would have loved to see him pick up a gun one last time but that would not have fit the character. 7/10

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I had high hopes when I heard of the premise of this movie about two years ago. I was even more hopeful because James Gunn was involved. Unfortunately he is not directing and it shows. This is just another example of handing over a great project to an inexperienced director who obviously did not know what to do with it. David Yarovesky settles for the cheap shockers and gore moments but fails to give this any substance or reasons to care. While every director starts out as inexperienced the truly talented ones show promise in their first projects however limited the budgets are. Yarovesky had the golden ticket here with a premise that in itself is as intriguing as there has ever been in the comic book genre. All he had to do is tell the story and control the pace and couldn't pull it off. He only directed short films, tv episodes, music videos and video games before Brightburn. Shocking that this movie is an unstructured mess. Oh well, could have been great. It’s not. Next.

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Airport 1975

I had only seen Airport 77 (the underwater one) and 79 (Concorde) before watching this, but I have seen the parody ‘Airplane’ at least two dozen times. I knew it was a spoof to the Airport series but it really is much closer to this one. The nuns, the sick girl with the guitar, the movie star... they’re all here. The movie is okay. Interesting how times have changed not only in terms of flying but how people talk to each other. Especially the pilots with the flight attendants.

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Only two ways this could have gone down. They either hire an actor who has to learn how to dance or they hire a dancer who has to learn how to act. They chose to do the latter which was the wrong decision. Because if the dancing is not good, you say oh the main character is not a good dancer. Not ideal, but not disastrous. If the acting is not good you say wow this guy can’t act at all and it takes you right out of the movie, For what it’s worth Derek Hough can both act and dance but that would have made the love story really icky with Julianne being his sister and all.

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True Detective: 3x08 Now Am Found

Loved the characters, loved the interwoven timelines. The reveal of what happened was a huge let down. Not only in the sense of what events actually transpired but also HOW it was revealed to us. Junius/June/Watts dumped the whole truth on us in a 15 minute monologue. I’m sorry but maybe in a show called True Detective we might enjoy detectives actually doing detective work to get behind that truth. But the one eyed guy just playing Mr. Exposition seems rushed and lazy.

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The Passage

Gotta say I’m impressed with Mark Paul-Gosselaar. Not bad for the Saved By The Bell guy. The pilot falls a bit flat at the midpoint and I‘m not sure Fox is a great home for The Passage. Would have loved to see it on AMC or HBO, but hey I‘m glad they are making one of my favorite books into a tv show. As I said Gosselaar shows surprising depth in this role. And the little girl is off to a strong start too. I hope they can keep the show going at this level. Btw, music selection for the show is great!

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Green Book

Perfect Christmas movie. Viggo Mortensen is a strong candidate for the Academy Award.

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The Meg

This is the Michael Jordan of suck. Absolutely useless and without soul. How much money did the Chinese producers pump into this to have their actors in it? Pet peeve of mine, people speaking with super heavy accents yet flaunting perfect Oxford grammar. That doesn’t make any sense! Not that I expect a whole lot of sense in a movie like this, but at least make the people seem real.

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G.I. Jane

I have had this movie on my watchlist for years if not decades. Always pushed it aside because I thought it would be a sentimental or watered down version of what a woman goes through if she wants to be in combat service, I was very wrong. Damn, Demi Moore is great in this.

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The Golden Blade

Piper Laurie was stunning! They don’t make em like that anymore.

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The Longest Yard

I don‘t know how you can watch this movie and then decide „hey let‘s make a remake with Adam Sandler and make it a comedy“.

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A Few Good Men

This was the movie that started it all. After seeing this in the cinema I started paying attention to script, dialogue, acting and delivery. Before that I was just watching movies, now this is still my gold standard on how it‘s supposed to be done. That Aaron Sorkin script and the Nicholson delivery. sigh I miss Nicholson.

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Ocean's Eight

From best to worst: 1. Bullock, 2. Bonham Carter 3. Hathaway 4, Corden 5. Paulson 6. Kaling 7. Rihanna 8. Blanchett 9. Awkafina.

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Masterpiece. Yes, it’s a slow burn but if you pay attention there’s a lot of things happening even if it does not look that way. From direction to acting and soundtrack, this is as good as it gets.

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Den of Thieves

I’m not sure who had the bright idea to hand over 30 Million Dollars to Christian Gudegast and let him write the screenplay and direct this piece of s****, but this is another prime example of letting a rookie director do something that’s way beyond his capabilities. Too many good people in Hollywood never get a chance. And then there is Gudegast who wrote the screenplay to London has Fallen and apparently someone without a brain said, hey can you write something just as bad and also direct?

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Mamma Mia!

I love ABBA. I’m a hardcore fan who actually listened to these songs on the radio when they were new. That being said, this was the worst movie I have ever seen. And I don’t mean that as an exaggeration.

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There are no words to describe how bad this movie is. It‘s a cult classic for its wooden acting, corny dialogue, cheap special effects, ridiculous fight scenes and gathering of talentless actors. Oh I guess there are words after all.

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12 Strong

Another example of giving a big studio movie with a great cast to an inexperienced director who ultimately does not know what to do with it. Nicolai Fuglsig is not the kind of director who can make a movie like this work. True stories like 12 Strong deserve to be told right. It is disconcerting that the studio thinks they can sneak one by us with Hemsworth, Shannon and Pena and some big explosions and that would be enough. Fuglsig directed exactly 1 movie before this and I‘d be surprised if more than 12 people saw that one. How he landed this gig is beyond me.

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Ready Player One
Out of Sight

The perfect movie. This one has it all. Elmore Leonard does what he does, but with Soderbergh at the helm and Clooney and Lopez at their best this one is tough to beat. The dialogue is crisp, the humor is clever, the style suave and the chemistry between the “bandit and the cop” is magical. Easily one of my favorite movies of all time.

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Superman III

Unwatchable. This was obviously an attempt to just slip one by the public by going super cheap on the special effects and script. It’s Superman. People will go and watch it for that alone. But fact of the matter is this looks like they went from a couple of million dollar budgets for Superman I and II to “can you make it happen for 20 bucks?” That’s exactly what it looks like.

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Darkest Hour

What a great movie! If you are a fan of great acting and well written dialogue this is a must see. No it’s not a bang bang shoot em up kind of flick. But as a history aficionado i was very well entertained nonetheless. I’d put this in the top 5 movies of 2017. I especially liked the interaction between Oldman and Lily James (his secretary). Just beautiful and subtle. 9 out of 10 from me.

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The Cloverfield Paradox

Yeah, Guni Gugu is not a lead actress. Sorry. Maybe some day she can carry a movie but not today. This was not her fault though. The movie is not really good and she is just one of many issues. I‘d give this a 5 out of the 10.

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Only the Brave

Heartbreaking. Did not expect much. Was pleasantly surprised. Acting is good. Production value is good. Script and dialogue are good in some scenes outstanding. (Car fight between Marsh and Amanda) Movie deserves a lot more attention than it gets. Solid 7 out of 10.

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