Mrs. Winterbourne

A Cinderella story that's like a cross between Ever After, Princess Diaries, and Pretty Woman. It's a cheesy 90's romcom and it's perfect within its genre. Despite having an ancient trope, it was so hilarious, all the characters uniquely charming, with just enough variety to make it feel fresh and I LOVED it. Also it took me way too long to realize Ricki Lake plays the protagonist which is so bizarre but strangely fitting.

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This show is corny and unoriginal. Unfortunately for me, my attraction to Damien Lewis needs oulets.

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My Lady Jane

It's essentially an adult fairytale, but did not feel magical. I'm not sure how many more cliches they could pack into one show. One of the most impressively unoriginal things I have ever seen. If this didn't have a lot of sex and language, I would have thought this was written for middle schoolers. If you're in need of a good drinking game, just drink every time someone yells, "Ethian!!!" in great surprise even though just about every other character is one. Also, nothing against Edward Bluemel, he's a decent actor, but I'm so tired of shows trying to convince me that he is the embodiment of sex appeal. He is not.

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The Boys in the Boat

It was somehow even more boring than I expected lol. You already know the outcome of a movie like this, but you expect there to be a little bit more drama in the process or maybe get to know the characters stories and motivations so you can really cheer them on as they fight for victory, but no. Add in some really cheesy dialogue and and the most generic protagonist possible and you have the recipe for a true snoozer.

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Tom Jones

It was well made, but Tom Jones is so dislikable between being kinda dumb and screwing anyone who looks at him. In the end I was disappointed Tom and Sophia end up together because he's just a skeezy dude, what a tradgedy she's wasted on him. Aren't there other bachelors for an heiress who aren't either of these two awful guys?

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Mr Bates vs The Post Office

This was an inspiring story of people banding together against being totally screwed over by a larger institution. It's an important story as well. People need to know that companies, including a government owned ones, will almost always care more about their own reputation and finances, compared to your entire life and wellbeing. It was moving to see the tragedy of how much suffering they endured and their courage to fight back. I hope all the victims get what they deserve as well as the villains.

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Bomb Girls

I wanted to like this series. I've tried watching it twice because it's just the sort woman centered historical drama I usually adore. This series however is not made by the BBC and it was so wholesome as to be beyond boring and the dialogue feels like a really poorly written soap opera. It lacked the quintessential charm needed for this sort of story telling. Sorry Canada, you just can't execute this genre like the Brits.

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The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Matthew Rhys is amazing as always, but tragically Dickens is as characteristically dreary as ever.

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The Very Thought of You

It's a shame that the Martha character is so lame, which makes it even more obvious that all this fuss is just because she is hot. At the same time it's just the sort of silly mediocre rom com that I can appreciate and the '98 Joseph Fiennes charm is undeniable.

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Above the Shadows

I watched this after Reacher and I cannot warn you enough to stay away. Ritchson’s character is incredibly dumb and asks the most obtuse questions. To be fair, a lot of MMA fighters I’ve personally known do seem a bit addled due to all the head injuries. Overall, the dialogue feels forced and serves little purpose to progress the plot. The main characters Holly and Shayne (also what is that spelling?) have zero chemistry and Olivia Thirlby’s acting is awful. I think my favorite part is the way Tito Ortiz plays himself, especially with his apartment being plastered with pictures of himself.

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London Irish

This show is just not quite funny enough to really get into. Peter Campion's cuteness is really all that go me through the second half of the series.

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The Governess

Unless full frontal nudity of Tom Wilkinson and large age gap relationships are your cup of tea, I don't recommend lol. Suitable only for rainy, boring afternoons when the alternative activity is taking a nap, but I would still recommend the nap.

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A Discovery of Witches: Season 1

This is truly fantasy because everyone has a PhD and is hot, the vampires and witches and whatnot were arguably more believable. The fact that this came out 10 years after Twilight makes it just feel like a slightly grown up version, but the characters are similarly vapid and one dimensional except for Matthew which really makes you wonder why he likes her so much.

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Reign: Season 1

Can I just say how poetic it is that Megan Follows directs the play "Mary Queen of Scots" in Anne of Avonlea and then 26 years later gets to star in a production of it?? I want to know whose idea this was lol.

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Mr. Sloane

If you're trying to watch this, I watched it on CloudLibrary an app you can sometimes get access to through your local library. It's good British humor and worth the effort.

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Sound of Freedom

It's an objectively well made and well acted movie that I really enjoyed. The plot is well structured, fast paced, and dialog well written.

It has the moral imperative to end sex trafficking but it's not through heavy handed guilt tripping, but through telling a true story about a man who made personal sacrifices to do the right thing and courageously go into danger to be a genuine hero. I think anyone who has any sense of altruism will leave this movie inspired to take action against this truly heinous evil that is real and happening now. Go see this movie.

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Love Type D

This movie was super quirky and cute, I recommend!

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Farm to Fork to Love

I had to turn this off literally 1:52 minutes in because the dialogue was so painfully contrived i wanted to punch the 3 total characters in the face. There is no way it is getting better.

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