
It's not bad, but boy how this movie would benefit from an extra 20 or 30 minutes of runtime. It feels like it fails to develop a lot of key moments that would elevate it from a decent movie to a Pixar movie

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Black Mirror: 6x04 Mazey Day

It started so strong - paparazzi culture, someone from within that broke free, celebrities shunning responsibility for their acts ... there was a lot of meat in that bone and the episode could have gone to incredible places. But the actual direction it went to feels really out of place, unsatisfying and unwarranted. It feels counter to what people usually expect when watching Black Mirror. It's not bad per se (even though I personally don't like it), but it just feels misplaced

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Parks and Recreation: 2x06 Kaboom

"Don't say situation" "Don't look back" :grin:

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Parks and Recreation: 2x03 Beauty Pageant

"Coming through, buddy" :police_officer:♀:grin:

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American Graffiti

It works structurally, but the characters and situations are just not interesting

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Compared with episodes 7 and 8, this is passable. Of course, at this point, you probably already learned to overlook the poor writing, but everything considered, this is fine

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

It's like that person you've seen before, but they are wearing other clothes and you're not sure if they are the same or not

To be honest, there were some redeeming qualities - the opening scene, hell, the whole first 20 minutes, were really good. The new generation of actors mostly does an incredible job, except Adam Driver. But gosh, the writing is fan-fic level, and the original cast was not even trying to act. Sad path to take the franchise and the IP.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

It's like your younger cousin - it tries to be cool, but you can see it's only copying everything you do but in a lame way

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended)

Given how good this movie and the original trilogy is, I'm shocked how they managed to fumble The Hobbit so bad

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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended)

The movie is available for free and legally on CTAV's Youtube page. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJbRXGsFq4A

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The Handmaid's Tale

Just finished S5 and had to reduce my rating from 8 to 7 - I'm afraid that additional seasons will just continue to reduce my overall perception of the show. Sometimes less is more, and this show (as well as Westworld) is a case in point for that

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Avatar: The Way of Water

Not all the CGI and IMAX bonanza in the world can save a lackluster and uninspiring plot

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Community: 5x02 Introduction to Teaching

What was the song before the outro??

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Mar de Dentro

I was unimpressed with the first half of the movie - the acting and the pacing never felt right, so it took me a very long time to "click" with the plot and the characters. That being said, the second half (aka post birth) drew me in intensely. I still think the movie has more flaws than I'd expect, but the second half carries the movie and makes it, at least, worth a watch

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

I don't wanna like this movie, but I do

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Adventure Time: 6x19 Is That You?

This is Tenet, Inception and Memento crushed together and shredded

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Bob's Burgers: 12x14 Video Killed the Gene-io Star

I mean, isn't it more likely he just has a different amount of business stuff in his briefcase? Because this is the least scientific test that anyone's ever done in history. No offense.

Bob is hilarious

Maybe blow it, don't blowhole it? Oops, sorry. My retainer gathers saliva.

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I was surprised at how light/easy it was to watch, given the seriousness of the topic at hand. Score is superb, the whole cast acted incredibly well, and it felt really personal. Refreshing after watching some Peaky Blinders, some of the accent (which I love) is still there but very little of the violence and psychosis presented by the characters in the series vs this movie. Highly recommended!

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The French Dispatch

I expected to be surprised by Wes Anderson but I feel that at this point in his career, the director just settled on his beaten routine and does not innovate as he did back in the Rushmore days.

It feels like I'm watching the same Wes Anderson movie over and over again, but every time it's less effective and entertaining. Honestly, how can you screw up a movie with a cast like that? So, so many big names, and yet, he did. Uninteresting and uninspired, which hurts me to say given I'm a big fan of his other works

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Adventure Time: 5x49 Bad Timing

That was so distracting o.o

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Adventure Time: 5x48 Betty

I can't believe all of that happened in just 11 minutes

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Adventure Time: 5x45 Blade of Grass

Wow, cool sword dude (in Jake's voice)

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Adventure Time: 5x43 Root Beer Guy

A good follow-up on BMO Noire!

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Adventure Time: 5x33 Time Sandwich

This is practically a space opera

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Adventure Time: 2x17 Death in Bloom

This is probably my favorite episode ... I've watched it more than any other. The moment when they arrive at the Land of the Dead is so epic!!

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Arrested Development: 4x02 Borderline Personalities

Two episodes in and Maeby hasn't shown up, and Tobias Lindsay and George Michael have a combined 5 lines together. I have a feeling that if I stop now, it'll hurt less than if I keep trying to finish the series ....

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Adventure Time: 5x04 Up a Tree

This is so epic! Woohoo

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Arrested Development: 3x01 The Cabin Show

How can you not love when Steve Holt! calls GOB "Son"?

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Arrested Development: 2x18 The Righteous Brothers

Favorite lines: "Dad's gonna be crushed" and "I fought for you, Tobias // Lindsay, I'm going to Vegas with Kitty!"

Also was that Andy Samberg at the Blue Man Group's performance in Vegas?

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