
yeah waaay too much xD but ain't mad, uk the thrill and the fun is always present in the fast n furious movies BUT THEY DEFINITELY NEED TO CHILL YO XDDD

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The Suicide Squad

ummm no .. just ..no ._.
ngl im here completely comparing it to the first part n this one is so shameful sorry not sorry
the beginning was a disaster ... i almost turned it off right that moment n i wish i did :)
the characters were ridiculous :| all clowns even the handful ones from part 1 got soft like the hell ???
comedy were over the top even if it was laughable but this ain't a stand up show cmn
what's up with the overdone gore ? too much blood from a small cut ? ppl getting smashed to pieces by a small bump ? sliced like a watermelon ?? too much no ? it's an action r8 ? not a bloody horror :")
meh overall judging it as a separated movie it was fine like a 6, but compared to the real suicide squad this one is a very cheap ugly sequel, it was only tnx to Harley Queen who cared the whole show
pliz don't maks any other parts anymore enough.

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if they r planning to make a second part, i suggest they do not xddd

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The Tomorrow War

i personally really enjoyed it despite i hate sci-fic movies ! the thrill got me jump out of my place, yes the future jumping had some plot hole ngl but its okay cuz its not abt it, the movie had more into it like very good drama, great fights and breathe taking thrill ... also i loved the twist at the end it showed how the plot was well connected.

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Spirit Untamed

im scared to watch it, spirit was one of my very happy childhood memories .. n im scared if this one will ruin its image in my head or disappoint me ...
if anyone watch it let me know if i should take the risk or not

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The Nun

the start of it was just a mess, trying so hard by adding too much it to it, and mostly depending on the jump scaring ...
if they only focused on the main spirit or curse and its background it would've been better i guess cause towards the end it got better when we start seeing only the nun. also i liked how it was related to the conjuring ! it made a lot of sense
buuut as a horror it sucked sorry

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A Quiet Place Part II

i usually dont like sequels cuz mostly they r created just to gain more money from the first hit ..
but dang this was so good ! i personally think it was even better from the first part
n ppl who assuming that the alien just drove the boat, U okay ? he didn't drive it, he got stuck on it which we saw it, then the boat drifted to the island cuz the boat wasn't tied :D so yes it makes pretty sense tbh

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Army of the Dead

it's kind of a much uglier version of suicide squad xd
dont get me wrong, the thrill was definitely there but the plot was full of holes n smtimes made 0 sense, n even there was some cringy irritating moments ugh, and the gore scene XDDDDD they were pathetic sorry, also the acting set was below average but they did their best ig.
so yeah it is watchable but not that enjoyable.

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Obvious Child

imagine making a joke about killing an unborn baby .. n using it as a material for ur horrible comedy stand ups .... ew
this movie wasn't only cruel n inappropriate, but also so lame; jokes were so cringy not one bit funny n the drama were so weak
i felt nothing watching it (except disgust) i did neither laugh nor tear up ..
big failure

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Camp X-Ray

the ending was everything for me, i was literally about to give it a 4 or 5 but then the ending was so good n made me cry a river ..
but still couldn't shake that thought inside my head that it's all bullshit uk, cuz things definitely don't go that way in Guantanamo bay unfortunately .. so sorry for does who were put there while they r innocent ...

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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

at felt like it was more of a thriller than a horror, yet it was good ngl i had very low expectations but yeah turned out to be fine
definitely not as good as the first one but enjoyable

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Love and Monsters

this was actually really fun to watch, even thrilling, got me get up of my bad n scream in some scenes, yes nothing special about it even has some plot holes but overall it's really enjoyable.
i loved the character development, how Dylan was finally able to overcome his fear by regret was really really touching n nice scene.
so give it a shot without the overthinking just watch to pass time n u will be satisfied much

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i love ruby rose so freaking much but idk why most (to not say all) of her movies sux :"(
n was the director of this movie high or smtg ???

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To the Ends of the Earth

i didn't like it, it represented the Uzbekistan culture n country in a bad way .. plus it was very boring

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The Night of the Undead

someone gave this 9 ???? why ._.

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The Broken Hearts Gallery

i heard a lot of good reviews about it n even the summary was very intresting, n i got tricked ..
very boring, cringey smtimes, FL veeeery annoying n the chemistry was 0 .. hell even side characters were getting on my nerves omg
the event were either cheesy or forced like they dint fit in but the movie tranna put them 2gtr :|
i gave it 4 cuz i liked the set up n outfits otherwise its such a waste of time

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Rough Night

not a great movie n that's a known fact, but somehow i enjoyed it a lil n i laughed at some parts, also i like how everything was solved at the end cuz it seemed like a dead end at some point, so yeah not a total waste of time to me

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A Stray Goat

whatever this movie had as a message, i don't get it tbh .. and i did not enjoy watching it cause it made me feel over frustrated and i hated it so much

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im just glad that i didn't read the comments here before watching, cause most of them are talking like it's the worst movie put there ._.
yes it's not perfect but it's definitely very enjoyable ! specially if u focus while u watching otherwise u will get lost in flashbacks and think its so complicated while its very very simple tbh
also ppl here r giving it 2 and 3 for the accent srsly ??? personally i only know 2 of the actors and the rest i couldn't tell if they r Russian or American
and i loved how they got little drama into it, little Romance and emotions, it was a nice touch
watch it to enjoy not to judge too deeply pliz

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A Nice Girl Like You

ummmm no .. it's so horrible tbh, i tried to overlook the bad comedy and the cringe and only focus on the romance side but that was also a disaster :(
the whole thing, plot i mean, and dialogue and jokes and the idea itself is just a NO ..

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this is not a spoiler, more like a motivation to keep u watching till the end .. ending had a nice plot twist tho liiittle bit predictable .. and also tho it's freaking boring has 0 thrill but ending was okay
4/10 just for the ending xd

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how to put it ... it's not bad, there's a plot n it's okay, but it was made in a very boring way (?!?!??)

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pathetic tbh plot is cute but damn so boring i had to skip most of it to avoid the empty talk n the criiinge oh god xD don't waste ur time

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i still got 15 minutes to finish and I'm barely pushing myself to do, what a disaster omg

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Are We in Love?

aaaah the story had great potential but idk exactly what was wrong ..

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Cry Me a Sad River

it was quite good, plot is veeery nice but lil over dramatic ig specially at the end adding another twist also the ending is lil meh cuz mostly it was realistic but the ending wasn't really
still it was very emotional n good to watch tbh tho i hate Chinese movie i enjoyed this one

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Spring, Again

only 6 as rating ?? not fair cause it's an amazing movie, look it's not fancy but still so beautifully done
the plot is special just needs time to get it

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Trade Your Love

nah i didn't like it at all despite the idea of the movie is good but it was made in a very bad way, lines very weak, acting not that good, a lot of cringy moments
it was also boring meh

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Season of Good Rain

frankly i didn't like the first part, idk if it's because I'm watching it after more than 10 years since it was put, but it was kinda awkward what they had between them and the flirting was cringy and the lines was meh idk ...
but second part, exactly after she dropped the unexpected bomb, it got more intresting .. more emotional even
the ending was beautiful just beautiful really, it had a good meaning and it was very realistic
overall No regrets for watching it and deserves to be patient with it ^^

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Time to Hunt

this was so good, so freaking good UGH .. real thriller.. literally i was screaming while watching it and having racing beats, action was good, and drama ooooof ooof .. i cried a river at the end
overall i liked it all, actors, vives, music, plot .. i think it definitely worth watching n better ratting ^^

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