The Handmaid's Tale: 4x10 The Wilderness

Everything was pretty good until the forest scene what the hell?? Prisoner exchange was a very clever idea, I'll give them that. I would like to see what Gilead would do with Fred? Poetic justice, he would suffer because of the laws he helped writing. But no, as a group of 30 women let's just chase him in the woods and beat him to death. Even cut his finger and send his ring to his wife?

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11.22.63: 1x05 The Truth

This is a sci-fi TV series about time travel. The first cute woman our main character sees becomes his romantic interest. She is married on paper to a troubled guy, who was molested/abused by his mother and his grandmother. She tells this to our main guy and he immediately lets the husband know that he knows his most embarrassing secrets. Husband proceeds to try to murder our guy and the wife.. This is a sci-fi TV series about time travel.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark

Are we supposed to ignore the fact that Indiana Jones was 25/26 when he had an affair with Marion when she was 15/16? And she had a falling out with her dad afterwards?

She even says that in movie during her introduction scene in Nepal "I was a child, I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it"
And Jones doesn't even admit that he was WRONG for doing that. "I never meant to hurt you" and "YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING" SERIOUSLY?! (After a little research, I actually found out there was a transcript between Lucas and Spielberg where they wanted her to be 12 and Jones 25. They changed her age to 15 later. Wow, so this was VERY intentional.)

Indiana Jones is a creep, nothing more than that. I don't care if this movie is the best adventure, treasure hunter movie or whatever. He is a pedo and nothing is gonna fix that.

You don't believe me? I recommend reading this:

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Aliens vs Predator: Requiem

Shout by hymntothesea
BlockedParent2018-09-17T15:12:17Z— updated 2018-11-04T02:12:16Z

Let's just pretend this movie does not exist.. well, you can't see shit when you try to watch it anyway -I had to increase the brightness of my laptop to see but even that didn't help me. Every character is so cringy and that boring teen drama filler was so unnecessary. Just skip this one and move on to Predators movie.

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This intense documentary influenced many people to choose vegan life style instead of a meat/dairy consumer one. If you are considering to watch it, please be aware that it has disturbing and very -and I mean VERY- hard to watch scenes. There will be times when you'll find yourself overwhelmed, even if you think you can handle violence and/or blood. Still, I would highly recommend Earthlings to everyone. Seeing the actual footages instead of hearing someone else describing the incident makes a huge difference.

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X-Men: First Class
47 Meters Down

Another movie that portrays sharks as sadistic serial killers, but hey at least this one has a decent story line and an actual plot twist that makes it fun to watch. Also Claire Holt is babe.

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