Gone Girl

mind-blowing, despite i predicted a bit but i did not see that ending coming !! im speechless fr

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If Anything Happens I Love You

cry me a river .. such a deep well executed story .... AND I HATE HOW THIS APP MAKES YOU WRITE LONG REVIEWS UGH -,-

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i love Emma Roberts, i watched this for her but she wasn't much in the movie n still im not mad cuz i loved the movie sm .. it's not abt 1 person's life but so many, each has his drama ... the comedy was fair enough, romance also fine, story tell absolutely amazing .. n the ending was my favorite part of all, i cried btw ngl :'D

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till now, two days after watching it .. i couldn't process what i watched in this movie... and i think i will never do

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A Quiet Place Part II

i usually dont like sequels cuz mostly they r created just to gain more money from the first hit ..
but dang this was so good ! i personally think it was even better from the first part
n ppl who assuming that the alien just drove the boat, U okay ? he didn't drive it, he got stuck on it which we saw it, then the boat drifted to the island cuz the boat wasn't tied :D so yes it makes pretty sense tbh

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Fathers and Daughters

love can break us and fix us at the same time .. but man, a family love, and specifically a daughter's love for her father ... no love is close to it
I cried so much watching this, i cried and I was left in a gloomy mood all day long just thinking about it, I loved it sm

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Shark: The Beginning

I loved it, from the first 10 minutes it gets u attached to it .. mostly i loved the feelings and emotions it had, the journey even tho it was a bit rushed ..
fights were cool as well, but i expected more from the last fight mais bn sokay

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The Tomorrow War

i personally really enjoyed it despite i hate sci-fic movies ! the thrill got me jump out of my place, yes the future jumping had some plot hole ngl but its okay cuz its not abt it, the movie had more into it like very good drama, great fights and breathe taking thrill ... also i loved the twist at the end it showed how the plot was well connected.

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Time to Hunt

this was so good, so freaking good UGH .. real thriller.. literally i was screaming while watching it and having racing beats, action was good, and drama ooooof ooof .. i cried a river at the end
overall i liked it all, actors, vives, music, plot .. i think it definitely worth watching n better ratting ^^

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The Wedding Year

i Loved it ~ i enjoyed watching it very much specially looking to the actress she has great face expression plus very beautiful which make looking at her very entertaining, for the plot yes nothing new in the concept but i like the way they brought it so it's okay if we saw something Similar before what it matters that this movie didn't make it boring.
overall i gave it freaking 9 idk if im still under the excitement cuz i just finished it or that i really REALLY loved it however i enjoyed it sm ^^

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All the Bright Places

it was beautiful n so deep, i loved how at first of the movie they focused on the girl n the trauma she was living within, while actually we should have focus on finch cuz he was the screwed up one..
we should pay more attention to our frnds, family or any one surrounded by us, they might be smiling n all but deep down they need help
to all the bipolar folks STAY STRONG

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A Man and a Woman

artistic movie, very realistic yet so dramatic and emotional, it touched me so deep so i found myself grinning sometimes and other times crying ..
best part for me was the ending, i loved it n i highly recommend it for people who likes the genre slice of life, romance and drama ~

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Love Hard

i loved the message the movie was trying to give, n that catfishing ain't only about fake profiles n using sm1 else's picture ... it's also about pretending to be sm1 else ain't u ...
honest is so needed in the beginning of the relationships to last longer, not a super sparkly beginning that will fade away with time after discovering the true colors of the other person ..
sigh pliz dont mind me, i loved the movie so much for being related in some parts.
also nina rocks i love her xd HAVE A GOOD DAY

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Another Girl

Shout by ima Senpai
BlockedParent2021-10-04T13:10:16Z— updated 2021-10-10T00:39:37Z

before watching this one, watch "ask me anything"

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im just glad that i didn't read the comments here before watching, cause most of them are talking like it's the worst movie put there ._.
yes it's not perfect but it's definitely very enjoyable ! specially if u focus while u watching otherwise u will get lost in flashbacks and think its so complicated while its very very simple tbh
also ppl here r giving it 2 and 3 for the accent srsly ??? personally i only know 2 of the actors and the rest i couldn't tell if they r Russian or American
and i loved how they got little drama into it, little Romance and emotions, it was a nice touch
watch it to enjoy not to judge too deeply pliz

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Skin & Bone

not much needed to explain it was all clear in a short way, not in a 2 boring hours .. loved it

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Our Friend

this was so amazing, emotionally so strong and deep and it was well delivered thanks to the great cast. i loved the realistic part mostly they pictured every detail about the journey realistically how it supposed to happened (well after all it was based on a true story)
last part made me cry a river it was so sad but somehow .. peaceful ? idk honestly how to describe it but i just loved it and it touched me deeply.
also i'm glad the move was about Dane as it should ... we all need a Dane in our life

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Cha Cha Real Smooth

i loved it, a pretty realistic movie .. the characters were very fun as well but mostly i loved how it's really real

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Always Be My Maybe

this was actually pretty funny and fun to watch, loved the actors chemistry .. however i didn't like Keanu's part :v felt a bit cringe imo

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Knight and Day

the most thing that should be talked about within this movie is the chemistry between Cameron Diaz and Tom cruise like SO GOOD

it's also a very enjoyable movie, such a sweet romance and a satisfying comedy

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Love and Monsters

this was actually really fun to watch, even thrilling, got me get up of my bad n scream in some scenes, yes nothing special about it even has some plot holes but overall it's really enjoyable.
i loved the character development, how Dylan was finally able to overcome his fear by regret was really really touching n nice scene.
so give it a shot without the overthinking just watch to pass time n u will be satisfied much

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Spring, Again

only 6 as rating ?? not fair cause it's an amazing movie, look it's not fancy but still so beautifully done
the plot is special just needs time to get it

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The Tinder Swindler

imagine getting on a jet with a stranger that u just met on a dating app :) n they were hurt by the comments like ???? srsly ..
but still so so sooo unfair how they had to keep paying for the debt while he lived his life easy <\3

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it was just a bit slow but very captivating .. makes you 100% focused on trying to understand and figure out who did it. then there are the plot twists one after the other .. this was an absolutely amazing movie i recommend

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Man Up

reallyyy enjoyable ! this is definitely a different romcom

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All I See Is You

i think this should be under the genre "psychological" instead of "thriller" .. n i understand the disappointment of ppl cuz it's deceiving, to watch a movie thinking its a thriller but end up with a slow slice of life psychological movie, unless the thrilling side is the disturbing background music just to make u on edge most of the time --"

anyway personally i liked it quite a lot, plot very captivating i was 100% concentrating on what happens next.

SPOILERS : idk who to blame more tho, she cheated on a guy who has been taking care, but he was so messed up n unstoppable !!! so idk

ending was very confusing hope it was much simpler

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Jersey Girl

if i watched this back in the years it was released probably i wouldn't have loved it as much as i do now, the competition were so high back on the 20's .. the peak year for movies with such genre ..
but im watching this on 2024 .. and we don't have good movies todays unfortunately ..movies with a plot close to reality, with a free sense of humor and great characters.
emotionally it was lacking except for that moment with his pops it hut hard i cried :') so overall it was a fun ride

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Set It Up

pretty fun even if u could see what's next, but doesn't stop u from enjoying every moment of it
we actually can't fund such movies new days (2023)

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i kinda disliked the ending tbh respite i likes the idea of the movie n enjoyed watching most of it.


why it's always this happy ending in movies where evil must go down ... ? well reality ain't like that so ??? idk i just wanted an ending where they all just die, we get to understand why n what the purpose of this island, a new family comes in n THE END :D just like this

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Cry Me a Sad River

it was quite good, plot is veeery nice but lil over dramatic ig specially at the end adding another twist also the ending is lil meh cuz mostly it was realistic but the ending wasn't really
still it was very emotional n good to watch tbh tho i hate Chinese movie i enjoyed this one

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