
This movie doesn't have enough murdercyclists, just a whole lot of boring military stuff. Murdercycle, more like Militarysnoozefest am I right?

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The Revenge of Robert

Robert the doll is in this movie for a cumulative five minutes and you have to wait like 43 minutes just to get a look at him, to boot. This movie is mostly the backstory of the toymaker, and it is very, very, very dull

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The Demon's Rook

Without a doubt, the zombies and monster makeup was great! It reminded me of something out of The Dead Next Door or Video Dead...but good lord was this movie slow and boring as hell. There were too many unremarkable characters, who only existed to be killed off. I think this could have been a good short film, but it's a chore to sit through 103 minutes of it.

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The Doll Master

I was really interested in this movie at first, but unfortunately it takes a hard nosedive about 30 minutes in and becomes a real bore in the meantime. If it had stayed on the Magic route, it could have been really good :T

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A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

Really lovely cinematography, just very slow with little dialogue - and while that creates a nice sad, haunting atmosphere, I didn't find it terribly exciting

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All Nighter

This movie was so good! I thought it was solidly entertaining all the way through, touching and funny, I don't understand the mediocre rating to be honest. I feel like a lot of comedies use stock character archetypes but Martin was relatable, and everyone had believable motivations. Idk, I liked it!

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Don't Look

"Don't Look" more like "Don't Watch" amirite?

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Absolutely Anything

Confused about what it wanted to be, I think - seemed like a plot for a PG film but then had hard swearing and dick jokes? Some good bits and a solid cast, but it wasn't especially funny overall

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Hell & Back

Just really, really, really really really unfunny.

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Regardless of what the poster art would try to make you believe, this is a heinously contrived anthology film and not an Annabelle knockoff. I guess I don't know what I would have preferred here. Some of the segments move too quickly and are nonsensical or hard to follow while others are rather well done and feel out of place in such an otherwise bad anthology flick. The weird babysitter wraparound story is really bad and just an excuse to put a doll on the cover. Credit where it's due though, the makeup and gore effects throughout are all very well done.

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Very well thought out and executed - great acting for such young people! Didn't rely on jump scares to be creepy!

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Day of the Dead: Bloodline

It was bad. It was boring. It was just an excuse to cash in on the Day of the Dead title.

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Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead

This movie is sooo stupid, but not gonna lie, it was kind of funny and amusing all the way through.

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You know what, I always hated this movie but it's not actually that bad. Whoopi Goldberg is a delight, it's just the romance that's a little heavy-handed

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I only got a little bit of secondhand embarrassment, not too shabby!

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The Forest

Pretty decent except for its reliance on jump scares...that ending was crap, feels like nothing got resolved.

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Beauty and the Beast

It's alright, and yet I can't stop watching it? I'm living for Gaston and LeFou.

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The Good Neighbor

Amazing movie! Interesting the whole way through and desperately tragic. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth here.

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The Den

Nothing about this movie was coherent, just poorly-executed and boring and bad.

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