The Secret Life of Pets
Jason Bourne
The Martian
The Captive

I had some mixed feeling after watching this movie. The first and second part were nice to watch, a bit slow but interesting. But the final part, the end, really disappoint me. It felt really rushed and I missed a few thing that were important for me. For instant, the motivation of the 'bad guy' but also the way it conclude, or exactly didn't conclude at all. Which isn't a necessary thing for me, but this time I just don't felt it. It wasn't a smashing end to a promising start.

The way the movie is filmed was a bit slow but looked good. The acting was oke, i didn't felt the intense emotions for the character of Ryan Reynolds. I'm not sure if this is because of his acting or how the character was written. Overall the first hour and a half are enjoyable but the ending is weaker than the rest of the film what really tempered my enthusiasm.

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Everest made me feel like I made the climb myself. The whole movie was really intense and compelling. After a few minutes in you already start caring about the characters because they are so credible and played flawless by all the actors. At a certain point the film also get really emotional which really hit me, quit unexpected because the story isn't really new or surprising. Nevertheless my eyes were glued to the screen, mainly due to the gorgeous directing and editing finished off by the outstanding actors.

You would here me say that its a perfect film but I don't have any real problems with it. Everything felt right, the camera work, the setting, the characters, the emotions and the story. They say its a true story, but to be honest I don't really care. Because the film was so well crafted I felt the emotions and not because it 'really happened'.

Who every reads this, please go see Everest in theaters. My theaters was almost empty unfortunately. I promise you, you won't get bored at all!

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Narcos: Season 1
The Visit
Furious 7

It was kinda what you would expect from it but than 10 times more over the top. It isn't my cup of tea but still I can appreciate it although I had a hard time with the camera work in the action scenes. They use the 'Michael Bay shot' all the time ( turning the camera 360 degrees around the actor with a lot of stuff in the background ). This needs you to make it all feel really epic, which it does. But is use way to much. The same goes for the shaky cam in action scenes and the cutting to close ups. Fans of those kind of movies will probably adore it, I had a fun time watching it onces but wouldn't watch it again.

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I think Disney did a decent job with Project T aka Tomorrowland. It's kinda a modern Cinderella story with a inventors touch to it. Which was very clever at times, how they did come up with new instruments or tools. The story begins with a back story of the 2 main characters. This happens in a interesting way, it grabs you attention and holds it. This adventure keeps on going until the last part, which was the least good part in mine opinion. All by all it's a pretty good movie with a interesting story and some environmental undertone. The visual effects are great and some goes for the acting.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

One of the best compliments you can give to a movie is that it takes you and wouldn't let you go before the end credits. That's what Max Mad did to me. The whole movie is so intense that my eyes were glued to the screen. The cinematography is gorgeous and make a world come to life. The main characters feel real and you can rely to them. I like it when a main characters isn't the 'invulnerable' hero, so you feel more tenses in the scenes because 'it could go wrong for him'. All this is directed in a perfect way. All of the action is filmed with a steady cam, thank god! No shaky cam but steady and wide shots which make the action scenes a real experience. I have no real faults with this film, I loved it from begin to the end. So I would recommend it for everyone who wants an awesome 2 hours.

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Furious 7

It was kinda what you would expect from it but than 10 times more over the top. It isn't my cup of tea but still I can appreciate it although I had a hard time with the camera work in the action scenes. They use the 'Michael Bay shot' all the time ( turning the camera 360 degrees around the actor with a lot of stuff in the background ). This needs you to make it all feel really epic, which it does. But is use way to much. The same goes for the shaky cam in action scenes and the cutting to close ups. Fans of those kind of movies will probably adore it, I had a fun time watching it onces but wouldn't watch it ever again.

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Child 44

This movie is just FREAKING AWESOME on so many levels! The music, acting, vibe, originality, characters, directing, building up suspends, score and the angels in which this masterpiece is filmed. For example, to give you the 'vibe and intensity' of the music that they are playing by switching from instrument A to instrument B at the same angle, like you're watching it for your own seat. They don't cut to the next instrument but they sweep the frame instead of cutting to it. Those small things suck you right into it and made me love this movie. I already watched it 5 times and couldn't get enough of it. The greatest part of the movie is the ending, this has more suspends building than all of the 'world is going to be destroyed within 1 minute if hero name doesn't save us' films I have seen. I would recommend this movie to everyone!

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Marvel's Daredevil

Great show so far, just finished 1x08. The characters have good en reliable back stories, so most of the things they do make sense. In my opinion that's important to 'believe' a story. Besides the good acting and the original no linear story telling, the show is filmed beautifully. They use nice angles and lighting combined with several long tracing shots during action scenes. For example in a fighting scene, sometimes the 'fighters' aren't even in the frame but fighting in a room while the hallway is filmed as they come in and out of frame. You have to figure out what's happing by listing instead of watching. This is done in a great way and let you rely even more with the main character ( who's blind ). The script is good with a lot of dept certainly with the main characters, the filming and directing is outstanding in my opinion. I would recommend watching it, even if you don't like the classic 'super hero' movies or series. It's more a crime/thriller series than a 'super hero' series so far. I will keep watching!

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