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Omicron Persei 8

Rabbit Hole

Shout by Brett

A great post-SCL (Strategic Communication Laboratories, the folks behind Cambridge Analytica [presidency], sistered by AggregateIQ [brexit]) psycho-tech-thriller that almost operates at the levels of Mr. Robot in terms of drama / weirdness. Very well done. Can’t wait to see how the season ends. Superb all around.

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A Man Called Otto

Gran Torino but a little more modern.

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Overall a fun show. Makes absolutely no sense but a great action-comedy for something to pop on while doing other stuff.

The theme song is the best part.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Was it worth 4 hours of my time? FUCKING RIGHT IT WAS!

This movie was a fantastic view into what filmmaking used to be. The use of 35mm Arri cameras, alongside Kodak films really complimented the new era of the DC universe. While comedic relief is not on the same level as a marvel movie is. This look into the "Justice League" through Zach Snyder makes it the must-see movie of the year.

The soundtrack and audio mix were quite nicely done, although I guess we have to wait for the BluRay before we know exactly how far this train rolls. The soaring strings and traditional movie drums brought wonderful balance to the fighting scenes. Graphical effects maintained the film grain for the most part, but a bit of a slip up in one scene.

Overall, 9.1/10.

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Your Honor: 1x01 Part One

What a cold-open to the show! The acting is on point, it's well color-graded and cinematography is on point. Sound mix wasn't bad either.

The scene surrounding the accident was not well-done, there really needed to be some debris. I'll be continuing this series in the coming weeks.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Directed by Bryan Singer, Rami's performance of Freddie Mercury is not to be overlooked. Grab yourself a good set of speakers, turn up your music and piss off your roommates. Immerse yourself in the life story of Queen and Freddie Mercury. Rami diversifies his traditional role as an actor (best known as being Elliot in Mr. Robot), and pushes himself to his outer limits: making the film stand out in sexuality, music and theme.

In sets of two, the film artfully thrusts the viewer into the love, the joy that Freddie immersed himself in every day he lived. This documentary, marked up by the most inspiring moments in Mercury's career is highly polished.

There is little structure or time periods labeled clearly for the viewer, making it a guessing game as to how many years it has skipped. Nonetheless, this film is inspiring and is a great tribute to Freddie and his Career.

TL;DR: Rami does good performance, get out the old tube amp and watch it for yourself.

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Family Guy

Great show. Has changed over the years, along with progressions in characters. One of the better animated series. Last two episodes have been horrendous though. (S16E12 & S16E13).

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Wow, what a great show Watched season 3/4 for a while, then gave up because there were so many plot shifts. Show really went to hell when everyone started dating eachother. . I wouldn't even bother to watch this again. Find a better show, obviously it doesn't live up to my standards of tv. (watch something like Mr. Robot instead).

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